Sunday, July 1, 2012

Composite Venus sextile Neptune

This can be a highly romantic relationship if circumstances permit, because you strongly idealize your desires in the most elegant and spiritual manner, which is the very heart of what romance is all about. It has all the earmarks of doting love and devotion where each of you spins a warm cocoon of love and fantasy around the other, a mutual admiration society in which each sees the best of humanity's possibilities in the other. Of course, this can be overdone, and a touch of reality here and there will keep you from spinning impossible yarns to each other or replacing each other with unattainable fantasy personalities. Nevertheless, you will see in each other the greatest possibilities not only for mutual self-satisfaction but for pursuing and spreading your inner beliefs in the outside world. Thus, even if this is not a romance or a marriage, you can unite together to fulfill important ideals and be a joint force for the elevation of the human condition in whatever field you happen to be working in together. It could be politics, medicine, religion, philanthropy, or any other place where uniting to achieve higher ideals for the good of humanity or living things in general is what needs to be done. Although you may seem like wild-eyed idealists at times, there is a certain grounding here that will keep you on a path upon which you can see your vision become a reality, however distant it may seem at first.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

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