Sunday, July 1, 2012

Composite Venus trine Pluto

You know what you want and you get it, not because of any great level of determination or ruthlessness about how you go about it, but simply because you know its going to happen and therefore act consistently upon the assumption. Partly it's just the faith and self-confidence that keeps you on the right track and partly its because you don't want to waste energy making exigency plans so you're ahead of the game, albeit driving without a safety belt. Nevertheless, you'll likely find yourselves correct in your assumptions more often than not, which can make you seem a bit magical to those who aren't so seemingly congenitally successful. In the business world, you'll either be considered a good luck charm or a serious peril, depending upon how risky your business is. Even though you may be conservative in some ways,  you don't feel you require insurance to keep you secure, so you will want to avoid those who insist on living in a safe cocoon. On the personal level, you will find yourselves leaning on this relationship when you really want to get something because you will feel more likely to get it together than by yourselves. That's okay, because much of the meaning of faith and the transforming potential of a relationship is what you are together. As you learn, pass it on, for you ultimately only keep by sharing

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

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