Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Uranus Transiting Through the Houses of the Natal Chart

Look up the dates from the Table and read the interpretations below for what to expect as Uranus goes through the various houses of you natal chart.

Dates MM/DD/YYYY (From) Dates MM/DD/YYYY (To) The Houses Uranus Transits in the Natal Chart
Jan '94 2/19/1998 11th House
2/19/1998 8/17/1998 12th House
8/17/1998 12/17/1998 11th House
12/17/1998 3/27/2006 12th House
3/27/2006 9/21/2006 1st House
9/21/2006 1/17/2007 12th House
1/17/2007 4/13/2015 1st House (Present)
4/13/2015 12/2/2015 2nd House
12/2/2015 1/19/2016 1st House
1/19/2016 7/13/2022 2nd House
7/13/2022 10/7/2022 3rd House
10/7/2022 4/27/2023 2nd House
4/27/2023 7/2/2029 3rd House
7/2/2029 12/22/2029 4th House
12/22/2029 4/21/2030 3rd House
4/21/2030 7/29/2035 4th House
7/29/2035 1/21/2036 5th House
1/21/2036 5/13/2036 4th House
5/13/2036 8/31/2041 5th House
8/31/2041 2/11/2042 6th House
2/11/2042 6/17/2042 5th House
6/17/2042 9/13/2048 6th House
9/13/2048 4/21/2049 7th House
4/21/2049 6/16/2049 6th House
6/16/2049 11/5/2055 7th House
11/5/2055 4/21/2056 8th House
4/21/2056 8/21/2056 7th House
8/21/2056 11/15/2062 8th House
11/15/2062 7/10/2063 9th House
7/10/2063 8/13/2063 8th House
8/13/2063 12/22/2068 9th House
12/22/2068 7/9/2069 10th House
7/9/2069 10/7/2069 9th House
10/7/2069 1/26/2075 10th House
1/26/2075 7/21/2075 11th House
7/21/2075 11/16/2075 10th House
11/16/2075 2/4/2082 11th House

Uranus House Transit
Are you ready for change?

Experiencing a Uranus House Transit will ignite an area of your life you will want to experience freedom and express your own individuality.
I have described some possibilities you may experience as Uranus transits through one of your Astrology houses. Uranus spends about seven years in a particular house allowing you time to express and feel the energy and perhaps daring to do something different.
Do not be suprised to find you are faced with unusual, sudden, unexpected or unpredictable events. Uranus want you to try new things and perhaps change things that are not working. This is the time to let go and go with the flow if needed. Be open to fresh ideas after all this is what Uranus is trying to teach us.
First House
With a Uranus house transit in your first house you get the chance to make yourself known to the outside world. You get the chance to emerge from your shell and express your true needs. Old structures and limitations are no longer acceptable. You will want to break free from things that had previously been important. Now is the time to review where you are heading. Are you on the right track? Freedom will be important for you, however ensure you have weighed up the pros and cons before making big changes. It is a good time to explore things like Astrology, yoga, meditation, etc.
A new awareness opens up for you now as new tools become available. Review what aspects of your life are limiting your scope of action and experience. Some things need to change and now could be the perfect time to put into action your new plans.
Second House
With a Uranus house transit in your second house security issues like self worth money and possessions are likely to experience some changes. Flexibility may be called upon as values you used to consider important now come under review. You may find you encounter sudden windfalls and sometimes sudden losses. You may also change what you do for a living and switch to something that is more exciting and inspiring. You may even make your living with things ruled by Uranus eg science, technology, astrology, occult etc. Material resources may change significantly and you relationship to them will also be changed. Although the changes may be upsetting they will ultimately be positive so keep open to new opportunities when they appear.
Third House
With a Uranus house transit through your third house everyday encounters with neighbours, relatives, friends and routine activities are likely to be more unpredictable. You may also experience change in your mental thoughts causing you to look at life differently allowing you to make some positive changes. Your old habits start to change as you become more flexible in your thinking. You may begin to learn about technology, new age, astrology etc. Your daily routine is likely to increase and communication will be more important and lively now. Basically your everyday world will look more exciting but you will need to be flexible so you can enjoy the benefits and be willing to let go when needed.
Fourth House
As you experience a Uranus house transit in your fourth house changes in your domestic life are highly likely. You may move house and at the same time feel a sense of freedom from the past. Breaking free of old habits and domestic routines that may have enslaved you are now a thing of the past. You will make changes in your living situation if it is not what you want. Deep changes are also occurring in your unconscious mind allowing you to take initiative and think independently expressing yourself where you can feel at home in your own environment.
Fifth House
With a Uranus house transit in your fifth house you want life to feel more exciting. You will want to experience new things and are more open to experiment with life. You may attract unusual romantic partners during this transit, perhaps an age difference or someone from a different culture. Relationships will be a bit unconventional and you will not be able to stay in a relationship unless you feel you have a bit of freedom. Relationships that are right for you should not break down but may go through some changes to make it more exciting. Relationships will tend to be more exciting than stable.
The fifth house also rules children so they may require more attention as they go through their own changes perhaps acting rebellious or difficult.
Creativity will be more innovative and new techniques should be explored now as you are more open to doing things differently. You get a chance to redefine your life and discover a new type of understanding.
Sixth House
With a Uranus house transit through your sixth house you will want more excitement in your daily routine and working life. You want to be free from the demand others put upon your time. You may change your job or changes may occur with your job allowing you more freedom. You may also find you work more with computers or other electronic gadgets and new systems. Take care with your health by ensuring you are eating well and getting regular exercise.
Seventh House
With a Uranus house transit in your seventh house close relationships are set to undergo some changes. Change may now be needed if the relationship is going to last. Some business relationships and marriages may end now as you both realise you may have stayed together only because of finances or children etc. Any relationship that is worth keeping may just need a few changes to survive this transit. A new relationship may feel appealing now as you want to experiment and escape from the daily mundane part of life. However, it might be wise to wait to see if new relationships can stand the test of time before making a long term commitment.
Eighth House
With Uranus transiting your eighth house restrictions will become intolerable. Suddenly you may find your old life ending. In some extreme cases someone may die that was close to you. A new life needs to start now. You do not want any restrictions. Sudden changes in joint finances you share with another such as your partner, family or business relationship may change either up or down. You may also receive an inheritance during this transit. Relationships are likely to go through a transformation.
Ninth House
With a Uranus house transit in your ninth house you explore learning as a vehicle to help you grow and expand your knowledge about life. You will need to be flexible as you become stimulated by learning new things and exploring ideas. You may also begin studying areas such as Astrology, Science, technology etc. Anything to do with innovation will look appealing. Travelling is also likely now. By staying open to opportunities you are able to look at the world from a different angle.
Tenth House
With Uranus transiting the tenth house your professional life and career are set for some drastic changes. The way you present yourself to society could be challenged and you may feel you need to look at other opportunities that give you more inspiration so you learn from new experiences.
You will find it difficult to follow orders from bosses, parents or any type of authority. You want freedom and will resent feeling restricted. Care must be taken not to do things without weighing up the pros and cons. This is one of the times in life when you can react without thinking and later regret your actions or decisions. Therefore only upon reflection make the necessary changes or make manageable changes. You will not feel like having lots of responsibility during this transit so perhaps look at careers that entice and inspire you.
Eleventh House
With Uranus transiting your eleventh house your hopes and dreams will feel be a top priority. You may start to feel you may actually achieve some of your goals. Any groups, friends, clubs or committees you belong to may be a little challenging or in need of changes to keep you stimulated. You may look for friends that inspire you or at have similar interests or goals. Freedom will be a top priority and as Uranus has a natural affiliation with the eleventh house this should be an easier transit especially if you are open to new ideas.
Twelfth House
With a Uranus house transit through your twelfth house the effects may not be very obvious as the energy is more subtle and unconscious. Things that may have been hidden are now revealed and you may or may not like what you see now. Upsets and surprises are all possible now. You may experience this transit by discovering someone is secretly working against you but this may be because you have attracted this situation by your past actions. Sometimes events you may have wanted kept hidden are revealed at the most inopportune moments.
This is a good time to clear up old stuff that is floating around your unconscious mind. Institutions as well as hospitals prisons etc. also come under the twelfth house. Although you are unlikely to go to prison you may have some kind of connection with an institution like a hospital during this time.

