Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Neptune Transiting Through the Houses of the Natal Chart

Look up the dates from the Table and read the interpretations below for what to expect as Neptune goes through the various houses of you natal chart. You will see that Neptune zig zags from one house to the next and back to the previous one. That is because of the retrograde motion

Dates MM/DD/YYYY (From) Dates MM/DD/YYYY (To) The House Neptune Transits in the Natal Chart
Birth Mar '89 10th House
Mar '89 May '89 11th House
May '89 Jan '90 10th House
Jan '90 Mar '02 11th House
Mar '02 July '02 12th House
July '02 Jan '03 11th House
Jan '03 3/14/2017 12th House (today)
3/14/2017 10/2/2017 1st House
10/2/2017 1/11/2018 12th House
1/11/2018 5/17/2032 1st House
5/17/2032 9/26/2032 2nd House
9/26/2032 3/18/2033 1st House
3/18/2033 6/15/2046 2nd House
6/15/2046 11/2/2046 3rd House
11/2/2046 4/17/2046 2nd House
4/17/2046 8/11/2058 3rd House
8/11/2058 10/28/2058 4th House
10/28/2058 6/4/2059 3rd House
6/4/2059 2/1/2060 4th House
2/1/2060 3/19/2060 3rd House
3/19/2060 8/18/2070 4th House
8/18/2070 12/16/2070 5th House
12/16/2070 6/18/2071 4th House
6/18/2071 8/18/2083 5th House

A Neptune House Transit
What are you dreams?

In Astrology when you experience a Neptune house transit you need to be aware and take care you are not being too idealistic. With Neptune it can be hard to tell the difference between dreaming and reality. Have a back up plan and some kind of structure behind your dreams will make you prepared and more likely turn your dreams into a reality.
Neptune Transits to the Houses:
First House
With Neptune transiting your first house you will need to become aware of who you are and what you want. You may feel self conscious and lack direction. You will find you easy to pick up the moods of those around you as your mind, body and soul are more attuned to a higher energy. You may gain more insight by meditating and discovering a spiritual side to your life.
Second House
With a Neptune house transit through your second house what you value could change now. Your material resources like money and property need to be carefully guarded. Do not take unnecessary risks and be careful of get rich quick schemes. Although you may learn that material possessions are not that important take care not to be swindled.
Third House
With Neptune transiting your third house care should be taken with the way you communicate with others. You also may start to take an interest in spiritual matters and begin studying areas such as reincarnation. Your imagination will be very active perhaps you may try your hand at writing poetry. With this Neptune house transit you may find your psychic abilities are heightened.
Fourth House
As Neptune transits through your fourth house your domestic and private life is likely to undergo changes. You may also experience some confusion to your past or connections with your family or home life. Ty and visualize how you want your home to look like and strive to make changes that suit your needs. With this Neptune house transit you will want your home to feel beautiful so you can relax and unwind in your own space.
Fifth House
With a Neptune house transit through your fifth house your creativity and romantic needs are at an all time high. You want to feel a spiritual connection rather than just a physical encounter. You may also find yourself falling in love with someone that is unavailable. Try not to be too idealistic and feel you have to take care of someone that needs to be “saved”. Your artistic imagination is strong and full of new ideas. If you have children you may have some difficulty understanding them or connecting with them during this transit.
Sixth House
With Neptune transiting the sixth house you need to pay particular attention to your health. Try and ensure you are eating a healthy diet but do not become so obsessive that you abstain from food or just eat one type of food etc. You will enjoy this Neptune house transit more if you can find work that is creative as well as serves others needs. Doing something we enjoy is ultimately something we can all strive to obtain as the saying goes “do what you love and the money will follow”.
Seventh House
With Neptune transiting your seventh house close relationships can be filled with miscommunication. Conflicts or resentments need to be brought out into the open so any problems can be nipped in the bud. You also need to take care you are not idealizing your relationships or putting your partner on a pedestal. You may also find yourself taking care of someone during this period. With this Neptune house transit care should also be taken when forming business relationships. However, established good relationships should continue but be aware of how you communicate to avoid any misunderstandings.
Eighth House
With Neptune transiting your eighth house you want to discover those hidden areas of your life that have been buried. Your may want to develop your psychic powers and delve into your subconscious mind. Care should be taken with money especially joint finances. Relationships may deepen and have spiritual meaning but may prove a little confusing.
Ninth House
With Neptune transiting your ninth house you may find yourself searching for your spiritual truth. This Neptune house transit wants you to explore new ideas, mystical and spiritual. You may also have some confusion around travel or learning. You will need time to sort out what is an illusion and what is real in your life.
Tenth House
With Neptune transiting the tenth house you may feel unsure about where you are heading in your life. What do you do as a career? Does it have a purpose that fulfills you? If this is not the case you may struggle with this Neptune house transit. You may want to do social work or some kind of work that involves helping others. You may develop an interest in occult, psychic or spiritual areas and may consider these as a career option.
Eleventh House
With Neptune transiting the eleventh house your may need to develop some boundaries with your friends and social groups. If you are interested in psychic and spiritual matters you may find yourself involved with groups and friends also interested in these areas. As your hopes, dreams and wishes will be stronger now you will need to be sure you are also dealing with reality to achieve your objectives.
Twelfth House
With Neptune transiting the twelfth house this is a great time for reflection. You will value your spiritual life far more than your material life. You may want to withdraw at times from the rapid pace of everyday life. If you have had a demanding career you may want to lighten up your responsibilities during this transit. The meaning of life will be more important than ever. Psychic abilities are also aroused if you have any interest in this you will find you get progress now by contacting deeper dimensions of your existence.This Neptune House transit is one of the most positive transits for Neptune as it feels at home in the twelfth house.

