Personal Horoscope for "MM"
The planets are organized according to their importance for the life and the character, from the most dominant to the least significant one. Each celestial object (and its effects) is influenced in three ways:
- By the sign in which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in Sagittarius), which tells us more about the sort of energy connected with the given archetype (principle) of the planet.
- By another planet (or a point) with which it creates an angle (in Astrology this is called an aspect, e.g. Mars in conjunction with Jupiter). The aspect show us the ratio between the strength of the principles of the two planets involved. They can be harmonic (in conjunction), disharmonic (in opposition) or neutral (other minor aspects). According to this knowledge you can find out which part of the characteristics of the planet in a House or a Sign will be valid in a particular situation (the more destructive or negative part, or the positive one).
- By the Housein which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in the 3rd House). This information helps you to determine in which area the celestial object (as well as the corresponding principle) will mostly realize.
The aspects which are hard to manage are framed in grey color. Their manifestations are spontaneous and impossible to control. On the other hand, the aspects in which it is easier for us to assert our own will and therefore control them are frameless.
Dominant characteristics
Most of the planets above the skyline signify rather open and extrovert nature that seeks an objective evaluation of situations and is more focused on public life or outer world.
The lack of fire element signifies the lack of energy and dynamics. Usually, sufficient amount of self-confidence and life enthusiasm is missing. There are difficulties to get keen on something. Sometimes, feeling of being down and apathy may occur.
Stressed fixed signs often show indomitability, power capacity, “stiff head”, stability and ability to carry out things to their end, but usually it shows stubbornness, reluctance to compromise or change oneself attitude as well.
Lack of planets facing each other (180° = opposition) brings that a person must arrange (and endure) “all“ their things by themselves. They only understand both sides of an issue with difficulties. There is often lack of broad and higher perspective or ability to be impartial.
Rising sign of zodiac (ascendant) in Pisces reveals a sensitive, ungraspable, sacrificing, merciful and changing behavior. There is an aspiration to develop an image of empathic and humble individual. There are propensities to escape reality. They perceive the world as a polluted river in which it is difficult to orient. They even don’t believe they belong to this river. They feel suitable in activities related to self-sacrificing, fantasy and collective unconsciousness. There is a sense of mystery. At the first sight, the person may give an impression of a fragile, calm and hardly readable person.
Stressed 8. house makes one ardent, investigating, penetrating, and strongly suggestive. In individual may appear tendencies for manipulation, parasitism, and uncompromised attitudes. Experiences related to intensive relations and sharing energy among people (sex, business, occultism…) or acute life stages (questions of life and death).
Dominant Uranus is a synonym of independent, peculiar, and unconventional behavior. There is a strong need of freedom, surprises and changes. S/he subordinates to others with difficulty. They might have a progressive spirit and often live in a way contradicting public opinion. On the other hand, they may be unpredictable and extreme.
Mercury as Prometheus (rising and sinking after the Sun) symbolizes unrestrained, progressive and somewhat stubborn mind aimed at future and new knowledge. There is a need to experiment, and do things on one’s own.
Venus as morning-star (rising and sinking before the Sun) is typical for open and direct making relationships. It is an emotional attitude of a maturing one (unrestrained, spontaneous, and impulsive) aimed at future and one’s real inner needs regardless the others’ opinion.
Birth during full moon strengthens objectivity, clear consciousness, and visionary ability, hence frequent states of enlightenment or disillusionment.
Uranus in SagittariusThe position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted.
Uranus sextile Mercury
Curious and original intelligence, invention, agility, nimbleness, wittiness. Surprising, often ingenious solutions. Speaks in unusual peculiar way. Talent for all activities connected with complex technology, revealing perspectives, or mind activities. Innovative intellect.
Uranus square Ascendant
Unconventional, unpredictable behaviour. Strong desire to surprise, shock or overstated need for independence. Permanent changes in life, therefore often nervousness and irresponsibility, strong individualism. Finds it hard to comply with rules, problems in cooperative action. Extremism.
