The constellations are listed according to the strength of their influence on the relationship. The magnitude of the impact can be found in the frame next to each of the constellations (-10 to +10).
Note: It is not possible to tell from the stars if the couple will love each other. Take this horoscope as a chance to recognize the weaknesses and strong points of the relationship that should be worked on.
Medium Coeli conjunct Medium Coeli
The couple's life goals or professional and social courses are similar which contributes to their common progress. Encouragement on the journey to the fulfillment of their aspirations. Their cooperaton may be very successful.
Ascendant opposite Medium Coeli
The behaviour of the man and his life attitude are mutually exclusive with the professional or social course of the woman. His actions may damage her reputation or act as a slowing-down agent of her career.
Pluto trine Ascendant
The man tries to push the woman's behaviour and her life attitude to a different level. He wants the show her more of the depth and the intensity. She knows what to focus on in the critical moments and therefore helps the man to cope with them. This is a great chance for the woman to transform her personality.
Neptune opposite Mars
The man weakens the woman's energy making her act in a confused way. He often casts mist upon her goals. She reacts to his inner world or ideals agressively or roughly trying to lead him, but he does not understand her intentions.
Uranus conjunct Medium Coeli
The man may bring a lot of excitement and surprise into the professional or social life of the woman. Some men are even inclined to disavow from the goals or ambitions of the woman completely, or they try to direct her to an unconventional life path. The man wants to apply his reformating efforts on her occupation or social status which she may dislike.
Pluto conjunct Jupiter
The man may entirely change the faith and the life opinion of the woman with his attitude. The woman uses her knowledge to help him see what he would otherwise notice only superficially. She encourages him in the most difficult moments.
Jupiter trine Jupiter
Similar or even matching life philosophy causes the couple to share their attitude to many questions of being. Learning and development is very important in this relationship. They encourage each other and both bring happiness and optimism into the relationship.
Medium Coeli trine Saturn
There is a connection between the responsible and disciplined aspect of the woman's personality and the man's professional or social course. She may slightly hamper or restrict him with her attitude but on the other hand, this makes him stronger. She tries to keep him focused on the reality therefore she is usually critical of his ambitions and goals. Sometimes she makes him feel secure in this area and tries to direct him the right course.
Neptune trine Ascendant
The sensitiveness and imagination of the man influence the woman's nature in a good way. He dedicates himself to help her find herself. Often he can intuitively understand reactions and behaviour of the woman. Usually romantic connection.
Neptune conjunct Neptune
This constellation occurs as a reflection of the generational belief and feelings. The couple's ideals are close to each other, or at least they can understand each other's one. There is a risk of succumbing to an illusion together.
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