Neptune In The Tenth House
Neptune in the tenth house suggests some spiritual ideas regarding the career and public recognition. This placement suggests a degree of confusion surrounds the career, and it may be particularly difficult for you to settle on one. Your public image may not clearly reflect you actual persona or the private self. You may aspire higher than you can reach, or the world may refuse to give you the credit you deserve for what you have do.
In most of the cases we have come across, the placing of Neptune in this house - high in the sky and often assuming an above-average importance as a result of its position - usually means that not only will the career be colorful, but also that there will be many changes of direction in life.
When such changes are analyzed in retrospect, it may well seem that they were brought about because of your inner feelings, or even that you were in some way destined to make those moves as and when you did.
Ambition and achievement - If Neptune conjuncts the Midheaven, the sign in which Neptune is placed must of course be very carefully considered. That is because it not only shows your aspirations and objectives but also - because of Neptune's placing - your inspiration, too, which will color this additional ambition to achieve.
Here is a true romantic who can sometimes really allow his imagination to take flight. If, for instance, you signed on as a junior in a department store, you would immediately see yourself as president! If the chart is basically practical and shows ambition in other ways, the subject will no doubt make the grade - provided that you can truly keep his feet firmly on the ground while still letting his imagination roam free!
At worst, your subject may lack a sense of direction. If this is the case, consider carefully the potential that is shown by the Sun, Moon and Ascending signs.
Neptune in 10th House
by Marilyn Waram:
This connects the issues of father - or conditional love parent - and career with the ultimate values. Both are going to be extremely important in the individual's life, whether positively or negatively.
Positively, the person with Neptune in the tenth can be drawn into a deeply spiritual or very creative career, or a career having something to do with counselling, or with the sea, or with chemicals, gases, liquids and so on. She would be likely to be inclined to dedicate a great deal of her time and energy to her chosen career because it would provide such a tremendous sense of fulfilment, something she couldn't match in other areas of life. For this person, the rest of her life would have to revolve around her focation. As long as she is aware of her choice, and as long as she makes the effort to cultivate some personal relationships and some outside interests, she will stay balanced. She would tend to be happiest when working, and would not even consider it 'work', at least not in the sense of 'toil'. For her work would equal satisfaction of the highest kind, yet there would be other satisfactions available to her.
It is possible, with Neptune in the tenth, to have a quiet sense of timelessness with regard to one's career. That is, the individual may feel that she has a responsibility to contribute something meaningful to the world, whether that is in terms of helping others or of creativity. This will be important to her yet she will at the same time feel that her contribution is just that, a contribution. She will have a sense tghat her work is necessary, that it has a place in the grand scheme of things, yet she will not harbour illusions about the special importance of her particular efforts. This individual is most likely to keep her career in balance with the rest of the variety of life experiences.
For many, Neptune in the tenth is expressed as an unconscious value placed on a life career. A person living at this level will simply be a great deal happier when she has a job, but she will also need to feel she is doing something to create improvements. She will be ambitious, whether or not she is aware of it. She will have an eye open for the possibility of promotion, for the tenth house relates not only to career but to success as defined in worldly terms. That usually means she will have an unconscious need to gain more and more, in position, status and salary. If this remains unconscious, there is the possibility of career ambition and expectations taking over her life.
This position holds the danger of illusions surrounding career and the satisfactions it can provide. Neptune seeks the ultimatge satisfaction, the ultimate high, but the tenth house focus is in a limited and limiting area. Few people can find a lifetime of satisfaction in their career unless it is spiritual, educational or artistic / creative. The problem is that with Neptune in the tenth, the individal unconsciously or half-consciously expects the tenth house activities to provide this ultimate sense of fulfilment. Heaven is a job. Somehow the job is going to make the individual perfectly happy. This leads her to pour her energy into her job, as she happily assumes her whole life will be rosy and flow smoothly as long as she does so. It is an assumption she may never question.