Transiting Uranus Through the Twelve Houses

Uranus Transiting the First House 
Get ready for a tremendous burst of individuation. Who we really are is in conflict with our biographical reality. The psyche demands resolution of this schism, and the resolution is typically quite dramatic. It involves conflict with figures of authority, major restructuring of relationships, and a lot of existential chaos. There is resentment regarding other people's expectations and a desire to avoid being defined by them. Goodbye to custom, duty, or standard definitions of "propriety." The scary crux of it is that if we choose to be true to ourselves, we paint ourselves into a corner.
The universe is asking us exactly what price we'll pay for honesty, integrity and freedom. How much is authenticity really worth to us? Financial or social security? Our friends—or our mate? Do we still value integrity enough to claim it? If we choose a weaker path, we go forward spiritually compromised—tired, like zombies going through the motions of life. But if we choose the courageous higher ground, then magic happens: against all the odds, the universe opens up long-shot possibilities that no sane person would have ever predicted. Spirit opens these outer doors for us—but only if we have first been brave enough to pass through the inner doors of honesty and authenticity. 
Uranus Transiting the Second House
Money is popular stuff and it's not hard to understand why. At the most primal level, it buys us food and shelter, comfort, toys, interesting experiences, and social standing. With money in the bank, we feel we can handle a lot of what life throws at us. Without it, our natural fear of life's uncertainties is exaggerated. It's no wonder people are willing to pay such an exorbitant price for money!
When Uranus transits the Second House, the time has come for us to consider how much power over our lives we have given those reassurances. Are we paying too high a price in terms of our honesty, authenticity, and integrity just to feel a little safer? Typically, the universe jogs us now by creating financial instability. Our "monetary system" is shaken up. Very simply, our attention is called to the question of money. This instability may come in the form of unexpected expenses—the roof springs a leak, the car dies, we lose a job. Or, equally, it may come as a windfall—we win a contest, receive an inheritance, get a raise or a better-paying job. In every case, we are invited to reconsider our relationship with physical, practical security.  
Uranus Transiting the Third House
Like one of those "figure-and-ground" optical illusions where two faces turn into a vase then back into two faces again, reality itself is shifting before our eyes. As Uranus transits the Third House, the very essence of our perceptions is changing. We've all been taught to view the world in certain ways, with certain assumptions and prejudices. Now, for the first time in our lives, we are beginning to look at it all for ourselves—and it's a very different world then the one we've been trained to see.
A kind of genius is arising in us now—which is to say, a radical individuality in the way we are looking at things. This genius surprises us, and we feel threatened by it—if we trust our senses now, they'll get us into a lot of trouble! What we are invited to perceive isn't an acceptable part of "official reality." Often we "lead with our mouths," blurting out shocking statements. So-called "Freudian slips" abound, as if our words are ahead of our minds. We are saying things we "didn't know we knew"—or wouldn't dare to think! It's a great time for writing and journaling—that way we can at least "preview" the ideas that will be pouring out of our mouths!  
Uranus Transiting the Fourth House
We are all partly defined by our "roots." Maybe we're white or black or Hispanic. Maybe we come from a family of upwardly-mobile lawyers—or a family of downwardly mobile alcoholics! In any case, those mythic familial realities cast long shadows over our identities. In many ways, that "clan energy" enriches our individualities. But it can also exist in tension with our true identities. When Uranus transits the Fourth House, resolving that tension is the key. We need to leave home. That process may be literal—we may find ourselves needing to move away from our families or communities of origin.
Even if the move is not so physical, there is still a need to sort out our true selves from the introjected mythologies of our parents and our cultures. Nowadays, many of us live far from our "roots." We've established new "families" and communities. And even those can be stultifying! As Uranus transits the Fourth House, a "New Age person living in Sedona, Arizona" may really need to "get a grip" and move to New York City—or a stock market wizard in New York might need to get away from that "family" and move to Sedona! In any case, the realignment of our inward essence with our outward life depends upon changing our relationship with our communal and familial roots. In some sense, it's time to move. 
Uranus Transiting the Fifth House
Pleasure is essential to our sanity and well-being. People who never experience "release" tend toward anger and depression. They are prone to illness. Many times they are controlling and hurtful toward others. Yet every culture places many strictures on pleasure: taboos about sex, taboos about drinking and sex, taboos about blowing off our responsibilities in favor of having a good time. Those taboos are at least partly necessary, for obvious reasons. But with Uranus transiting through the Fifth House, we're feeling rebellious against them. Something deep down inside us really needs to let it rip. We're tired of constraints. We don't want to obey the rules anymore.
This is a delicate transit, because we can get ourselves into a lot of difficulty with it—we can, for example, truly misbehave, hurting ourselves by hurting others, or maybe hurting our own bodies through incautious revelry. Yet, underlying everything is one basic fact: we've allowed our basic need for Dionysian release to become dangerously starved. The reason is that we've internalized "moral" rules that have no true spiritual relevance to us. One key is to recognize that it is not only our "inner monkeys" that need to have fun—so does our inner genius. And that usually means that we need some creative outlets now, as well as more "biological" pleasure.  
Uranus Transiting the Sixth House
Obligations and responsibilities are part of adult life. Unless we are living in absolute isolation or are childishly self-centered, we must honor our "contracts" with others. Furthermore, we have duties toward ourselves: we must take care of our bodies, make a living—and occasionally clean the "science projects" out of the backs of our refrigerators before we die of botulism! By their natures, these responsibilities are routine—and routines tend toward becoming deadeningly robotic.
When Uranus transits the Sixth House, the time has come to reframe those routines. We're feeling resentful of them, with good reason. Deep in our psyches, a new vision of how to handle them is arising. Our responsibilities are changing. Our bodies are changing too, requiring different forms of maintenance: new forms of exercise, different foods. All our existing contracts have simply expired and need re-negotiation. Probably, some rather zany mentors show up, embodying the new paths we need to take. Follow in their footsteps, however peculiar, and we'll renew ourselves. 
