Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Report from

Personal Horoscope for "FT"

The planets are organized according to their importance for the life and the character, from the most dominant to the least significant one. Each celestial object (and its effects) is influenced in three ways:
  1. By the sign in which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in Sagittarius), which tells us more about the sort of energy connected with the given archetype (principle) of the planet.
  2. By another planet (or a point) with which it creates an angle (in Astrology this is called an aspect, e.g. Mars in conjunction with Jupiter). The aspect show us the ratio between the strength of the principles of the two planets involved. They can be harmonic (in conjunction), disharmonic (in opposition) or neutral (other minor aspects). According to this knowledge you can find out which part of the characteristics of the planet in a House or a Sign will be valid in a particular situation (the more destructive or negative part, or the positive one).
  3. By the Housein which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in the 3rd House). This information helps you to determine in which area the celestial object (as well as the corresponding principle) will mostly realize.
The aspects which are hard to manage are framed in grey color. Their manifestations are spontaneous and impossible to control. On the other hand, the aspects in which it is easier for us to assert our own will and therefore control them are frameless.

Dominant characteristics

Rising sign of zodiac (ascendant) in Pisces reveals a sensitive, ungraspable, sacrificing, merciful and changing behavior. There is an aspiration to develop an image of empathic and humble individual. There are propensities to escape reality. They perceive the world as a polluted river in which it is difficult to orient. They even don’t believe they belong to this river. They feel suitable in activities related to self-sacrificing, fantasy and collective unconsciousness. There is a sense of mystery. At the first sight, the person may give an impression of a fragile, calm and hardly readable person.
Stressed 8. house makes one ardent, investigating, penetrating, and strongly suggestive. In individual may appear tendencies for manipulation, parasitism, and uncompromised attitudes. Experiences related to intensive relations and sharing energy among people (sex, business, occultism…) or acute life stages (questions of life and death).
Dominant Uranus is a synonym of independent, peculiar, and unconventional behavior. There is a strong need of freedom, surprises and changes. S/he subordinates to others with difficulty. They might have a progressive spirit and often live in a way contradicting public opinion. On the other hand, they may be unpredictable and extreme.
Retrograde Mars gives us notice that the energy is directed rather inward. Aggressiveness may be suppressed, which causes frustration or unexpected aggression explosion. It is an influence against natural instincts and drives. Striking and invasive cravings are dimmed.
Mercury as Epimetheus (rising and sinking before the Sun) symbolizes distant, careful, and selective thinking bounded by tradition, past and patterns. One’s mind has a tendency to synthesis and looking for the meaning of things.
Venus as morning-star (rising and sinking before the Sun) is typical for open and direct making relationships. It is an emotional attitude of a maturing one (unrestrained, spontaneous, and impulsive) aimed at future and one’s real inner needs regardless the others’ opinion.
Birth during the first sickle strengthens ability to fight for, self-assurance, progressiveness, and dynamics. There is an intense desire to remain a vestige in the world after one’s life or make an impression to others. Sometimes, struggling against the past and everything old may occur.


Uranus in Sagittarius
The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted. 

Uranus sextile Mars 
Top level performance, courageous overcoming of general limits. Fight for own independence and progress. Quick actions, much energy, wilderness, hyperactivity. Able to risk it at the right time. Independent, skilful and self-reliant acting, following his/her own intuition. Often technical talent. 

Uranus square Ascendant 
Unconventional, unpredictable behaviour. Strong desire to surprise, shock or overstated need for independence. Permanent changes in life, therefore often nervousness and irresponsibility, strong individualism. Finds it hard to comply with rules, problems in cooperative action. Extremism.

Uranus conjunct Medium Coeli 
Assertion of original methods in employment. Tendency to attract by unusual action or attitude. Rebelliousness and eccentricity can support destabilisation of peaceful life. Sudden or quick success or fall. Progressive or strange utopian goals. Reputation of very unorthodox strange person. 

Uranus in Houses tells us in which area we can assert our originality, unconventionality and tolerance and when to be prepared for sudden changes and surprises.

Uranus in the 9th house

Independence in the opinions, liberalism, unorthodox philosophy, untraditional and progressive ideals, individual and uncommon ideas of the meaning of the life. Reformative thoughts about the education, upbringing, religion and philosophy. The journeys abroad may bring sudden and interesting twists but there is also danger of accidents or unpredictable difficulties. A foreign adventure. There may come an unexpected and quick change in the perception of one's own life philosophy (e.g. an atheist turns into a believer...), where a serious life crisis may serve as an inspiration. Openness towards the modern and utopistic ideas. Often superstitiousness. The effort to attract the attention with one's unusual opinions on life at all costs. A spiritual revolt against the traditional attitudes, sometimes anarchy.


