Tuesday, July 3, 2012

You are a Taurus

Ferdinand the Bull, in the famous children's story, is a loveable creature and a perfect Taurean. He amuses himself by smelling the flowers, listening to the birdsong, and enjoying the summer breezes. He's easily contented, at home in his pasture. Then one day he sits on a flower, and on the flower is a bee...You can work out the rest. The story of many Taurean lives runs along these lines. There's lots of contentment, and you can appreciate the beauty in life more than any other sign. But there's always that damned bee.
A few words encapsulate your fundamental nature: peaceful, serene, pleasure-loving, calm, thorough, stable, sensible. The famous Taurean patience isn't built on discipline; it's the patience of nature, of the Earth itself. There's no doubt that you like your security in tangible, unchanging forms - like gold bullion, or valuable antique furniture, or a really superb Ferrari.
Wealth of a non-corporeal kind (like dreams, self- understanding, and other invisible commodities) is not really wealth to a Taurus. Security is what you can trust, and what you can trust is what's physically real and doesn't change.
Taureans are realists. You aren't ambitious in the usual sense of the word, and you're happy to remain the unseen power behind the throne -provided it gives you pleasure and earns good money. You know that you can't eat laurels, and fame can't fix a leaky roof. The problem with all this reality is that you may miss what's not visible to the earthy eye.
You value simplicity, consistency and basic facts, but much of life -including the mysterious depths of love - is neither simple nor consistent. Taureans are often frightened by what they can't see or hold in the palms of their strong, capable hands. You're an undeniably sensuous creature, not only in the sexual realm, but in anything that pleases the senses.
Taureans often have real creative talent at painting, design or music, and you've got the patience and common sense to make the best of your gifts. Life in an artist's garret may not appeal, but then, you don't mythologise yourself and are pretty shrewd about assessing just how big or little your talent is and how you can best achieve satisfaction without sacrificing comfort. You're wise enough to know that there are no free lunches, and that it's enough to do what you do well. Aspirations to save the world or write the great novel of the century aren't your style.
You aren't interested in anything cheap, and that includes your choice of mate. Quality counts. Although you have a sentimental, gentle, romantic streak, you'll still want to check a prospective partner's references. Sometimes you're so entranced by physical beauty or material success that you miss what lies underneath. Sad to say, many Taureans are hopelessly ensnared by appearances. Yet what you value you cherish, and you'll hang on with both tough fists.
Taureans stand by their loved ones. You may not always understand their motives, but you'll remain loyal regardless. All that steadiness can sometimes lead to complacency. That's where the bee comes in. It seems to be a necessary part of Taurus' life pattern. Without the occasional sting, you can remain charming but childlike. Life can seem terribly simple to you, stark black and white with no shades of grey in between.
The bee (which usually takes the form of a disappointment in love, or a big financial crisis) awakens your capacity for tolerance and wisdom. It's a lovely combination, once achieved. Then you can fathom the deepest realities of life and can also empathise and remain open to the realms of the imagination and the heart. And that's the greatest form of wealth there is.

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