Uranus Transiting the Seventh House
Love and freedom may not be true opposites, but they're not exactly natural bedmates either. If we love, we make compromises. In a spirit of gentleness and generosity toward those we love, we relinquish certain aspects of our natures. We forgive and we forebear. On top of that, intimacy itself breeds familiarity—and familiarity breeds blindness, numbness, and scripted behavior.
When Uranus shakes up the Seventh House, all those issues press—and not only in our sexual relationships; they press in our friendships and professional associations as well. In the name of love, we've sacrificed too much of the actual present reality of who we are. That's the main reason we don't feel "seen" That's why we are behaving in rebellious and difficult ways, feeling ready to throw the baby out with the bath water. We must recognize that, while we may be looking at partnerships that have run their courses and are no longer viable, there's a good chance that all we need to do is to "punch Reset"—put our cards on the table, demanding that our "deal" be re-designed to reflect the person we have actually become. Typically, that involves more "space" for each of us, less homogeneity in the partnership, and a lot more room for honest differences. 
Uranus Transiting the Eighth House 
Our egos' pointy little ears may stand jauntily above the waves, but the rest of the Self's iceberg lies low, down in the deep waters of the unconscious mind. When Uranus transits through the Eighth House, those psychic depths are ready to emerge. In fact, there is no stopping them. Suddenly, our greatest fears, our frustrated desires, our unowned hungers—all the unintegrated dimensions of our psyches—begin to press upward. The wild woman and the wild man inside us all gather force. They come crashing out of the primordial wilderness and bash against the garden walls of Ego City. We're "officially" very happy—but our secret grief leaps out. Maybe there's a joy we crave—but which our civilized ego has forbidden. That joy starts making choices for us, grabbing the steering wheel. Right on schedule, people who represent or facilitate these drives appear.
We are invited to do some deep Shadow work, to integrate parts of ourselves which have been shamed by our societies or families, making our own moral judgements—and living, for the honest good or the destructive ill of it, with the consequences. For most of us, this transit represents a "coming of age"—even if we are ninety! 
Uranus Transiting the Ninth House 
Every culture tries to explain life to itself. Long ago, those explanations were always  religious. Each society was defined by its theology. (In our present  multicultural age, we must stretch the word "religion" to include all the ways people make sense of their lives, including Materialism, Cynicism and Science.) Nowadays, we're all part of some culture or sub-culture, which means we've all been trained to look at life in certain ways. With Uranus transiting through the Ninth House, it's time to question those assumptions. We've reached a point in the unfolding of our souls where, in order to go forward, we must "leave the land of our birth." That may mean physically moving to a different part of the country, or perhaps it indicates a pivotal, life-changing experience in a foreign culture. The "journey" may not be so literal—it can be triggered by mind-stretching educational experiences or encounters with alien philosophies. In any case, the core issue is not Frequent Flyer miles. It's a change in the core belief-systems that underlie our sense of reality. Our thought-prison has grown too narrow for our souls. 
Uranus Transiting the Tenth House
"Surprising changes in the career" is the standard interpretation of this transit. The prediction often scores a bull's eye. But the Tenth House isn't just about how we earn a living. Broader by far, it's the "hat we wear" in the world. The work we do is part of it—but so is the rest of our lifestyle: our marital status, whether we have kids, even the message our clothing sends to the world. It's really about everything that defines us in the eyes of people who don't know us very well. Those "superficial issues" actually delineate a lot of how spend our years—and with earthquake-prone Uranus transiting through this sector of the chart, we can expect a major change of scenery in our public lives.
There's an evolutionary purpose for that prediction: a gap has widened between our lifestyle and who we really are. Our worldly role is fitting us like a pair of shoes—one size too small. We're cramped by those expectations, behaviors, and human associations. Simultaneously, both our souls and the circumstances of our outward lives are sending us the same message: Embrace the Unknown. Dare to change. Be willing to blow it up and start all over again. And don't worry about what anyone else thinks about those decisions. It's your life, not theirs! 
Uranus Transiting the Eleventh House 
Sometimes on the journey of a thousand miles, we think we're heading north. Then we get to a mountaintop, take in the view. Suddenly, northwest seems like a better decision. That's what it feels like when Uranus transits our Eleventh House. Our priorities in life have evolved. What we thought we wanted, even if we haven't yet fully attained it, is losing its appeal.
All along, we believed that "getting there" was the point. But it was really more the journey than the arrival that mattered. Our challenge lies in recognizing and admitting that Soul-Truth. Sometimes our stubborn egos find that acceptance very difficult. Perhaps we're dropping out of medical school halfway to becoming a doctor. Maybe we leave the farm it took us ten years to buy. Maybe we forsake the corporation to become an astrologer. In any case, we're surely surrounded by people who think we've lost it! They're criticizing us, as if they knew us. But they don't know us: all they really know is a version of ourselves we've sold them—one we don't believe ourselves anymore! The sea of faces around us needs to change, as do the priorities by which we are living.  
Uranus Transiting the Twelfth House 
From the cradle to the grave, we're under pressure to conform, to think like our neighbors think, to believe the reality we see on television. It's relentless, and many of us are swept into the collective herd. We live the weirdly dissociated lives of people whose souls don't have much say in the shape of their everyday experience. Against that, we have our precious, hard-won honesty and integrity: our right to be who we truly are. Inevitably, we grow attached to the results of that victory. Who among us isn't a little proud of our uniqueness? Who isn't proud  of what distinguishes us from the common herd?
Well, when Uranus transits into the Twelfth House, we are invited to face the evolutionary limitations created by that attachment to our individuality. Our quirks are getting in the way of our soul-growth! We've grown too enamored of our eccentricities. We've paid too much for our freedom. Messages begin to arise from inside us, helping us let go: we start to "get the joke" about who we are. And if we need it, maybe our outward lives offer us a little prompting too—circumstances that support our independence, our "specialness," and our sense of sovereignty begin to fall away. We've won, so now it's time to surrender. 
©2006. Steven Forrest. Seven Paws Press.

