With North Node in Cancer, our South Node is in Capricorn. With North Node in the fourth house, our South Node is in the tenth house.
A tendency to feel the need to be in control, to take responsibilities too seriously, and to be rigid and fearful of being dependent on others are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to let go of our tendency to over-manage our lives and others' lives, to relax our standards of perfection and achievement, and to avoid falling victim to living through the eyes of society instead of valuing our own personal (as opposed to professional/status) achievements. Being dependent on others is a fear, but only when we release some of our need to be in control will we achieve our goals in our professional lives. We need to work on allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, exposing some of our insecurities and personal needs without fear, and making time for our home and family life. By working on our inner foundation and our "base", success will ricochet back to our public and professional lives. By allowing ourselves to follow our personal instincts, rather than be driven by our ambitions, we can achieve greater happiness, balance, and fulfillment in all areas of life.
With North Node in Leo, our South Node is in Aquarius. With North Node in the fifth house, our South Node is in the eleventh house.
A tendency to rely on others who may let us down, to come across as impersonal or distant in our dealings with others, to be fearful of being the center of attention and standing out as an individual, to fear taking risks, and to fall back on peers and community at the expense of our own individuality are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to avoid falling into the easy trap of worrying about what others think about us. Instead, we need to strike out in our own individual and creative path without fear. We need to make a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect which detaches us from our feelings. We can easily alienate others when we over-emphasize equality to the point that we won't acknowledge individuals' uniqueness. We can too easily lose touch with our own heart by rationalizing our feelings, and become overly involved with other people's problems at the expense of our inner needs for attention. Learning to take personal risks, which requires a certain amount of self-confidence, will help us to achieve inner balance and happiness.
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