Monday, July 2, 2012

Ruler of the 1st House in the 10th House
You have a strong need for recognition that can be a driving force in your life. You are usually ready to take charge, and you are fond of structure. You readily take responsibility for yourself and for others. Some people with this position "hide" behind a position, such as a job, social standing, or reputation; or, they are especially fond of letting others know their position in life. Certainly, you come across as strong.

Ruler of the 2nd House in the 7th House
Your income is related to the training of a matrimonial or commercial society, or to an activity related to the public. You could also earn money involving legal affairs, such as contracts and agreements.

Ruler of the 7th House in the 3rd House
Communication is everything to you in a partnership. You enjoy discussions with significant others in your life, if only to bounce ideas back and forth. Movement in a relationship is important to you. You tend to like to spend a lot of time with a partner, perhaps running errands together, or simply chatting about your day. Although you enjoy talking to a partner, you also value his or her opinion, and most certainly value your partner's involvement. You may find that your thoughts take shape more readily when you are able to hold one-on-one conversations. For example, you may come to more interesting conclusions or get your best ideas if you are speaking or writing to another person rather than simply thinking about something on your own, or jotting down your ideas. Thus you seem to need another person to help you give shape to your own ideas. This does not mean you depend on others for advice; however, you do rely on the feedback of others to stimulate your own thought processes.

Ruler of 10th house in 8th house 

Your professional success is related to your ability to produce changes or transformations in yourself as well as others. This astrological influence brings financial support from others that will help your career. That help could come from a financial institution as well as your marriage. Any kind of investigations would be very favorable.

Ruler of the Third House is in the First House
An investigating mind in search of knowledge. Success in an intellectual occupation.

Ruler of the Fourth House is in the Third House
Many changes of residence.

Ruler of the Fifth House is in the Fourth House
A happy and cheerful home life.

Ruler of the Sixth House is in the Second House
Personal merit jeopardized through ill-health, or, illness caused through pecuniary troubles.

Ruler of the Seventh House is in the Third House
Disagreements and quarrels with those around the native, A successful, or unsuccessful lawsuit, according to the power or weakness of the Ruler.

Ruler of the Eighth House is in the First House
Often means a sudden or quick, but not a premature death.

Ruler of the Ninth House is in the Eighth House
A moral inheritance. Rehabilitation of the memory of a loved one. Executor of a will.

Ruler of the Tenth House is in the Eighth House
Improvement in the position through the wife, or through her influence. Inheritance or gift. A quick death, or a violent death if Mars occupies the Tenth.

Ruler of the Eleventh House is in the Eighth House
Inheritance from friends. Sincere and enduring friendships.

Ruler of the Twelfth House is in the Ninth House
A disturbed state of mind; mistaken ideas; unsuccessful mental pursuits. A dangerous journey, or a journey that does not procure the expected results.

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