Naturally her personal relationships suffer, yet she may simply turn more energy into her career, as it seems to offer the happiness she seeks.
The negative extreme is the person who cannot find any satisfaction or enjoyment in life or in any activity except those directly related to her job. Such a person lives for her job, and expects it to provide for all her needs, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. She may expect the job itself to be perfect in terms of salary, employees, working conditions or boss, and be miserable when it is not.
Sooner or later retirement looms, and the person with Neptune in the tenth may be unprepared. She may tend to wish away the idea of eventual retirement, refusing to deal with it realistically. Productivity, so important with Neptune in the tenth, has become a 'god'. She cannot envision life without a job for her life has been unbalanced for so long. As retirement advances upon her, she faces a choice: rebalance or continue to feed the illusion. She may feed the illusion by switching allegiance - volunteer work may beckon; at least this choice will keep her physically healthy and happy. She may feed the illusion by simple refusal to rebalance, to foster interests in other pursuits, yet be unable to replace one job with another. In this case she is likely to live in misery, either wallowing in memories or retreating into illness and opting out of any life but the one she has vested with such value.
Another negative expression is that of continual confusion and indecision regarding a career. The individual may be unable to commit to any direction whatever. She wants to do something big and important, something perfect, something more wonderfully artistic or inspirational or of more help to humanity than anything anyone else has ever come up with. Yet she often wants to accomplish this without any training or effort. While she can't find the way to magically make it happen, she may be unwilling to settle for the ordinary.
With Neptune, we tend to either dissolve the trappings of the world or to invest them with imaginary importance. The tenth house relates to the use of worldly power. Neptune in the tenth is a statement that the individual could tend to cloud this issue in unconsciousness or fantasy. It is a statement of the need to get clear about the role and use of power, on a personal level and on worldly levels.
Father would have provided an early example of some possible Neptunian behaviours and attitudes. Positively, he could have been a person who was very spiritual, loving and visionary. He could have had artistic or musical talent and been able to discipline it and direct it, he could have been a caring, giving person who had a talent for helping others in practical ways, or he might have been simply gentle and peaceful and sweet-natured, yet able to make a satisfying life for himself. If he provided a positive model of how to express Neptune in the tenth, he would have been able to integrate his values and beliefs with the real world. The individual could think the world of her father, and wish to be like him.
Negatively, she may have expected father to be perfect. If she still thinks he is / was, she may have put him on a pedestal and cannot tolerate any inference that he is less than wonderful. She may copy his attitudes and ideas without question because she has to keep alive the illusion that he is / was everything she needed.
If father disappointed her, she may have felt bitterly hurt and disillusioned. She may have come to terms with reality and forgiven him or she may have clung to her belief that he should have been perfect.
Father may be a strange and perhaps mysterious figure. He may be very withdrawn, either through inability to cope with the world or through a desire to simply be left to his own inner workings. He may have gone missing altogether, and the individual is left with only a fantasy figure, a father who exists only in his or her mind. The temptation is then to build up this fantasy father, to see him as bigger and better than anyone else. The individual may even have entertained notions about one day being rescued by him.
Father could also have manifested all that is unhappiest about Neptune: alcoholism, drug-addiction, chronic mental or physical illness, fatally weak character, or all of the above.
The flowing nature of Neptune can actually benefit greatly from the discipline and form offered by the tenth house. If the individual can accept these skills, Neptune's gifts are more easily translated into forms the world can understand and appreciate.
With Neptune in the tenth, the individual will profit greatly if she consciously examines her beliefs about the importance of her father in her life and about the nature of the world and reality. She may have fairy-tale attitudes about these, or a tendency to evade or avoid dealing with any of the issues. The same is true of career: she may expect far too much or deny its importance. With acceptance of the benefits of discipline, this individual could bring insight, compassion and inspiration into her chosen career. She will be able to throughtfully direct Neptunian creativity into productive areas, to accept and meet deadlines, and to channel Neptunian spirituality into practical expression.
by Haydn Paul:
The themes which are indicated by this position include social status and influence, careers and leadership. How Neptune will operate through you in terms of your public or community life can vary, and may be reflected by the nature of planetary aspects made to natal Neptune.
