Sunday, July 1, 2012

Composite Saturn sextile Neptune

There is a kind of austere idealism represented here, one in which you are determined to strive or, but aren't going to kid yourselves about either. What you can do, you will and you are likely to be willing to sacrifice and go without in order to achieve what you think is right, both for yourselves and others. Some would say this might make a sexual relationship unlikely here, but that is not necessarily the case. Rather, it would be one in which sex is simplified, intensified, and channeled to raise your consciousness together and transcend your individual selves for the purpose of being subsumed into a greater whole. There is a kind of no-nonsense feeling about achieving what you think ought to be, a pairing down of the fantasy side and an insistence that you stick to results, even if there is less to be had. The same attitude will carry over into the professional world, where you are likely to have little tolerance for windy fantasies and empty dreams. If you're sure it can be done, you'll go ahead and make sure that it is. If not, leave it to the storybooks and get on with dreams, however small, which you know you can turn into reality. It's a bit of a stark aspect, but it can be a breath of fresh air in a world of hype and empty promises.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

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