Sunday, July 1, 2012

Composite Mercury trine Jupiter

You encompass a broad intellectual scope together and open each other's minds to new vistas of the imagination. It is as if you can mentally leapfrog over each other and make strides with ease that others have to struggle to comprehend. Since it is done effortlessly, you may not even notice how far ahead of the game you can take yourselves. You can quickly get a grip on large-scale structures and organizations, and you will be able to predict the future by accurately extrapolating what is going on in the present. Because you know where things are going when others don't doesn't mean they will take you seriously unless you make your point strongly, which you may neglect to do, not out of laziness or neglect but because it simply doesn't occur to you. It just seems so obvious, why press it? Here you may find it expeditious to use one or the other of you individually to promote what is a remarkable but not necessarily aggressive talent you exhibit when together, or you may choose to let yourselves be marketed by a third party, allowing you to keep your heads in the air and concentrating on more lofty things than self-promotion. Even if you only plan to use your talents for self-fulfillment and growth, try to spread them around a bit and cross-pollinate your ideas with others so that your natural abilities will stay fresh and continue to grow.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

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