The more negative aspects include a lack of achievement, acknowledgement and status. This can be due to an inability to clarify the direction that you should travel, Neptunian confusion and indecisiveness, and teh work environment failing to satisfy for some reason. Perhaps through a lack of defined ambition or persistence in achieving aims, a lack of expressed talent or interest, your career life may be frustrated. You may lack practicality or just be erratic and unreliable in application, shifting with those fluctuating inner tides of Neptune and failing to be consistent at work or even in your relationships with professional colleagues. Attempts at manipulation or deciet may work against you, a transparent self-centredness may restrict opportunities coming to you, or scandals and whiffs of impropriety may circulate, tainting you by assocation or involvement.
Positive aspects can include a career of community service, where you become respected and appreciated for your efforts and social contribution, and this is an expression of a Neptunian social conscience seeking for that ideal utopian vision. You may become devoted to a cause, some type of idealistic social movement, and dedicate your time to its development. This can serve as a sacrifice to an inspiring ideal, where you offer yourself to be a channel for that 'something greater' which lies beyond the separate self. In this way, you may become a spokesperson for a visionary perception; spiritual, ecological, humanistic and altruistic in content. For some this occurs through embodying such concerns within artistic creations, artistic, musical, or literary, and so communicating them to others as an inspirational channel. The struggle may lie in finding the appropriate form which fits the message and the need for right livelihood, and discovering this can involve you in a transformatory path of its own.
Having social power and influence can be a challenging role to perform; and you may need to understand the dynamics of such a position and the concepts of personal empowerment to ensure that you do not abuse any influence that you may achieve. Remember that Neptune's influence can lead to distorted perceptions, and always keep that sword of discrimination ready to use.
This position can also indicate an inner resonance with the Mother figure, your own or as an archetypal image. Associated with this are the typical Neptune themes of sacrifice, victim and martyr; and it is possible that your mother had to relinquish many of her own personal desires in order to raise her family. Many adults are unconscious of the sacrifices and demands of parenthood until they become parents themselves, then the realisations begin to dawn, and a greater understanding and appreciation of their own parents is born. Some adjustment of this mother image and ideal is probably needed, especially in order to realise your own nurturing and protective instincts, and to harmonise your emotions more effectively. It can reflect a need to give birth (mother) to a new self that can emerge from within you, a self that is intimately connected with the well-being of a wider society and one which is connected to the impulse of the Aquarian Age which is now emerging.
by Stephanie Camilleri:
This is the ultimate Neptune location for politicians and performers. It is also excellent for ministers, counsellors, doctors, nurses, political scientists, philosophers, artists, and entrepreneurs of all sorts. It gives great powers of charm and charisma, though rarely as intense as they'd like - though, in certain cases, more than they can handle. They usually have good instincts for what will sell. As performers and politicians, they are usually very attractive and so tend to age gracefully, keeping their powers strong and maintaining a hearty image until late in life. As writers or artists, they generally leave behind a considerable body of work. As scientists, they tackle immense ideas.
They like language and enjoy using it, sometimes getting very salty or slangy. Women with this can be very sharp-tongued and pointed in their speech. These people don't usually like to stay in one place for long. They are not stay-at-homes. Frequently, they will have ties in two or more places quite a distance from each other, which necessitates constant travelling back and forth. They usually enjoy boats and fishing as a sport for relaxation.
Instinctive healers, they have a strong inner knowledge of what will help another to health, happiness, and fulfilment. They are often willing to give a great deal of time to causes or individuals they believe in.
by Howard Sasportas:
Neptune has many different faces in the 10th house of career and standing before the public. One manifestation of Neptune here is in those who find themselves idealised and worshipped by the public in general. In some way, they capture the collective imagination or come to represent a movement or force sweeping through society.