Uranus Transits to the Houses 

Uranus Transits the First House  

At the beginning of its transit through the first house, Uranus is conjunct your Ascendant, marking a time of monumental changes to your outlook on life and the manner in which you project yourself to others. Freedom of expression is deeply important to you now. You are making breaks from elements from your past that have limited your freedom or that have kept you from expressing your individuality. This is a time when you are more willing to take personal risks. Uranus is the Awakener, and "awakens" your consciousness to areas of your life that it touches in surprising ways. As such, there may be unexpected events that free you from confining situations or past conditioning patterns. You are more inspired throughout this transit, and your personality fairly bubbles with bursts of enthusiasm. Impulsiveness is something to watch out for, however. Your need for freedom can be so strong that you leave cherished things (or people!) behind. Alienating those close to you may occur now if you're not careful. At the very least, people around you are surprised by your more rebellious and risk-taking nature. While you shouldn't resist change now, you should avoid completely impulsive behavior. Changes in the image you project to others, and perhaps your personal style and appearance, take place during this cycle. You might go through a series of personal makeovers. You are breaking free from the expectations of other. Your behavior tends to be more spontaneous, and perhaps a little rebellious. Freedom of personal expression is immensely important to you now, and if you turn a few heads or raise some eyebrows in the pursuit thereof, you don't particularly worry about it!