Unconventional, unpredictable behaviour. Strong desire to surprise, shock or overstated need for independence. Permanent changes in life, therefore often nervousness and irresponsibility, strong individualism. Finds it hard to comply with rules, problems in cooperative action. Extremism.
Uranus conjunct Medium Coeli
Assertion of original methods in employment. Tendency to attract by unusual action or attitude. Rebelliousness and eccentricity can support destabilisation of peaceful life. Sudden or quick success or fall. Progressive or strange utopian goals. Reputation of very unorthodox strange person.
Uranus in Houses tells us in which area we can assert our originality, unconventionality and tolerance and when to be prepared for sudden changes and surprises.
Uranus in the 9th house
Independence in the opinions, liberalism, unorthodox philosophy, untraditional and progressive ideals, individual and uncommon ideas of the meaning of the life. Reformative thoughts about the education, upbringing, religion and philosophy. The journeys abroad may bring sudden and interesting twists but there is also danger of accidents or unpredictable difficulties. A foreign adventure. There may come an unexpected and quick change in the perception of one's own life philosophy (e.g. an atheist turns into a believer...), where a serious life crisis may serve as an inspiration. Openness towards the modern and utopistic ideas. Often superstitiousness. The effort to attract the attention with one's unusual opinions on life at all costs. A spiritual revolt against the traditional attitudes, sometimes anarchy.
Neptune in CapricornThe position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted.
Neptune conjunct Jupiter
Humanity, foresight, idealism. Interests in spiritual or artistic development lead to success in these areas. Seeks his/her happiness in artificial paradise or different utopias. In danger of disillusion, betrayal or fraud.
Neptune square Moon
Exaggerated sensitivity, often oversensitivity. Idealisation of inappropriate things, strange sense of reality, intoxicating. Danger of escapism (e.g. drugs, alcohol, sects, dreams…) Unclearness and confusions in emotional life due to unsettled family background. Fragility.
Neptune sextile Sun
Chasing after some ideal. Great imagination, humanity, sensitivity, foresight, intuition. Loves the weaker ones, the repressed ones, therefore selflessness towards disabled people and animals. Charismatic and visionary. Developed spiritual or artistic abilities. Mediumistic tendencies.
Chasing after some ideal. Great imagination, humanity, sensitivity, foresight, intuition. Loves the weaker ones, the repressed ones, therefore selflessness towards disabled people and animals. Charismatic and visionary. Developed spiritual or artistic abilities. Mediumistic tendencies.
Neptune sextile Pluto
One is able to lead others unnoticed. Able to be inspired by his/her crises and derive energy from it later. Compulsively follows own dreams and ideals. Generational influence rather than personal.
One is able to lead others unnoticed. Able to be inspired by his/her crises and derive energy from it later. Compulsively follows own dreams and ideals. Generational influence rather than personal.
Neptune in Houses show us the areas in which we should watch out for illusions, chaos and lies (because we tend to idealize things) and when we will have to self-sacrifice or let our own ego dissolve.
Neptune in the 10th house
Often illusions about rather unclear ideas concerning one's profession. The tendency to inspire (for the less spiritual individuals, lie to) the public. These people usually have some kind of a spiritual or artistic job (because of the strong need for inspiration at work), or a job in which they can apply their need for self-sacrifice (e.g. social work), or the fantasy (e.g. fashion, advertising...). The desire to work secretely and in anonymity. The life course is influenced by an ideal to which this person is completely devoted. Some individuals may experience difficulties in choosing their profession or with establishing themselves a clear position at work. A tendency to tread rather weird and gloomy paths, sometimes escape from the responsibility. Danger of a scandal or martyrdom. Reputation of a strange and sensitive person.
Jupiter in CapricornA sense of responsibility. Respect for the laws, order and the tradition. An ambitious, trustful, conservative, strict, frugal and careful nature. The effort to win the recognition of the higher society results in the opportunistic and egoistic behaviour. Devotion to the usually low ideals. Sceptical or orthodox opinions, often the feeling of infallibility.
Jupiter conjunct Neptune
See Neptune conjunct Jupiter
Jupiter in Houses tells us in which areas we will be able to develop, grow and expand and which area will enable us to fulfill our lives' purpose.