Tenth house Neptunes may embody various other principles, anything from representing what is beautiful, stylish and glamorous to that of the outcast and public scandal. Besides politics and cinema, other Neptunian careers include social work, art, fashion, photography, music, dance, religious work and healing.
However, foggy Neptune in the 10th can indicate vagueness or confusion about which career to pursue. Some will be dissatisfied with the work if it is not felt as all-absorbing and inspirational. A few I have seen have worked very hard and devotedly in return for less recognition or remuneration than they deserved. One man with this placement worked for a large company which did many shady and corrupt deals, and yet he was the only one to be arrested and imprisoned for it. Some will feel that their salvation depends on finding the right work or serving the needs of others. In certain cases, they may be forced to give up their careers because of a greater influence over which they have no control. Again, Neptune nudges us along the path of spiritual growth and expansion in this way, as if we are redeemed and purfied by having to let go and sacrifice what we are overly attached to.
If we take the 10th house to represent the mother, then she will probably carry the Neptunian projection. She might have been seen as a martyr or victim, someone who gave up her own identity for the same of raising the family. In some cases I observed, the mother had artistic or creative potentials which were cut short for these reasons. The child nay be guilty about feeling happy if the mother is so frustrated, unfulfilled and miserable, or he / she could blame him- / herself for the mother's condition. Or the mother may be so over-sensitive and delicate that the child ends up having to mother the mother.
Although the desire to serve reflects a purpose in itself, those with Neptune in the tenth may find a connection between their choice of a service vocation later in life and experiences with the mother during childhood.
In other cases, the parent may be seen as the saviour or redeemer or someone so idealised that the child feels unworthy to live up to that image. Perhaps Neptune asked that the mother be let go of and sacrificed for any number of reasons. If the mother leaves, is ill, has to work many hours to make ends meet, or dies, then the child must 'give up' the mother, at least in her physical form. Later in life, the child may search for the lost idea mother, or feel somehow inadequate because he or she was deprived of one. More positively, the mother may represent grace and gentleness, acting as a model of softness and compassion for the child.
by Liz Greene:
The tenth house is complex, for it is not solely concerned with career, achievement and status in the world 'out there'. This last of the angular houses also reflects a very special dimension of mother, or the mother-archetype. It is mother as form-giver and mtoher as physical world. When an infant emerges into life, the mother's physical reality forms the parameters of the universe; physical mother and material world are the same thing. The boundaries of mother's body, and the confines of mother's laws, ultimately form what we perceive as the boundaries and confines of the mundane world we inhabit; and what we project into the world, we then engage with, attempting to give shape to it in the form of a 'career'. Every infant meets a particular archetypal component in the personal mother, apparently embodied by her. This component later colours the individual's perception of what is expected by the larger world, and how one must present oneself to get on in life. It is a kind of inheritance, but it is not an objective portrait of the mother. Rather, it is as portrait of something we experience first in the maternal relationship, and later in our efforts to establish ourselves as independent adults in a world full of limits and laws.The issues reflected by our 10th house planets shape our assumptions about our place in society, the contributions we can make, the social issues we champion or do battle with, and the persona we adopt. It is not the personal mother's behaviour, but rather, the mythic image she embodies for her child, which dominates our perceptions. The material goals we espouse are thus profoundly linked with our early perceptions of maternal limits and boundaries.