Neptune Transits to the Houses 

Neptune Transits the First House  

This influence sensitizes your mind, body, and soul to a higher energy. It can act to soften your disposition as you become more attuned to the subtleties in your environment and in everyday activities. You absorb the mood of those around you quite easily now, and your disposition is somewhat changeable as a result. This transit can add a mysterious aura to the way you project yourself to others. You tend to be less practical than you are idealistic, dreamy, and sensitive. Some of you may find the mundane concerns of life too boring, too drab to grab your attention! Some may feel less confident, as their direction in life is uncertain; others may attune themselves to a stronger spiritual purpose.

Neptune Transits the Second House

Neptune's influence in the second house has the effect of changing your value system. You may be careless with your money during this long-term cycle. Some financial insecurity may be part of the picture. Watching out for scams or risky speculative investments is necessary.

Neptune Transits the Third House

During this cycle, you learn to rely on your intuition. You may have some problems arising from your inattention to details, practical matters, and facts and figures. Others may find you less reliable in terms of making appointments on time or remembering them at all! Some challenges putting your thoughts into words likely leads to a stronger appreciation for such things as musical lyrics, poetry, and other art forms that experiment with modes of expression. You are likely to discover more imaginative means of expressing yourself. Neptune stimulates your imagination and intuition. Your words are more poetic and perhaps even inspirational.

Neptune Transits the Fourth House

This cycle may bring some confusion about your connections to your past, family, or home life. You are more idealistic than usual when it comes to relationships with close loved ones, particularly family, which can cause a few problems if you�re not careful. A noncommittal attitude in your personal life could leave people in your life feeling frustrated with you as you attempt to find yourself. Alternatively, there could be some distancing involved with family members, or family members need special care requiring you to make some sacrifices. During this cycle, you may find that you require more sleep than usual and that you are easily drained.

Neptune Transits the Fifth House

Your romantic life is more colorful and rich during this cycle. You are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception--seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being "in love with love" is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs "saving". Use some caution in this respect. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Some confusing elements may enter your life in terms of your children. This is a very imaginative transit for your creativity.

Neptune Transits the Sixth House  

You are more susceptible to medications, chemicals, and other such things during this long-term cycle, so keep this in mind. Stress more easily affects your health as well. Some confusion on the job may be part of the picture, or your job may steer towards compassionate service, charity, or other helping professions. Neptune's presence here can make it more challenging to stick to routines or schedules.

Neptune Transits the Seventh House  

Ambiguities surrounding close partnerships are felt during this cycle. The area of close one-to-one partnerships may be on somewhat shaky ground. Uncertainty about a partnership, or a feeling that partnership is elusive, may be part of the picture. Some of you will be dealing with frustrating behavior on the part of a spouse or close partner. You may be judging him or her as behaving quite foolishly or irresponsibly. Some may be meeting potential partners who seem to be "the one", but who end up being elusive or disappointing. The tendency to attract people who you deem needy of being "saved" could be problematic. Others will be connecting on a new level of spirituality in their relationships, recognizing that one can't control a partner, and that a partner shouldn't have to follow a particular script.