Jupiter in the 10th house
Upgrading at work, professional and social success, honors, positive circumstances, self-assurance, pride and independence. This person emits faithfulness and can motivate the others. Effort to win the recognition through education. The leadership and ambitiousness may sometimes bear the features of complacency and bosiness. Usually important social role. If this person is not respected, his performance decreases. A need to improve in the profession (e.g. further education) and to extend one's action radius. The lawsuits or laws have large impact on the career and the social status. The actual abilities do not correspond with the ambitions in some individuals which may result in the danger of dishonesty.
Moon in VirgoThe evaluation of the situations is based on feelings. A critical, punctilicious and sceptical nature. A well developed ability to watch, inclination to orderliness and excessive carefulness. An inner need to live reasonably, healthy and in a rather humble way. Pragmatism, a sober view of the life, shyness, thoroughness, restricted imagination. A need to be useful. This person is very demanding, dilligent, yet he posseses low self-confidence. Tendency to melancholy.
Moon square Neptune
See Neptune square Moon
Moon trine Venus
Delicate person, amiableness, kindness, tenderness, sensitive person, charming, often attractive. Strong aesthetic feeling. In love relationships, trusts his/her instincts that do not lie. Can take care of what he/she loves truly; able to build happy marriage and peaceful home.
Delicate person, amiableness, kindness, tenderness, sensitive person, charming, often attractive. Strong aesthetic feeling. In love relationships, trusts his/her instincts that do not lie. Can take care of what he/she loves truly; able to build happy marriage and peaceful home.
The Moon in Houses tells us in which area we will experience our female aspect in action (e.g. taking care about someone) and where to expect some kind of dependence, instability and fluctuation.
Moon in the 7th house
Emotional dependency on the other people makes this person easy to influence (especially by his partner). Excessive interest in what the other people think about this person. Thoughtfulness, strong empathy and the effort to win the affection at all costs. A need for close emotional contact which often represent the maternal role. Carefulness and the protective instincts manifest in the love and interpersonal relationships – these people often become involved with sensitive and vulnerable counterparts looking for the feeling of safety (e.g. family guys). The world may be perceived through the eyes of the significant other. Extroverted sensitivity. This person must cope with frequent changes in the relationships and sometimes experiences instability in this area caused by the emotional fluctuation. Sometimes several marriages. Possibility of becoming popular.
Saturn in ScorpioA decisive, contemplative, tenacious and secretive nature with the strong will, inclined to the fanatism and bossiness. This person finds it difficult to forgive and is scared of the close connections or intense emotions. Fear or aversion to the taboo topics, terminal experience or sexuality, paradoxically, resulting in the urge to excel in these areas. Cruelty.
Saturn square Mercury
One seems to be very skilful but in fact is very cunning, cannot trust and is insincere. Issues of communication. Tendency towards quietness, or critical preaching. May be very calculating, stubborn, cynical; grouch and sceptic; thoughtful.
One seems to be very skilful but in fact is very cunning, cannot trust and is insincere. Issues of communication. Tendency towards quietness, or critical preaching. May be very calculating, stubborn, cynical; grouch and sceptic; thoughtful.
Saturn conjunct Mars
Dislike of exertion, exhaustion, works hard. Activity follows after passivity in cycles. Blocked or supressed energy or sexuality. Will of iron, persistence, physical resistance. Roughness, cruelty, irreconcilability. Can hate deeply. Tendency to act like a bull at a gate. In danger of serious injuries.
Dislike of exertion, exhaustion, works hard. Activity follows after passivity in cycles. Blocked or supressed energy or sexuality. Will of iron, persistence, physical resistance. Roughness, cruelty, irreconcilability. Can hate deeply. Tendency to act like a bull at a gate. In danger of serious injuries.
Saturn trine Ascendant
Able to behave oneself. Strong sense of limits. One need a firm point in life where to aim. Often he/she makes obstacles himself/herself. Seriousness, carefulness, responsibility; often restrained. Able to fight obstacles. Preparedness for critical situation. Able to distinguish own limits.
