Sunday, July 1, 2012

Composite Mars Ascendant Aspect

In FT/MM's Composite Chart, Mars is seisquiquadrate Ascendant, but the interpretation of the seisquiquadrate was not available. The aspects which come closest to the seisquiquadrate is the square. However, seisquiquadrate is a minor aspect, and is not as malefic as the square.

Composite Mars square Ascendant: You have something of a tiger by the tail here, in that your energies may be difficult to contain and you will have to chase them all over the place to keep them in control. When this energy has no place to go in a focused fashion, it can break out into all kinds of trouble: annoyance, arguments, accidents, you name it. Therefore you will want to have something to do all the time, even if it is make-work, so that the excess energy will be soaked up safely. Keep it aimed outward, so you don't wind up firing at each other, and you will be okay. Ultimately, the name of the game is learning that you don't have to be doing something to be alive and that action doesn't necessarily mean you are getting anything accomplished. Don't shoot at everything you see- in fact, wait until you see the whites of their eyes. This aspect is one of unfocused, physical energy churning along without a clear purpose, like a young martial arts student who has not yet learned to be still before striking. Ultimately, you will learn to be still, then strike; in the mean time make sure you have punching bags available to take it out on and that the punching bags aren't each other.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

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