Neptune in the 10th may perceive the world as a prison camp for those who need redeeming. The mother in such cases usually appears to her child as a victim, unconditionally loving yet the undeserving bearer of life's unfairness and pain. This is the mater dolorosa whose tears cleanse the sins of humanity, and whose suffering demands devotion and lifelong recompense. If this image is later transferred onto the world, the world seems full of misery; hence Neptune in the 10th often gravitates toward the helping professions, as a means of giving shape to the archetypal pattern. But Neptune in the 10th may also perceive the mother as an hysteric - the gaping maw of the big fish, who, as Alexander the Great once put it, demands an exorbitant rent for nine months' lodging. The mother may appear to exhibit the characteristic psychological difficulties of Neptune, not yet emerged herself from the uterine waters. She may be ill-defined as an individual, trying to live for and through her child. Neptunian idealisation and longing for fision may exist in both mother and child; both may share a dream of perfect union, where no loneliness or conflict can destroy the timeless bliss of Eden. Fulfilling mother's needs, and, later, the world's needs, constitutes salvation. Boundaries are blurred, and the child may feel called upon to be not only redeemer, but also fish-food, to be borne, nurtured, and then swallowed up.
Neptune's sensitivity to unspoken maternal cues may be expressed to the collective through that other favourite Neptunian calling, the world of stage and screen. In the participation mystique between performer and audience, Neptune in the 10th can recreate the state of primal fusion, drawing nourishment from a positive response, and experiencing deep feelings of loss, anxiety, and despair if the audience rejects the offering. The collective thus becomes the embodiment of the source, life-giving in its love and approval, life-threatening in its wrath. Neptune in the 10th reflects a deeply ambivalent relationship with the collective, as it does wit the personal mother. In becopming what 'they' want and need (which is teh same as what mother wants and needs), Neptune in the 10th people secure the illusion of unconditional love. Yet the 'beast with many heads', as every Roman emperor knew, is as liable to turn on its redeemers as it is to worship them. Shakespeare addressed many of his plays to this theme, in particular Coriolanus, Neptune in the 10th, through it's actor's gifts, may appear glamorous and mysterious to the public. But equally, it may incur victimisation, through an unconscious identificiation which unleashes the myth of the victim-redeemer in mundane life.
Ebertin mentions 'strange objectives', as well as 'the attainment of one's objectives by crooked means'. Because of Neptune's feelings of passivity and helplessness, one may feel that one's progress in life is not within one's own hands. An attitude of fatalism may accompany any effort to plan a future; and the individual may drift from one job to another, motivated not from within but by whatever help appears through the agency of others. Thus one becomes a small child, content to fulfil the mother's ambitions and expectations, eager to please, but experiencing not internal impetus to make an independent choice. For some with Neptune in the 10th, vocation is a necessity rather than a choice, dictated by unconscious compulsions which - whether interpreted as infantile, spiritual, or a combination of the two - will tolerate no other option. Others with Neptune in the 10th experience the world as too vast, confusing and overwhelming; and there is not enough 'I' to claim a place based on conscious volition. Neptune in the 10th may thus transform into society's victim, one of life's 'losers' - not through lack of ability, but through an obscure masochism which prefers maryrdom to a defined identity. In such cases one may consciously feel victimised by oppressive social forces (conservative government, patriarchal attitudes, capitalism, or other good hooks for Saturnian projections), and wait for the millennium when the wicked are overthrown and the meek inherit the Earth.
If one identifies with the victim-redeemer as outlaw (as most messiahs are in the context of their social milieu), then one may feel that deceit is necessary to achieve anything at all. There may be an urgent need not only to act subversively, but also to bf dount out; the individual may unconsciously architect the means of his or her own downfall through leaving clues of dishonest activity, or through becoming involved with a dishonest colleague or busines partner. There may also be an assumption of certain exemptions - one is 'above' the laws of the society in which one lives. Neptune in the 10th is sometimes associated with scandal.