Venus in Pisces
Kindness, unselfishness, openness. Great ability to self-sacrifice. The imagination may play a negative role, because this person tends to get carried away and therefore risk the loss of his good judgement. Love resembles trance: romance, mystical passion. This person is extremely tender, gentle and sensitive. He often falls victim for the blind emotions. Unconscious masochism – dependence on people who cause this person pain and suffering. 

Venus square Neptune 
Infatuation, erotic excesses, sexual vassalage, naivety. Unreal expectations in relationships, therefore breakups and disappointments. Some can live in one and only relationship only with difficulties. Lies or is lied to in relationships. Sometimes masochism. 

Venus sextile Mercury 
Intellectual fun, enjoys information gathering, appreciate beauty and grace, sense of humour, interests in arts (literature) , often talented. Friendly and cheerful. Prefers intellectual harmony to blind passion in partnerships.

Venus in Houses tells us about the area (a person) on which we focus our feelings, where it is the easiest for us to make acquaintances and how our sense of aesthetics and harmony will manifest.

Venus in the 1st house

Winning the recognition by means of social status, the desire for material property (often sensuality and extravagance), love for luxury and pleasures. Personality charm, attractiveness, sociability, kindness and mental stability. A cheerful, kind and peaceful temperament, yet certain inclinations to laziness, complacency and narcissm may be observed. Often attractive appearance which makes this person favoured by the opposite sex. He is aware of his own qualities and values his friendships. A strong need to be liked and loved (may turn into dependency on feelings and attention of the others). Inclinations to fashion or art. Acquisitive in relationships. Sometimes an affected, sophisticated character with the tendency to be picky.


Moon in Cancer
This person has difficulties in facing the situations which exceed his experience. Their sensitivity is stimulated by the imagination which may result in the oversensitivity. Empathy, high perceptivity, shyness, fragility, gloominess, moodiness, the sense of family. A strong need to self-actualise by means of the partner or the child. Enhancement of all the female and maternal values. The tendency to escape into the world of dreams and the fantasy. 

Moon opposite Neptune 
Exaggerated sensitivity, often oversensitivity. Idealisation of inappropriate things, strange sense of reality, intoxicating. Danger of escapism (e.g. drugs, alcohol, sects, dreams…) Unclearness and confusions in emotional life due to unsettled family background. Fragility. 

Moon square Mars 
Aspect of aggression or susceptibility to aggression. Thinks others are constantly criticizing and getting at him/her. Mood swings; from emotional bursts of anger to rejection of conflicts. One is impulsive, impatient, irritable, tough guy. Hurried lifestyle. Quarrels within family, mainly with mother.

Moon trine Jupiter 
Person with magnanimousness, optimism and good mood attracts happiness. Abundance of feelings, good heart, kindness, therefore often appreciated and favoured. Needs to expand his/her knowledge (e.g. travels, studies, leads religious life...). Phantasy or popularity can bring profit. 

Moon trine Ascendant 
Perceptive, sensitive, tender behaviour with strong instincts and rich fantasies. Likes to oblige people, therefore popular, wins people´s favour. Takes care and plays mother. Good adaptability and flexibility. Often fine, feminine expression.

The Moon in Houses tells us in which area we will experience our female aspect in action (e.g. taking care about someone) and where to expect some kind of dependence, instability and fluctuation.

Moon in the 4th house

Strong identification with home, homeland, family and inclination to the traditions. Strong need for safety, intimacy and good interpersonal relationships. Rich inner life, great fantasy and inclinations to the solitary behaviour. An ability to feel the atmosphere, extreme sensitivity, subjective emotions, psychical instability. Strong bonds with the unconsciousness, the past and one's roots. Deep contemplativeness. Frequent changes of the residence are the manifestation of one's restlessness. Sometimes tendency to roam. Quick adaptability to the new environments. Popularity within the family. Sometimes emotional immaturity and somewhat redneck behaviour. Often emotional dependency on those who provide this person with shelter and the feeling of safety (the mother).


Neptune in Sagittarius
The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted. 

Neptune square Venus 
See Venus square Neptune 

Neptune opposite Moon 
See Moon opposite Neptune 

Neptune square Mars 
Following illusionary goals. Wasting energy which he/she does not have an abundance of. Inflammable phantasy, endless sexual phantasy, neuroses, manic disorders, passivity. Beclouding or keeping his/her activity secret. Escapism to artificial paradise. Aggression is vented indirectly, but trickily. In danger of betrayal or fraud. 

