Sunday, July 1, 2012

Composite Jupiter square Ascendant

There is a certain amount of excess in this relationship that you may want to restrain from time to time, though this generates a great deal of enthusiasm about what you are and what you do. You are likely to be gung-ho about each other and whatever is associated with your relationship. Your enthusiasm can give you a lot of pleasure and will make you noticed wherever you go together You will perhaps make your points a bit too strong and a bit too long and not only waste personal resources in repeating yourselves but also can have the reverse of the effect intended and turn people off. Essentially, once you've sold someone your bill of goods, drop the sales pitch and move on. It can be deceptively difficult to do this, because once you get caught up in your spiel, it's difficult to turn off the spigot. You really care about what you are putting across and enjoy doing so. Nevertheless, temper your passion with moderation and you'll find the energy you save mounts up and allows you to move on to new and exciting territory, which you might not have had the energy to explore otherwise. Economy of motion is highly to be desired.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

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