Neptune Transits the Eighth House

You may encounter some challenges regarding shared finances or property during this cycle. On the other hand, a loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but also a little confusing. The boundaries that are normally drawn between what is yours and what is mine may be blurred somewhat during this Neptune transit. A partner could have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances. Do be wary of anything that even slightly resembles fraud. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration now.

Neptune Transits the Ninth House  

Your overall perspective on life is expanding, and you are more willing to embrace unusual, mystical, or spiritual philosophies. You are slightly more impressionable than usual. Your personality and manner is appealingly mysterious and soft--others sense your increased compassion. Seeking friends or lovers who are soul companions is possible during this phase. A stronger interest in the arts, especially those that draw upon the emotions, is indicated. Some confusion regarding travel, legal affairs, or higher education is also possible now.

Neptune Transits the Tenth House  

Neptune clouding your vision of where it is you are headed in life can cause some inner restlessness and confusion. If you are a person who thrives on a master plan--something that is elusive during this period of your life--you could find this a distressing period until you adapt to this influence. Unusual circumstances, coincidences, or some level of secrecy and mystery surround your career or reputation. Others may not be seeing you for who you are, but rather what they'd like you to be. Try not to encourage this behavior, as tempting as it might be to do so.

Neptune Transits the Eleventh House

Neptune's movement through your eleventh house adds some color and imagination to your social life. During this cycle, you may face the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands of others. Even if you are not normally one to give in to peer pressure, Neptune's influence here may be somewhat confusing. Your loyalty to certain groups or friends may be misplaced, for example. You experience a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who shares your own ideals. This can lead you to attach yourself to unusual, more spiritual, or downright wacky friends...well, colorful ones at the very least. Friends, or friendship itself, may be elusive during this cycle. Confusion as to who or what you belong to characterizes this period.

Neptune Transits the Twelfth House

This is one of the most favorable house transits for Neptune, as Neptune feels right at home in the twelfth house. This is a pleasant placement for this mysterious and elusive planet. You likely find joy in a certain amount of solitude, and dreams are especially rich and involved. You may be paying more attention to signs, symbols, and omens in your life. You are building your faith in all that is "unseen".

Neptune Transit from Bob Marks
Neptune is the planet of dreams and delusions, ideals and imagination. When it transits, it spreads tinsel and gossamer over everything it touches. Don Quixote must have had several of these when he went mad. Neptune rules alcohol, and how many of us have gotten drunk and jumped in the sack with someone whom we normally would not have given a second glance? Neptune can make anything look better. Or worse for that matter. In both cases, it is only “image”. But without the ideals of Neptune, what would there be to strive for? And what would any of us be without a dream?
Neptune Transits Through Your First House: Well, at least it’s good for your imagination. Of course, you may have to sew name tags to all your clothing to remind yourself who you are. No, it’s not that bad. Just be careful not to let your imagination run away with you. You may also find yourself wanting to take care of people with problems. A Neptune transit may make you want to help people. but it doesn’t give you the ability to do the job. Send them to a professional. If you really feel the need to do something yourself, join a volunteer group.
Neptune Transits Through Your Second House: Watch your money. The big problem is not other people. It’s you. When Neptune hits you, you don’t want to deal with reality in that area of your life. At this time, there will be a tendency to let finances drift or get involved in nebulous schemes to increase wealth.  Here is something that other books won’t tell you. Neptune can have the same effect when making a stress aspect to the cusp (beginning) of the 2nd House. This means that confusion can hit your finances when Neptune is 90 degrees away in another corner of the chart, or when it is entering your 8th House (180 degrees away). The thing to do is to make certain that your money is somewhere safe and secure way before this transit starts. Schedule some time, on a regular basis, to check your finances. And make sure to stick to that schedule. This is important because, when Neptune hits, you won’t want to.

Neptune Transits Through Your Third House: This is a great transit if you happen to be a poet or a fiction writer. It’s not as good if you have to communicate precise facts. There is an increased chance of confusion in relations with siblings and neighbors. All communications will be affected. Be careful with business negotiations. As always with Neptune transits, you won’t want to be careful. Wherever Neptune transits is the place where we would rather daydream than look at reality straight on.

