Sunday, July 1, 2012

Composite Sun trine Uranus

A broad inventive streak characterizes this relationship and you will always be on the trail of something new to add to the revelations that life has to offer. You will not have to seek out the new and the unusual because it will come to you as a matter of course, and you will see the positive side and not the too-frequent combative side of establishing new approaches to life. You will want to keep your options wide open in the way that you deal with people, because life is full of surprises and you won't want to shut yourselves off from any of them. Unusual relationships will have a distinctly positive side for you, and you won't judge people as being different, just special. The search for the truths will be a compelling one for you, but not so much that it puts you at odds with the establishment. Rather, you have an easy ability to sidestep troublesome barriers in your way and go on to do what is necessary to fulfill your pursuit of new windows on reality. Where most struggle to gain access to the truth, you will likely just walk right in and wonder what the problem could possibly be. Aside from making life easier for you, you can also give a boost to those who can't do it with such aplomb and in the process gain insight into yourselves as well

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

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