Uranus Transits the Second House

The second house rules your value system, personal finances, and possessions. On another level, it rules your comfort levels. Uranus is the Awakener, and often "awakens" your consciousness to areas of your life that it touches in surprising ways. Over the next few years, your value system will shift and change. Outdated attitudes are discarded in favor of those that are conducive to growth. Some of you are moving towards a less materialistic value system, and others may be encountering unexpected circumstances that bring about a fluctuating or uncertain income. There may be a trend towards Uranus-ruled areas as the major source of income in your life, such as through new technologies, science, computers, the Internet, or metaphysics. You are also inclined to take a few more risks with your finances, or unusual ways of making money could be in place during this cycle. The best advice for increasing your earning power now is to nurture your latent inventive, progressive, or future-oriented talents.

Uranus Transits the Third House

You may be easily bored or distracted when it comes to traditional mental pursuits during this cycle. You may pick up a brand new study, for example. You are more attracted to unusual ideas, fields, and concepts. Exposure to new ideas open up new worlds to you. New opportunities to express yourself, particularly through speaking and writing, can suddenly enter your life. You may be communicating more about your past or finding people to relate with more readily. You are likely to make changes in your life that break you out of your usual routines. These changes are unlikely to be jarring or dramatic--quite the contrary! It feels good to break out of your shell a little and to take a few healthy risks. Acquaintances, siblings, or casual friends and communications may be catalysts for this new self-expression. You may make little changes to your personal appearance or to your mannerisms that reflect the changes going on inside, particularly if Uranus is also transiting sextile to your Ascendant.

Uranus Transits the Fourth House

Your home life may be in a state of flux during this cycle. It's possible that you move house, but even if you don't, there could be some disruptions to your domestic routine or erratic elements on the home front that you need to deal with now. Your life speeds up, and decision-making can be very hasty now. You definitely feel the need for action, but if you don't know where you�re headed, you might take the wrong turn. Unexpected changes in plans or events can test your patience, and you could feel a bit out of control at times, particularly if Uranus is also transiting square to your Ascendant. However, events could stimulate you to try new approaches and they certainly act to cut boredom. Letting go of old family conditioning is a theme.

Uranus Transits the Fifth House

During this cycle, you tend towards unconventional ways of expressing yourself and your creativity. Your hobbies can be out of the ordinary, and so can your relationships with children and lovers, depending on how this cycle is affecting you. Sudden developments or surprises in your romantic life are par for the course with Uranus here. This is a time when you free yourself of personal inhibitions that may have been part of your life in the past. It's a time of more spontaneous expression. This is a playful, somewhat eccentric, position for Uranus. Casual love affairs that have grown stale may be left behind now. You may also attract unusual romances or romantic partners into your life during this cycle.

Uranus Transits the Sixth House  

The sixth house is your sector of work, daily routines, and health. Uranus' presence here may throw you a few curve balls, shaking up your daily routine and perhaps your attitude towards your work and your health. At the root of this is an urge to break free from the confines of routine and some distaste for fitting into a mould. This year and in the years ahead, you are  moving towards a fresh approach to how you approach your work and the daily details of your life. Irregular schedules and perhaps some disruptions and tensions are possible as you adjust to this influence, particularly if Uranus is also inconjunct your Ascendant. Your working hours may become non-traditional, or you might be moving towards a more unconventional job. You are restless with routines, and tend to answer to your own internal rhythm rather than paying attention to society's (and nature's!) rhythms. Work that is limiting or lifeless really drags you down, and you tend to approach tasks with erratic or haphazard energy--you work tirelessly at certain times, and procrastinate at other times, for example. It would be wise to find work that offers you not only variety and stimulation, but also the chance to invent. Progressive, part-time, or unconventional tasks hold the most appeal to you these days. You may also take an interest in alternative health methods. You would benefit greatly from yoga or other mind-body therapies now.

Uranus Transits the Seventh House  

Close relationships may become erratic or surprising in some manner, and you may feel that it's hard to truly rely on a partner. Lifeless or outworn relationships may be especially hard for you to bear during this cycle. Some trial and error in relationships is par for the course with Uranus in this sector of your chart. Changes in your view of partnerships are in store. You don't care for taking orders, and any attempts to limit you are likely to be met with great resistance or downright rebelliousness on your part. Some of you may find your current partnership limiting and you could either end it or experience tension as you explore ways to break free from restriction. Some of you could experience erratic or rebellious behavior in a close partner, and this could have you on your toes, wondering what's next.