Neptune in the 10th mamy be nobly inspired to serve the colelctive, or it may be diabolically inspired to cheat the collective. Or it may do a little of both. Neptune in the 10th never loses the gift of the hypocrites. One may not be particularly Neptunian in other respects, but the world will project Neptune onto the individual because the individual projects Neptune onto the world. There is usually an element of participation mystique in the individual's professional and public life, and an element of drama in the role he or she plays in the eyes of the world. This may not always be a big world - not everyone with Neptune in the 10th is 'famous' - but one tends to get noticed, because of a magical quality of mirroring which activiates the fantasies of those who do not know the person well. On closer contact, this mystery may vanish. It is those with Neptune in the 1st to 7th who remain elusive even in close relationships. But whether Neptune in the 10th attracts calumny or idolisation, it has enormous power to attract, because of its enormous intuitive insight into the inner workings of the collective. In the hands of a relatively conscious individual, self-aware enoguh not to identify with the mythic enactment played out on the public stage, this power to attract may be put in the service of great good to society, or, at the very least, great pleasure offered through the expression of creative talents. But the necessary ingredient of self-awareness can emerge only from an honest confrontation with the redemptive themes surrounding the relationship with the mother. Without this insight, Neptune in the 10th may become the victim of internal and external collective forces over which the individual truly has no control.
by Robert Pelletier:
Utilising your creative skills to help improve social conditions should be an integral part of your destiny. Although you may be disappointed in the beginning, you will eventually learn how to be effective. It makes little difference whether you work with individuals or with groups. for you can adapt to almost any job situation; your particular medium doesn't matter too much. What is important, though, is to get involved in a field that requires you to deal with people's problems. Your techniques may be unusual, but the results will justify the method. You are cautious in your financial affairs, because you don't want to take unnecessary risks that could put a strain on your resources. Your early religious training taught you not to take liberties with acceptable practices in your dealings. You should not make any investments without getting sound financial advice.
People can intimidate you fairly easily and make you believe that you owe them help with their problems. You are extremely sensitive and therefore more vulnerable to people's suggestions that you are obligated to help them. You feel that since you understand others' situations, you are more responsible to them. Secretly you doubt that you will ever achieve your goals in life. You tend to put other people's needs before your own, but this only delays satisfying your own needs. Don't be afraid to accept offers of help from friends who feel you need it. The chances arethat you are a friend to those in need yourself.
While you were growing up, conditions in your home made you feel uncertain about your ability to succeed in a competitive environment. Also you may feel that you have let your parents down by not living up to their expectations. If you avoid challenges, you won't learn how to face them in the future, and you delay the time when you will at last succeed. If you marry, it is important for your partner to understand this problem and give you enough time to achieve your objectives.
You feel it is a burden when someone asks you to demonstrate your creative skills, because you are so sure that your talents are less than adequate. If you work at them, however, you will learn that they are more valuable than you thought. You have to be given plenty of time to get your head together and make full use of your creative ideas. When you are deep in thought, people sometimes assume that you are daydreaming.
If you doubt the value of your ideas when you apply them, you will delay responding to life's challenges. Believe in yourself and start making a life for yourself. Probably the public considers you far more competent than you do. At first you could work in a field that brings you into contact with large groups of people, which will help hide your personal inadequacies. In time, you will become more self-confident about your abilities and can choose the career you want, whether it relates to individuals or to groups.
by Bill Herbst:
Collective responsibility: Your responsibilities are not concrete, but they bleed into every area of your life. There is no focus; your dharma is shown to you in every action, every situation, every life circumstance. Compassion is total and unqualified; there are not some settings where it's appropriate and others where it's not. However, this does not mean always providing comfort. Yours are not necessarily shoulders that should be offered to cry on. Try simple acceptance while letting others continue their struggle. True support is not a crutch, but an encouragement. True understanding is not an escape from responsibility, but an aid to its fulfilment. You don't need to have the answers; just have faith in the goodness of the universe. Your responsibility is to live in the flow of that faith.