Neptune sextile Pluto 
One is able to lead others unnoticed. Able to be inspired by his/her crises and derive energy from it later. Compulsively follows own dreams and ideals. Generational influence rather than personal. 

Neptune in Houses show us the areas in which we should watch out for illusions, chaos and lies (because we tend to idealize things) and when we will have to self-sacrifice or let our own ego dissolve.

Neptune in the 10th house

Often illusions about rather unclear ideas concerning one's profession. The tendency to inspire (for the less spiritual individuals, lie to) the public. These people usually have some kind of a spiritual or artistic job (because of the strong need for inspiration at work), or a job in which they can apply their need for self-sacrifice (e.g. social work), or the fantasy (e.g. fashion, advertising...). The desire to work secretely and in anonymity. The life course is influenced by an ideal to which this person is completely devoted. Some individuals may experience difficulties in choosing their profession or with establishing themselves a clear position at work. A tendency to tread rather weird and gloomy paths, sometimes escape from the responsibility. Danger of a scandal or martyrdom. Reputation of a strange and sensitive person.


Sun in Taurus
This person is characterised by patience, tenacity, pragmatism and stability. He usually keeps himself grounded and loves confidence and peacefulness. His sense of ownership is well developed, but he sometimes forgets a person is not a property. This sometimes results in bossiness, excessive jealousy or frugality. In fact, he is very lazy, but his materialistic instinct pushes him into great performance in seeking the profit. A hedonistic, sensual, kind and devoted nature. His weaknesses may be clumsiness and inadaptability. Conservative inclinations, possible dogmatism. 

Sun opposite Jupiter 
Wastes opportunities and Money. Arrogance, selfishness, acting in superior manner, puts on airs, exaggerating, revelling, carefree. He/she may not know when to stop. Pride or superciliousness. Tendency towards prejudices, dubious morality, hypocrisy. Conflicts with higher authorities and courts. 

The Sun in Houses tells us where we take our energy from and how we spend it, in which area we can self-actualize, win the recognition and help the others.

Sun in the 2nd house

Self-actualisation connected with sensual pleasures and material property. Desire for assurance, prestige, success and welfare. Tendency to stockpile the material things, interest in the finance, collecting as a hobby; productivity. An efficient person, yet often acquisitive or wasteful, who may excel in the financial area (e.g. by becoming wealthy). The property may come from the father, or if the person is a woman – from her husband. This person is very contributing which enables him to play an important social role. He likes to overwhelm the others with his money. The more spiritual people can reach the inner wealth, peace and the concentration. For some people, this constellation brings the inner uncertainty which they try to balance by trying to raise the excessive amounts of money. Sometimes inclinations to materialism or acquisitive behaviour.


Mars in Libra
A need to fight for a cause and maybe even exploit the potential of agressivity. This person wins recognition by means of his personal charm and pleasant behaviour. Intensive social activity and sociability. The effort to avoid conflicts, adaptability. Often excessive opennes which may hurt the others. The strong desire for justice sometimes makes these peple feel chosen to establish the balance. The injustice and unfairness makes these people furious. Self-indulgence. 

Mars sextile Uranus 
See Uranus sextile Mars 

Mars square Neptune 
See Neptune square Mars 

Mars in Houses tells us where we focus our activity and to some extent also our aggression showing us in which area we can expect conflicts and disagreements.

Mars in the 7th house

Rivality and resoluteness in the relationships, disagreements with the significant other resulting from the fact that the agression is released mostly through this person's behaviour. The need for an active and passionate relationship is the reason why these people are attracted to the dynamic, resolute and temperemental partners (e.g. sportsmen, soldiers, businessmen). There is a possibility of violence in the marriage which generally resembles a battlefield rather than a calm port. These people try to be initiative in the social life, to tell the others what to do and they also enjoy competitions and comparing their strength with the others. By his overly active behaviour and the untactful manner of speaking this person may create many enemies.


Mercury in Taurus
This people are always dealing with particular problems which they encounter in their practical life. Peaceful, realistic, reasonable, thorough but often cumbersome thinking and speech. Slow but deep absorption of information: factographic memory. A healthy human ratio, sober and sure judgement of the information. The opinions seldom change which brings dogmatism and obstinacy. Sometimes refusing everything that cannot be immediately proved or is not substantial. 

Mercury in Houses tells in which areas we will exploit our intelligence, communication skills or flexibility, what we will be interested in – and what will mentally inspire us.