Saturn in Houses shows us what we fear the most or in which area we feel constrained (and compensate it with hard and uncompromising attitudes), but in fact we have to learn to be thorough, humble and sober instead.
Saturn in the 8th house
Difficulties with creating stronger bonds. This person is afraid of them because he has already experienced the disappointment (e.g. loss of a dear person) and tries to avoid it. Difficulties with becoming a member of the group, often the feeling of being bullied and restricted. The enormous fear of the death and the taboo topics paradoxically attracts his attention on these areas. The sexual relationships are perceived very seriously which may create constraints. Tendency to supress one's instinctiveness and sexuality. Complications with the heritage and the property of the others (e.g. loans, guarantees on loans). Responsibility for the others' finance. The need to learn to face the existential crises. Weak regeneration abilities, difficulties with healing.
Mercury in AquariusThese people want to be intellectually independent and do not let anyone prescribe them what to think. Their opinions are often progressive. Original, inventive, intuitive almost genial thinking and expression. Great spontaneous inspirations and sudden ideas. They are interested in progress either in the technical sciences or the humanities. In the controversial matters they usually incline to the clearly stated black and white solutions. Weird thinking processes. Absent-mindedness, obstinacy, obsessions.
Mercury sextile Uranus
See Uranus sextile Mercury
Mercury square Mars
Overcritical, sometimes verbal aggression. Uneasiness; inattentive and rash person, overargumentative. Tendency towards quarrels, arguments and restlessness. Sarcastic and ironical. Often vulgar and rude. Possibility of accidents during transport (e.g. traffics, sports activity).
Mercury sextile Medium Coeli
Ability to adapt to tasks quickly. Tactic, skilfulness helps his//her career. Wants to step up with his/her knowledge or communicative abilities. Clever decisions help in his/her occupation. Reputation of skilful and clever person.
Ability to adapt to tasks quickly. Tactic, skilfulness helps his//her career. Wants to step up with his/her knowledge or communicative abilities. Clever decisions help in his/her occupation. Reputation of skilful and clever person.
Mercury in Houses tells in which areas we will exploit our intelligence, communication skills or flexibility, what we will be interested in – and what will mentally inspire us.
Mercury in the 12th house
Intellectual perception of the hidden and transcendental subjects. Exploitation of the unconscious inspiration and dreams. Difficulties with the self-expression and communication caused by the concentration rather on the inner and mental problems than on the evaluation of the outer situation. Sometimes coyness, secretiveness and nervous complications. Interest in the unconscious powers and psychology. Life's trials experienced mostly on the mental level. Expression of the collective symbols. Decisions based on the inspirations, impressions and feelings. Guidance by the spiritual powers. The spirit is concentrated on removing the social crises or the injustice, one's own karma and the unconscious instincts. Hostility between the young and the intellectuals.
Venus in CapricornConcerns about the emotional engagement, distrust to the close ones, carefulness, aloofness. The heart becomes inflamed slowly but for a long time. Self-sacrifice and devotion to the partner. Inclination to the old-fashioned opinions in love, strong conservativism in this area. The love life is controlled by the reason and the personal feelings are often put aside. These people perceive the relationships as a tool which can help them to achieve a particular social status and assurance. Sometimes emotional coldness and a rather hard heart.
Venus square Pluto
One loves or hates from the bottom of the heart. Very intense relationships, limbo like situations. Often fights for power and agonizes on the soul level. Tendency to manipulate his/her partner, jealousy. Pervert. Sometimes reluctant to mundane love live and pleasures due to higher ideals.
Venus in Houses tells us about the area (a person) on which we focus our feelings, where it is the easiest for us to make acquaintances and how our sense of aesthetics and harmony will manifest.
Venus in the 11th house
This person has the sense of friendship which provides him with a lot of friends, often involved in art or finance. Frequent intimate relationships with them may result in a marriage. Love overlaps with friendship. Keeping one's distance and independence dominate the relationships. Joy of group activities. Humanism. Common values are more important than the personal ones. The feeling of freedom is provided by the property and money. Unique life taste and style, rather untraditional hobbies.Possible disappointment because of the lack of criticism regarding one's friends. Some individuals seek only the people whom they can use.