We have to make extra effort to see things as they are. Under this transit, your imagination will tend to be stronger when you are walking around your neighborhood.

Neptune Transits Through Your Fourth House: Not the best transit if you want to buy a house or do any real estate deals. Neptune tends to cause confusion wherever it goes. Under Neptune transits, we are more likely to see what we want to see instead of what is really there. It also leads us to make excuses.  “Wow, that house is really beautiful. I just have to buy it. Oh sure, it has a few minor things wrong, like termites and rotten plumbing, but I think I can clear these up without too much trouble.” Not.   There can also be confusion in relations with parents. You are going to have to make an extra effort in this area. As always, this depends on your situation. For instance, a teen-ager with this transit may have more than the normal amount of conflict.  Under this transit, your imagination will get stronger when you are at home. But make certain to make important decisions when you are out of the house.

Neptune Transits Through Your Fifth House: This is a great transit to have if you work in a really creative field. Your imagination will have room to expand.  But this is a difficult transit if you are dating. Under Neptune transits, we see what we want to see. We can mistake a low-life for the love our life. Even worse, we can get attracted to someone because we feel sorry for them, what I call the “Oh you poor little thing, let me fall in love with you and make you all better” syndrome. This transit can, for as long as it lasts, make us act as if we were born with Neptune in the 5th HouseThere can also be increased confusion concerning children at this time, and that includes your grown children (no matter how old they get, they are still your “babies”). Take extra care when talking to them. Misunderstandings are more likely during this transit.
Neptune Transits Through Your Sixth House: The areas affected here are work (your day-to-day work, not your career), co-workers, the service you provide to others, and the services they provide to you. Also affected will be the conditions relating to health.  Well, who doesn’t daydream about a better job? You will just be doing this more when Neptune goes through your 6th House. Be careful not to do too much daydreaming though, for obvious reasons. There will also tend to be extra confusion in relations with co-workers and subordinates. You are more vulnerable now to those who would take advantage of you on the job. No, this transit doesn’t cause these people to suddenly appear. There are always some people around who are negatively inclined. It’s just that during this transit, your guard is less likely to be up. That’s where the trouble comes in.  In regard to health, you are more likely to get vague ailments that are difficult to diagnose. Neptune transiting your 6th House can also make you interested in strange, unproved healing methods. That weird diet where you just eat Yak excrement for a week may start sounding good to you. Splash some cold water on your face and wake up.  
Neptune Transits Through Your Seventh House: No, it’s Not a good idea to marry someone in order to “help” them. Send them to a therapist. Then go to one yourself. And that poor person who needs help in business --- no, don’t take them in as a partner. Prospective partners, both business and marriage, tend to look better than they really are when Neptune passes through your 7th House. Take off those rose colored glasses. Force yourself.
Neptune Transits Through Your Eighth House: Watch out for confusion in the areas of credit and partnership resources. It’s easier now to max out on credit cards because you won’t be paying attention. If you have a partner (marriage or business, makes no difference) neither of you will be taking responsibility. The other possibility is that the partner will be taking money without your knowledge. On the plus side, your sexual fantasies can get a big boost. Just be careful not to spend too much on porno videos.
Neptune Transits Through Your Ninth House: This is the house of “higher mind”, higher education, publications, religion, the “philosophy you live by, and long journeys. As far as the higher education, you can do well during this transit if you study something creative, like art or music, or something abstract, like math or mathematical physics. If you are studying a specific skill, like mechanics or accounting, you may have a problem with the details. Even here though, you may be able to come up with answers without knowing how you got them. Nothing mystical here. Your brain is still doing the same work it did before. The only difference is you aren’t aware of it.  In the area of religion and “philosophy”, there will be a tendency to get attracted to weird ideas that you will believe on “faith”.  
Neptune Transits Through Your Tenth House: The tenth house is your career and the goals of your life, and Neptune transiting here favors any career that requires vision and imagination. When Neptune transited your 9th House, you had a chance to study for careers requiring imagination, everything from music to math to physics. When Neptune reaches the 10th House, you can practice them. It also favors any occupation requiring compassion. It’s a good time to work in the areas of medicine, social work, or psychotherapy. This was one of the transits hitting me when I became a full time astrologer.  In careers requiring less imagination and more practical skills, there may be a period of disorientation, doubt, and lots of daydreaming. See if you can do something to give that career a little more pizzazz or do some volunteer charity work on the side. Use your imagination.  
Neptune Transits Through Your Eleventh House: This is the house of friends, hopes, and wishes. You will tend to attract dreamy, imaginative, and “spacey” people to you now. Watch out not to attract parasites who drain you. This is not a good period for doing business with friends because you will trust them too much. As far as your hopes and wishes, try not to make them so high that they can never be reached.
Neptune Transits Through Your Twelfth House: Neptune is at home here because this house corresponds to the 12th sign, Pisces, which Neptune rules. During this transit, you may actually be able to get rid of many of the illusions you have had over the years. But don’t worry. When Neptune leaves here, it goes into your first house and you will get a whole new bunch of illusions. One key to all Neptune transits is to get the benefits of imagination and vision without letting yourself get lost in that dreamy fog. The other is to let yourself be compassionate without becoming a sucker.  