Professional ambition: There is a gentle quality to your ambition; you are not likely to be competitive in your professioanl drive. You may be drawn to spiritual service, either traditionally, as in ministry, or through psychic or occult pursuits. Medicine and healing are fascinations, though you're not inclined to seek the high end of cultural stature, preferring the Mother Teresa approach. Anything involving images is good, such as graphic design. Performance art is attractive, as are music and acting. Even something as mundane as chemical engineering or pharmaceuticals is possible, since you're drawn to alchemy. This placement does incline toward things being not quite what they seem, which can result in unintentional confusion, deception, or even public scandal. But don't focus on those dubious possibilities; they're only the shadow aspect. Rather, keep your ambition focused on ideals, and learn to blend the pragmatic with the divine.
Missions and messages: In your living, we see that reality is not in contradiction with fantasy, for you exist in both worlds simultaneously. We discover that it is possible to experience a breadth of feeling beyond self-interest. We see that the circumstances of our lives do not bind us, for we rediscover the wonders of imagination, the power of dreams and ideals. Finally, we're reminded to develop compassion for our fellow human beings. We may learn this from your own gentle strength, the consistency of your kindness, or we may get in touch with it by seeing your delicacy crushed as your dreams are revealed to be illusions. Either way, you put us in touch with the mystery of intangible realms of existence.
'Outer-link' parent: Your father may have been drawn more to the spiritual than the material, a person of gentleness and compassion. If this is the case, then his idealism or artistry have left an indelible imprint on your life. However, he may have been a dreamer or an escapist who couldn't cope with the responsibilities of real life or real parenting. You may have grown up where alcoholism or other chemical abuse was present, in a family where someone was martyred. In either case, you may be somewhat confused by the lack of solidness in your early conditioning, as if there were no sure footing in the world for you.
Authority: Your adult approach to authority could be either reverent or mistrustful, or both. And your own authority is based on the subtle power of compassion and gentleness. Work diligently to be trustworthy and dependable in the execution of your responsibilities. You may win others' respect, but you're more likely to win their love. Authority must come from a higher level than the ego, so keep your nose clean and you'll do fine.
In most of the cases we have come across, the placing of Neptune in this house - high in the sky and often assuming an above-average importance as a result of its position - usually means that not only will the career be colorful, but also that there will be many changes of direction in life.
When such changes are analyzed in retrospect, it may well seem that they were brought about because of your inner feelings, or even that you were in some way destined to make those moves as and when you did.
Ambition and achievement - If Neptune conjuncts the Midheaven, the sign in which Neptune is placed must of course be very carefully considered. That is because it not only shows your aspirations and objectives but also - because of Neptune's placing - your inspiration, too, which will color this additional ambition to achieve.
Here is a true romantic who can sometimes really allow his imagination to take flight. If, for instance, you signed on as a junior in a department store, you would immediately see yourself as president! If the chart is basically practical and shows ambition in other ways, the subject will no doubt make the grade - provided that you can truly keep his feet firmly on the ground while still letting his imagination roam free!
At worst, your subject may lack a sense of direction. If this is the case, consider carefully the potential that is shown by the Sun, Moon and Ascending signs.
Neptune in 10th House
by Marilyn Waram:
This connects the issues of father - or conditional love parent - and career with the ultimate values. Both are going to be extremely important in the individual's life, whether positively or negatively.
Positively, the person with Neptune in the tenth can be drawn into a deeply spiritual or very creative career, or a career having something to do with counselling, or with the sea, or with chemicals, gases, liquids and so on. She would be likely to be inclined to dedicate a great deal of her time and energy to her chosen career because it would provide such a tremendous sense of fulfilment, something she couldn't match in other areas of life. For this person, the rest of her life would have to revolve around her focation. As long as she is aware of her choice, and as long as she makes the effort to cultivate some personal relationships and some outside interests, she will stay balanced. She would tend to be happiest when working, and would not even consider it 'work', at least not in the sense of 'toil'. For her work would equal satisfaction of the highest kind, yet there would be other satisfactions available to her.