Uranus Transits the Eighth House

Uranus moves into your eighth house and shakes things up a little. There could be some ambiguities or unexpected happenings surrounding money that is part of your life but that doesn't come from your own earnings or income. This includes such things as shared resources with a close partner, alimony, taxes, loans, and so forth. At times, this could throw you off balance. It could also interfere with your own pursuit of pleasure, if the pleasure you seek or the hobbies you involve yourself in require extra money to spend. As well, you may not be able to depend on support or backing from others. This position could also indicate a period of uncertainty surrounding your intimate relationships, and/or some experimentation with your sexuality.

Uranus Transits the Ninth House  

If you do get a chance to travel, which could come up quite unexpectedly, unusual, eye-opening experiences may be in store for you. The people that you meet during this cycle tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You are less inclined towards a personal philosophy that is traditional now. You may also adopt unconventional approaches to religion or politics. Some may abruptly stop or start higher education during this cycle.

Uranus Transits the Tenth House  

During this cycle, your career direction begins to change and your relationships with authority figures could sometimes be tense. You certainly don't like to follow orders these days! Do your best to avoid impulsive decision-making that is built upon your desire to be a free spirit. You may recognize talents that you never knew you had, and this can be a sudden, exciting discovery. You may also find that unexpected twists in your life story impact your career and reputation. You could become known for an unusual or unconventional approach to your profession.

Uranus Transits the Eleventh House

Uranus affects your friendships and enlivens your social circle. Changes in your social circle occur now, and you are meeting new and unusual people. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life. Friendships that are stodgy or limiting may very well be left behind. You have a strong ability to see each person for who they are as unique individuals, and this helps endear you to others.

Uranus Transits the Twelfth House

Uranus here helps release you from unconscious habit patterns, perhaps stirring up your private life, and interjecting some unusual coincidences into your life. You might adopt unusual approaches to helping others, or find anonymous expression behind the scenes (perhaps through technology, the internet) rewarding. Events occur that cut you from past habits and attachments. Some will find, for example, that their "secrets" or private life become exposed in some way, and thus need to deal with letting go of certain elements of their lives that are no longer private territory. This whole process acts to slowly but surely detach you from the past in preparation for Uranus' entrance into your first house.