Neptune transiting through each natal house
Transits to each house are nearly the same themes, but the approach and general energy we have towards those, is colored by each specific transiting planet. With Neptune, the way we live through a specific transit is colored by confusion, idealism or devotion to those same house themes. Changes will happen, we we will find ourselves suffering, confused, idealizing and devoted to personal issues, our family, our relationships and our career.

Neptune transiting 1st house marks the awakening of our personal levels, our soul, a new idealism, and a new softness in the way we relate to the outer world. We might feel terribly confused about our path in life, or we might feel inspired to pursuit a new path in life. We are very open to the energies surrounding us, between the self and the outside world. There might be a more pronounced interest in humanitarian and spiritual matters.

Neptune transiting 2nd house; we still feel confused or idealizing our path in life, and this affects more and more how we live professionally, it affects also our resources and money themes. We might live with little care about money, only to find that which truly appeals us, is how we own living (the way we live, the things we have, the things we do). These are still very much changes at a personal level. Anyone with this transit? I will have this in a few years.

Neptune transiting 3rd, we might feel confused, idealizing or devoted in our daily life, in our day to day existence, a little bit in the same line of the previous two transits. I think all these transits, make us feel closer to nature, spirituality and creativity. In 3rd house, our mind can be saturated with Neptune themes, of devotion, confusion, dreaming, imagination, music, arts, creativity, the things around us and our social living. Communication can be deceptive, confusing or inspiring.

Neptune transiting 4th and we feel lonely, in our own, looking for what it's going on inside, it is a perfect time for spiritual matters, but not so great for social engagement. We feel drawn to meditation and the inner world, we feel emotional. We look for our ideal roots. There is greater emotional sensitivity, as memories and the unconscious is stimulated. There might be Neptunian issues with our family (caring, suffering, devotion, linkage), and you might feel evasive from your career life, parents or boss.

Neptune transiting the 5th might make our romantic affairs idealizing or confused. Gambling and romance might be an illusion. There might be romance for the wrong reasons, it might be unrealistic, illusory, for drama, or deceptive. We know we want to pursuit the expression of our soul and have fun and pleasure, and express it. This transit can be good for creativity. There might some Neptunian issues with children.

Neptune transiting the 6th. I still don't know much about the 6th house transit.

Neptune transiting the 7th brings us devotion, loneliness, or confusion in close relationships. I still don't know much about the 8th house transit. Neptune transiting 9th brings us a very devoted philosophical interests in new visions about life, be it practically, or spirituality. There can be a great engagement with travel and exploration of other cultures and spiritual systems.

Neptune transiting 10th and 11th, makes us devoted (but probably not thinking too much) about our career, devoting ourselves to it, or perhaps with some confusion over it. Career can be a great source of confusion or devotion. In 11th house, we might feel more oriented to devote ourselves to social living, and social causes. And the 12th transit brings a new drawnness to the universal and inner world, to shyness, away from social activity, to the world of emotions and dreams, until a new awakening.

NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 1ST HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
Your personal behavior tends to be influenced by other-worldly, intuitive, and psychic perceptions during this period. At times you may be prone to periods of loneliness, physical laziness, self- deception, hypersensitivity, wool-gathering, psychosomatic illness, or unrealistic ideas about marriage. You are apt to develop a favorable interest in artistic, musical, psychological, therapeutic, or mystical fields. You tend to more easily express sympathy, compassion, and understanding of others. You may make personal sacrifices and devote time to serve a higher purpose, spiritual calling, or ideal.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 2ND HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
This is a period marked by lack of practical discipline in financial affairs. You tend to have unrealistic attitudes towards material possessions and handling money. At times you may be susceptible to scam artists and get-rich-quick schemes. You tend to rely largely upon your intuition in money matters and may profit in business related to art, music, medicine, therapy, drugs and alcohol, corrective institutions, and novel or imaginative products and services.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 3RD HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
Your thinking tends to be inspired by intuitive ideas during this period. Psychic impressions may confuse your practical thought processes. At times communication can be evasive, secretive, and obscure. Caution is needed in signing contracts and written agreements. You may develop an intellectual interest in psychology, mysticism, art, healing, or poetry.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 4TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
This tends to be a time of greater emotional sensitivity as unconscious memories are stimulated. You tend to retreat from worldly affairs and seclude yourself in your home. You may develop strong psychic ties with the family. At times you may be responsible for the care of a disabled or psychologically confused family member. At times relationships with your parents, your boss, or your subordinates tends to be confused, evasive, or deceptive. At times there can be problems with water, oil, or gas leakage in the home.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 5TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
This tends to be a period of heightened intuitive and creative inspiration when you may peacefully enjoy music, art, entertainment, personal hobbies and recreation. At times you are prone to unrealistic romantic fantasies and may suffer loneliness, deception, disappointment in love, or unexpected pregnancy. Avoid over-indulgence in alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, and other forms of dissipation. You tend to make sacrifices for children and may be concerned with the psychological problems and development of children.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 6TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
During this period you tend to have intuitive insights into work related concerns. It's a favorable time for work related to art, music, glamour, psychology, health, unions, and institutions. At times you may be prone to unemployment, daydreaming or the job, or evasive tactics that interfere with your work efficiency. At times work objectives can be confusing and conditions can be oppressive and affect your health. Illness can be difficult to diagnose and you can develop unusual sensitivity to drugs, medication and anesthesia.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 7TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
You may have intuitive insight into the psychology of others during this period. The sharing of aesthetic and spiritual values may serve as a basis for empathy and friendship. Marriage and partnerships are prone to unusual psychological conditions. You can be prone to reticence, shyness, submissiveness, gullibility, and deception in social and business interactions. Your tendency is to withdraw from others and quietly observe.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 8TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
During this period you tend to develop insight into the secret motivations and vulnerabilities of others. You may probe deeply into psychological or sexual matters. You may be interested in mysteries, scientific problems, occult subjects, and issues of personal safety and security. At times there can be peculiar circumstances and deception around joint finances, corporate money, taxes, pensions, insurance, alimony, or insurance. Intuition can guide you to discover hidden truths regarding intimate concerns.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 9TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
You may take greater interest in mystical forms of religion and philosophy. You may study mythology and spiritual teachings of foreign cultures, and make religious pilgrimages. At times you may be attracted to bizarre cults and practices. You can be prone to deception but you also may have genuine spiritual inspirations and prophetic insight. You may study psychology, art, or healing therapies.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 10TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
During this period you tend to rely upon your intuitive insight in professional and political affairs. You may be prone to daydreaming and impractical attitudes towards professional responsibilities. You may be involved in intrigues, charisma, fame, and notoriety due to mysterious circumstances. It's a favorable time for professional activities related to psychology, art, music, film, hospitals, institutions, and creative imagination. You may be subject to public disclosure of your private affairs and to potential scandal.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 11TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
You may wish to develop your intuitive insight through friendships with therapists and artistically-talented individuals during this period. You may seek to be inspired through social activities in groups or organizations. You may wish to make a sacrifice to further your humanitarian ideals. At times you may be confused about your goals and objectives and can be deceived by or through friends.
NEPTUNE TRANSITING YOUR 12TH HOUSE (approx. 14 years duration)
During this period you may desire privacy and seclusion for the purpose of introspection, meditation, and tapping the subconscious mind. You may wish to stimulate healing energies or hidden artistic talent. You may be concerned with psychology and be more sympathetic towards those in need. You may be involved in hospitals, prisons, or ashrams. At times you may desire escape from responsibility through fantasy, daydreaming, or drug or alcohol abuse.

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