Sun in AquariusThis person is one of those libertarians who will not let anything nor anyone restrict them. Their strong desire for freedom and independence frequently becomes the source of their rebellious attitudes. Usually an unconventional, friendly, inventive and tolerant nature focused on the progress and everything unusual. In the negative sense, this person may be rather unpractical, depressive, irresponsible, eccentric, cold and dogmatic. A desire to be different. This person may look like a weirdo, or in the better case, a crazy clown or an eccentric. It is hard to comprehend his nature because this person is full of paradoxes and oppositions.
Sun trine Pluto
Forcefulness, strong will, ambitions. Regeneration power, convincingness, suggestiveness. He/she expresses his/her qualities during crises rather than in everyday life. Explores the depths of his/her soul, interests in taboos. Seeks light in the dark (psychology, criminalistics…).
The Sun in Houses tells us where we take our energy from and how we spend it, in which area we can self-actualize, win the recognition and help the others.
Sun in the 12th house
Self-actualisation at the margins of society or in the background. An introverted, sensitive, dreamy person with solitary inclinations who may experience difficulties in communication. Often a gray eminence carrying a secret throughout his life. The ability to connect to the collective uncosciousness (mystics, artists...) and the effort to identify oneself with the higher whole (e.g. insitutions like schools, hospitals, prisons... the absolute for the more spiritual individuals...). A need to cope with the past. Social awareness. Self-sacrifice. Danger of escaping from the reality and restricition of the personal freedom. Voluntary (e.g. a monastery, meditation) or involuntary (e.g. prison, illness) isolation. This person may excel thanks to an unselfish or spiritual deed. Sometimes complications with father or husband.
Mars in ScorpioThese people often use secretive tactical manoeuvres and various sophisticated approaches in order to win the recognition. Remarkable performance, great regeneration skills, the ability to overcome the failures quickly. Uncompromising deployment of energy: all or nothing style. Masters in the psychical battle. Inclination to revengefulness and jealousy. Poisonous attacks strike in the most vulnerable places. Intense passion and a strong sexual instinct. Sometimes thoughtlessness and sadism.
Mars square Mercury
See Mercury square Mars
Mars in Houses tells us where we focus our activity and to some extent also our aggression showing us in which area we can expect conflicts and disagreements.
Mars in the 8th house
These people are led by strong and deep feelings. The energy is used in order to gather the spiritual property or uncover the hidden connections. The activity is focused on obtaining other people's property (e.g. business). This person belongs into a closed and secret group of people where there are frequent conflicts. Conflicts over the heritage. The activity is directed into the psychical area. Strong sexuality and the ability of the absolute and fearless commitment. This person enjoys resolving various dangerous and off-limit situations. The strong desire for the power results in the interest in property, psychology, magic, sex and occultism. Some individuals with this constellation are courageous warriors fighting against the death often in life-threatening situations (e.g. doctors, paramedics). Destructive inner tension, the ability to hate beyond the grave.
Pluto in ScorpioThe position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted.
Pluto square Venus
See Venus square Pluto
Pluto trine Sun
See Sun trine Pluto
Pluto in Houses tells us when we can expect major twists and radical changes (often resembling purgatory) and how to learn to use our regeneration skills and mental powers.
Pluto in the 8th house
Interest in the rebirth and the occultism, seeking mysteries, research, espionage. These people are focused on the material aspects of life and dive into the sexual, business and financial adventures. An obsession with sex, gambling, death or business. Fascination by everything taboo or forbidden. Extraordinary mental power, resistance in the critical situations, power over the others, usually occult powers. The ability to look deep into the hidden corners of the soul. These people can help the others to decide in the critical situations, but sometimes they control and abuse them. Sometimes the ability to mantain tight love connections is suppressed as well as the ability to transform. Influencing the partner's lifestyle, dogmatism. Serious crises may lead this person to the very bottom.
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