Uranus transit through the Houses 
by Bob Marks 
Uranus shakes things up. It “electrifies”, sometimes literally. Neptune is the mystic whoFeels. Uranus is the genius who Knows. It is said that genius and madness have only a thin line between them. Uranus erases that line. Whether it brings total chaos or revolutionary new advances (frequently both) its effects are never dull. Whatever it contacts as it transits around your horoscope will be changed, usually with dramatic suddenness. Pluto may subvert and destroy. Uranus turns things upside down. 
Now don’t go off thinking that Uranus isAlways going to do this. Many times, all a Uranus transit does is make us restless. We don’t know what it is we want to change, but we know we want to change something. Our behavior will tend to change as we try new things, or do old things in different ways.
Just remember though, that when Uranus hits, don’t go crazy with it. Make changes, but do them slowly. The big danger with Uranus transits is that they tend to make us rush in where angles fear to tread. That is what can cause trouble.
With a little extra caution and planning, most Uranus transits can become positive experiences. Uranus stays in each sign for about seven years. Houses vary in size, but figure it will stay in each house between six to eight years.
Uranus Transits Through Your First House: “Wow! That’s amazing! And it’s so obvious! Why didn’t I see that before?” These are things you can expect to say when Uranus transits through your 1st House. Uranus is the “awakener”. Uranus hitting this house can make you suddenly want more freedom, want to do new things that you have never done before. Fine. Just don’t make any important decisions on the spur of the moment. Uranus has a tendency to make us rush, and that is what can cause trouble. Take a little extra time to plan. Please take this in context. If this is hitting your five year old child, expect them to get into more mischief than usual. If you happen to be 90 or above, well there may be some limits on what you can do. But don’t be surprised if you suddenly want to go skydiving. If you are the type that doesn’t like changes, if you want to keep everything just the way it’s always been, watch out! The Uranus energy won’t be denied. It has to come out somehow. When it gets bottled up, its favorite trick is to cause accidents and other sudden upsets. Best advise for Uranus transiting your 1st House: Now is most likely a good  time to make major changes. But be extra sure to plan first and don’t rush.
Uranus Transits Through Your Second House: This is the house of money, possessions, and values. Uranus is sudden, unexpected changes. Your income is more likely to be unstable during this period. Make certain that you have enough of a reserve set aside for emergencies. Get enough insurance on all of your property. Remember, Uranus transits can cause accidents, especially if it makes stressful aspects (conjunction, square, or opposition) to planets in your birth chart while going through this house. On the plus side, Uranus can bring sudden gains as well, particularly if your income comes from something “Uranian” such as electronics, hi-tech, or anything new, different, or unusual. This could be a good time to change jobs, or even professions. Check the other transits in your horoscope for confirmation. Of course, as always when it comes to anything connected with Uranus, Don’t Rush. Sit down and take some time to plan.
Uranus Transits Through Your Third House: People are more likely to be shocked by what you say during this transit. You are also more likely to become interested in strange, unusual things. Be careful not to believe something just because it is strange and unusual. If you work in scientific research, problems that would normally stump you may seem much easier to solve. This transit may not hit you directly. Your neighbors and siblings could start acting in ways that seem strange to you. On the other hand, it could hit you very directly. Uranus can cause people to loose their normal caution, and the 3rd House rules short trips, so be careful driving. Most of the problems you encounter with this transit, however, are likely to be caused by what you say. This is an excellent transit if you want to learn anything new, especially a specific skill, and broaden your horizons.  
Uranus Transits Through Your Fourth House: This transit begins when Uranus crosses the bottom of your horoscope. When it does this, it is opposite your Mid-Heaven, so it can affect your career as well. Most books don’t mention this. For the few weeks that Uranus spends exactly at the bottom of your chart, your job is subject to sudden change. It may come from you. You may decide, on the spur of the moment, to change jobs or even careers. This is potentially a time of great change in relationships with bosses and parents. If you are young, maybe you decide to leave and strike out on your own. Maybe your boss fires you, or your parents get divorced. What happens exactly depends on your situation and the other transits taking place at that time. For most of this transit, Uranus will just be affecting your home (your “roots”, the foundations of your life) and relations with parents. If you don’t move, this would be an excellent time to fix up the house, give it a new look. But moves are more likely at this time. As always with Uranus transits, watch out for a tendency to rush into things. Sit down and plan.
Uranus Transits Through Your Fifth House: If you’re a parent, your kids may seem extra rebellious to you at this time. They may really not be that way, but they will seem so to you. If you’re dating, you will be attracted to people who are weird, unusual, independent, maybe even a bit shocking. Maybe there will be a great difference in your ages. Or they could just be the type of person that you would have never even considered going out with before. This transit can attract you to people who are geniuses, eccentric, or a bit crazy.  On the plus side, if you are in any career that requires creativity, you will shine. Under Uranus transits, we never like to do things in old, routine ways, so you will tend to be much more innovative now. The 5th House also rules hobbies, sports, and games. This is a perfect time to take up new forms of recreation. Uranus transits give you a chance to open yourself up to new horizons.  
Uranus Transits Through Your Sixth House: This is the house of employment and service. Uranus transiting here makes you more likely to quit your job. This is especially true if the job is routine, or you have to have constant supervision. Uranus will increase your desire for independence and for new, exciting things in the employment area. If you are the type who wants to keep things just as they are, Uranus increases the chance that you will be fired or laid off. Keep your resume updated when you see this transit coming. If you are an employer, the people who work for you will seem more rebellious at this time (remember, this transit can last for seven years). But this can help you if you have to hire hi-tech innovative types. Under this influence, these are more likely to be the employees you want. The 6th House also rules health matters. Uranus transiting here increases the chances that you will be attracted to new methods of staying healthy. Don’t jump. Uranus transits sometimes make us want to rush in. Some of those have not been proven yet, and it is not a good idea to use your own body for experiments. Remember what happened to Dr. Jekyl (all right, that was only a novel, but you get the idea). On the other hand, you may need to do something new regarding your health (like changing your diet) and you won’t want to. That’s when Uranus can do unexpected things, like a sudden illness, to give you a wake-up call.
Uranus Transits Through Your Seventh House: It’s not a good idea to get married during this transit, especially if it’s going to be one of those spur-of-the-moment, love at first sight things. What Uranus brings together suddenly, it usually breaks apart just as quickly. The same goes for business partnerships.  We frequently seem to attract people symbolized by the planets that are transiting our 7th House. In the case of Uranus, these people will be independent and eccentric, and they will tend to shake us out of any rut we happen to be in. No, this isn’t “magic”. We meet people like this all the time, but we aren’t attracted and may not even notice them. When Uranus hits our 7th House, however, we suddenly become aware of them. We open up and let them into our lives (for better or worse). The transit is our transit, and it affects Us, not them.  
Uranus Transits Through Your Eighth House: Yes, this is the house of Sex. But it is also the house of credit and taxes, so be careful not to ignore your finances while trying to get laid. As far as the sex goes, the tendency of Uranus here is to make one more inventive.
Uranus Transits Through Your Ninth House: The 9th House rules higher education and long journeys, religion and philosophy. Uranus transiting here can give wanderlust, a desire to go to unusual places off the beaten track.  It can also attract you to new religions or philosophies, especially if they are unusual and strange. But be careful not to believe in something just because it sounds weird. Uranus transits can do that to you.  In my experience, the 9th House rules legal matters, including lawsuits. Some astrologers say this comes under the 7th House. The 7th House, however, rules open enemies, including the people who may sue you. The suit itself comes under the 9th House. If you must sue anyone while Uranus transits your 9th House, be prepared to spend extra time and energy because Uranus rules unexpected events.  On the plus side, this is a good time to study any hi-tech field, especially if it involves computers, electronics, or anything that is on the cutting edge.  
Uranus Transits Through Your Tenth House: The 10th House influences your career and “public image”, your “boss”, and those who have authority over you in general. Uranus transiting here can give a sudden desire to change bosses, jobs, and even careers. All of a sudden, the idea of taking orders can seem irritating to you. As always with Uranus transits, you may have to make changes, but be sure to do a little planning first. Don’t jump.  Uranus going through this house can also make you want to change your appearance, your “look”. Good idea, but watch out for a tendency to go overboard.
Uranus Transits Through Your Eleventh House: This is the house of friends, hopes, and wishes. It also influences any group or organization that you may belong to. Uranus transiting here can have several possible effects. It could attract you to new friends, people that are very different from those friends you have already. You are more likely to be attracted to people who are best described as strange, eccentric, even bizarre. The people you know, at this time, can have a greater influence on you, to bring about big changes in your life. Conversely, the friends you already have will seem to undergo behavior changes.  Groups that you belong to may suddenly seem to be dull oppressive. There will be a strong urge to leave. Uranus transiting here could also attract you to some sort of new group, particularly one that crusades for some social cause. When Uranus hits, we are seldom content to simply believe something. We have to preach and crusade. 
Uranus Transits Through Your Twelfth House: If you happen to be in therapy during this transit, you are more likely to make great progress. Material will seem to shoot up from your “subconscious”. On the other hand, a transit like this could force you into therapy. Uranus transits make for sudden changes.  On the negative side, since this is the house of “self-undoing”, any planet transiting here can make you act in a self-destructive manner. Uranus will do this by making you dive into things without thinking them through. Any sudden changes you want to make, while this transit is going on, are more likely to backfire. Not a good time to go hang-gliding.  The same goes for your “hidden enemies”. People who are working against you will tend to do it via strange or unusual stunts.

URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 1ST HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
You may desire greater personal freedom and excitement during this period. You may want to experiment with your self-image and adopt a more non-conformist lifestyle. At times this can result in somewhat erratic behavior patterns and association with unconventional friends, groups, and ideals. Marriage and business partnerships tend to be unstable. You may take a more personal interest in technological or humanitarian fields or in enterprising business ventures.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 2ND HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
During this period you tend to have marvelous ideas for greater financial independence, yet your ideas are largely impractical. You are apt to experiment with innovative money-making enterprises. At times you may have exciting and unexpected financial gains and losses. Favorable for investment in technological industries.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 3RD HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
You may desire greater intellectual freedom and excitement during this period. Freedom of speech and access to information is more important to you now. You may take an interest in old and unconventional ideas. At times you may experience great intuitive insight, yet your ideas and opinions are often radically inappropriate and subject to sudden changes. Favorable for involvement in advanced ideas in information, communications, and transportation.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 4TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
During this period you tend to desire personal freedom and excitement in family and home life. There may be several changes of residence. You may entertain friends often or conduct business from the home. Family life is subject to disruptions and family members are more independent and rebellious. At work you may have conflicts with your boss over issues of independence or insubordination. You have an interest in new or novel forms of architecture, food, and domestic products and services.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 5TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
You may have a desire for greater freedom, originality, and excitement in your creative and pleasure-seeking self-expression during this period. Your social and romantic life can be more stimulating, but you are prone to unstable romantic infatuations. Unexpected pregnancy is more likely to occur at this time. Children may behave more erratically. Speculation can bring sudden gains and losses. You may tend to associate more with artistic, innovative, and eccentric friends.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 6TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
During this period you may tend to desire greater freedom and excitement in your work. You may be involved in union or group activities. You may use technological innovation in the work environment. Your employment situation tends to be unstable and you are prone to sudden changes of jobs. Health problems may be due to nervousness or eccentric tastes in diet. Favorable for computer, engineering, and health professions.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 7TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
You may desire greater freedom and excitement in your close personal relationships during this period. You may rebel against social conventions and conformity. You may form personal bonds to unusual, exciting and talented people, but you are prone to instability and sudden changes in marriage and other important relationships. Favorable for dealing with groups and organizations and with sales or marketing of innovative products and services.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 8TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
During this period you tend to desire greater freedom and excitement in intimate relations and greater freedom from vulnerability or threatening situations. You may experiment with innovative safety and security strategies. You may be more involved in insurance, taxes, pensions, inheritances, alimony, corporate money, and joint finances. You may change your sexual behavior and practices. Improved psychological insight can help you eliminate coercive manipulations and addictive attachments.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 9TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
You may desire greater freedom and excitement in your cultural, religious, and philosophical associations during this period. You are apt to seek unorthodox and unusual viewpoints. These tend to incorporate scientific or humanitarian fields and progressive educational methods. You may form associations with foreigners or people having different religious beliefs and customs. At times you may have sudden urges to travel and you may have direct intuitive religious or philosophical revelations.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 10TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
During this period you tend to desire greater freedom and excitement in your career and profession. You may aim for more original, more idealistic career goals now and become more involved in the direction of innovative scientific and technological efforts. You may become more involved in corporate politics, professional organizations, and humanitarian groups. Your career tends to be unstable at times, and you can be prone to sudden changes in your professional status and reputation.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 11TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
You may desire greater freedom and excitement in your friendships, groups, and associations during this period. You may make more friendships with interesting, unusual, and original people. You may attend more parties and entertaining events. Your group activities tend to involve scientific, technological, and humanitarian concerns. You are prone to sudden changes in friends and in the ideals of your group affiliations.
URANUS TRANSITING YOUR 12TH HOUSE (approx. 7 years duration)
During this period you tend to desire greater freedom and excitement in your fantasies, inspirations, and your visualization of the future. You tend to be more secretive, read more novels, and attend the cinema or theater more at this time. Unconscious memories and intuitive knowledge are apt to be suddenly stimulated through meditation. You are prone to sudden periods of withdrawal from worldly affairs for the purpose of healing, therapy, or personal correction.

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