Monday, July 2, 2012

Sun in the 2nd House:

You take pride in what you own, and have a strong drive for security. You have staying power, and you hate to let others down once you've made a promise. Avoid over-identifying with what you have. Concentrate on proving your worth through your strong value system and your incredible ability to stick with things and with people. Take pride in the solid and secure foundations that you build, as well as the lasting relationships you aim to maintain, while being careful to avoid possessiveness.
Alternate Interpretation: With the Sun's energy in the Second House, your personality drive will mainly be directed into the creation of personal wealth, with an emphasis on financial security. A strong desire for material possessions is a dominant motivating factor in your life. You are very sensible with money and, unless very careless, should always be comfortably off. -- From the Character Profile.

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