This is a somewhat dread aspect because it combines the two most-feared planets of restriction and death in the same place. Yet they have to be somewhere, and at least you have them all tied up in one spot so you know where they are. Therefore it will be important to note what house (***) and sign they fall in so that you can see the area and styles in which they manifest themselves. Those will be areas where you will meet your greatest trials and also display your greatest determination. Where you find fear and defeat, restriction and frustration, there you will also find your finest hour, the battles you win when you were sure there wasn't a chance. That is a sure thing, mainly because this aspect isn't the whole story by any means, just a particularly difficult part of the whole, and the rest of the chart still holds the preponderance of weight when all is said and done. This does not allay the difficulties you may have to undergo, but when you stand back and realize that's just part of your larger picture, it makes it easier to get through them. It's one of those things that looks better in hindsight, the experience that strengthens the relationship and make it more resilient- if it doesn't kill you in the process. Just remember there is a tomorrow and its rewards come from making it through today.
***In this case, FT & MM's Composite Saturn conjunct Pluto conjunct Mars lies in the 8th house which is associated with crises of transformation; regeneration or degeneration, path of evolutionary development and growth; expressions of sexuality; death; wills, legacies, shared resources, and other people’s resources in general
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
***In this case, FT & MM's Composite Saturn conjunct Pluto conjunct Mars lies in the 8th house which is associated with crises of transformation; regeneration or degeneration, path of evolutionary development and growth; expressions of sexuality; death; wills, legacies, shared resources, and other people’s resources in general
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
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