Mercury in the 3rd house

An active spirit who enjoys all the activities connected with learning, communication and traveling. Talkativeness, great communication skills, information sharing. This person makes effort to learn from his close surroundings which he also likes to change. Argumentative and persuading skills. Interest in literature, science, business, traveling and exploring the new things. Tendency to meet with cultivated and intelligent people. Youthful thinking, skillfulness and adaptability. The contacts with the relatives and neighbours are of great importance to this person's mental development and knowlesge. Sense of humour. Sometimes superficial and distracted thinking. This person likes puns and enjoys the discussion itself rather than its point. He is more concerned about his rhetorical superiority than the truth.


Jupiter in Scorpio
A sense of deep changes and development of the psychic powers. An invisible but absolute authority: winning the recognition through controlling the others. A devoted, tough, ambitious and inventive nature with clear mind and powerful passions. Sometimes strong emotional bonds to one's ideals and opinions. Sometimes thoughtlessness, greed, bossiness and pathologic lust for power and money. 

Jupiter trine Moon 
See Moon trine Jupiter 

Jupiter opposite Sun 
See Sun opposite Jupiter 

Jupiter trine Ascendant 
Benevolent, optimistic, open and confident behaviour with natural authority and dignity. Opportunities help self-assertion. Strives personal development, therefore one is interested in discovering new things and education. Great vitality helps staying healthy. 

Jupiter in Houses tells us in which areas we will be able to develop, grow and expand and which area will enable us to fulfill our lives' purpose.

Jupiter in the 8th house

Many of these people are interested in gathering the sexual experience, others are involved in occultism or psychology or become enagaged in areas, which require the depth, the energy and money of the other people (e.g. business, politics). This person desires to cherish the fruit of any kind of partnership and to invest and develop the common property. The possibility of rather large heritage or dowry. Great managing skills, participation (leadership) in collective rituals. A sharp, inventive, smart and ready character. Positive attitude to sex and death matters and their philosophical acceptance. Usually great regereration skills which may be beneficial for reconvalescence and other crises. Tendency to use or even abuse one's mental powers and the property of the others.


Pluto in Libra
The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted. 

Pluto sextile Neptune 
See Neptune sextile Pluto 

Pluto conjunct Saturn 
Obsessive adherence to old or older, or, on the contrary, obsession with something traditional, tried and true values. Able to penetrate and intensely reflect. Serious life crises, uneasiness, nervousness, fatalism, bitterness, coldness. Courage to start again from the beginning. Ambition. 

Pluto in Houses tells us when we can expect major twists and radical changes (often resembling purgatory) and how to learn to use our regeneration skills and mental powers.

Pluto in the 8th house

Interest in the rebirth and the occultism, seeking mysteries, research, espionage. These people are focused on the material aspects of life and dive into the sexual, business and financial adventures. An obsession with sex, gambling, death or business. Fascination by everything taboo or forbidden. Extraordinary mental power, resistance in the critical situations, power over the others, usually occult powers. The ability to look deep into the hidden corners of the soul. These people can help the others to decide in the critical situations, but sometimes they control and abuse them. Sometimes the ability to mantain tight love connections is suppressed as well as the ability to transform. Influencing the partner's lifestyle, dogmatism. Serious crises may lead this person to the very bottom.


Saturn in Libra
Demanding and strict seeking of the justice and balance. A reasonable, thoughtful and balanced nature, yet on the other hand irreconcilable, aloof and intolerant. Fear of the spontaneity and the dependence on the others. Fear or aversion to the love or friendly commitment, paradoxically, resulting in the need to somehow cope with this handicap. 

Saturn conjunct Pluto 
See Pluto conjunct Saturn 

Saturn in Houses shows us what we fear the most or in which area we feel constrained (and compensate it with hard and uncompromising attitudes), but in fact we have to learn to be thorough, humble and sober instead.

Saturn in the 8th house

Difficulties with creating stronger bonds. This person is afraid of them because he has already experienced the disappointment (e.g. loss of a dear person) and tries to avoid it. Difficulties with becoming a member of the group, often the feeling of being bullied and restricted. The enormous fear of the death and the taboo topics paradoxically attracts his attention on these areas. The sexual relationships are perceived very seriously which may create constraints. Tendency to supress one's instinctiveness and sexuality. Complications with the heritage and the property of the others (e.g. loans, guarantees on loans). Responsibility for the others' finance. The need to learn to face the existential crises. Weak regeneration abilities, difficulties with healing.

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