It is possible, with Neptune in the tenth, to have a quiet sense of timelessness with regard to one's career. That is, the individual may feel that she has a responsibility to contribute something meaningful to the world, whether that is in terms of helping others or of creativity. This will be important to her yet she will at the same time feel that her contribution is just that, a contribution. She will have a sense tghat her work is necessary, that it has a place in the grand scheme of things, yet she will not harbour illusions about the special importance of her particular efforts. This individual is most likely to keep her career in balance with the rest of the variety of life experiences.
For many, Neptune in the tenth is expressed as an unconscious value placed on a life career. A person living at this level will simply be a great deal happier when she has a job, but she will also need to feel she is doing something to create improvements. She will be ambitious, whether or not she is aware of it. She will have an eye open for the possibility of promotion, for the tenth house relates not only to career but to success as defined in worldly terms. That usually means she will have an unconscious need to gain more and more, in position, status and salary. If this remains unconscious, there is the possibility of career ambition and expectations taking over her life.
This position holds the danger of illusions surrounding career and the satisfactions it can provide. Neptune seeks the ultimatge satisfaction, the ultimate high, but the tenth house focus is in a limited and limiting area. Few people can find a lifetime of satisfaction in their career unless it is spiritual, educational or artistic / creative. The problem is that with Neptune in the tenth, the individal unconsciously or half-consciously expects the tenth house activities to provide this ultimate sense of fulfilment. Heaven is a job. Somehow the job is going to make the individual perfectly happy. This leads her to pour her energy into her job, as she happily assumes her whole life will be rosy and flow smoothly as long as she does so. It is an assumption she may never question.
Naturally her personal relationships suffer, yet she may simply turn more energy into her career, as it seems to offer the happiness she seeks.
The negative extreme is the person who cannot find any satisfaction or enjoyment in life or in any activity except those directly related to her job. Such a person lives for her job, and expects it to provide for all her needs, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. She may expect the job itself to be perfect in terms of salary, employees, working conditions or boss, and be miserable when it is not.
Sooner or later retirement looms, and the person with Neptune in the tenth may be unprepared. She may tend to wish away the idea of eventual retirement, refusing to deal with it realistically. Productivity, so important with Neptune in the tenth, has become a 'god'. She cannot envision life without a job for her life has been unbalanced for so long. As retirement advances upon her, she faces a choice: rebalance or continue to feed the illusion. She may feed the illusion by switching allegiance - volunteer work may beckon; at least this choice will keep her physically healthy and happy. She may feed the illusion by simple refusal to rebalance, to foster interests in other pursuits, yet be unable to replace one job with another. In this case she is likely to live in misery, either wallowing in memories or retreating into illness and opting out of any life but the one she has vested with such value.
Another negative expression is that of continual confusion and indecision regarding a career. The individual may be unable to commit to any direction whatever. She wants to do something big and important, something perfect, something more wonderfully artistic or inspirational or of more help to humanity than anything anyone else has ever come up with. Yet she often wants to accomplish this without any training or effort. While she can't find the way to magically make it happen, she may be unwilling to settle for the ordinary.
With Neptune, we tend to either dissolve the trappings of the world or to invest them with imaginary importance. The tenth house relates to the use of worldly power. Neptune in the tenth is a statement that the individual could tend to cloud this issue in unconsciousness or fantasy. It is a statement of the need to get clear about the role and use of power, on a personal level and on worldly levels.
Father would have provided an early example of some possible Neptunian behaviours and attitudes. Positively, he could have been a person who was very spiritual, loving and visionary. He could have had artistic or musical talent and been able to discipline it and direct it, he could have been a caring, giving person who had a talent for helping others in practical ways, or he might have been simply gentle and peaceful and sweet-natured, yet able to make a satisfying life for himself. If he provided a positive model of how to express Neptune in the tenth, he would have been able to integrate his values and beliefs with the real world. The individual could think the world of her father, and wish to be like him.
Negatively, she may have expected father to be perfect. If she still thinks he is / was, she may have put him on a pedestal and cannot tolerate any inference that he is less than wonderful. She may copy his attitudes and ideas without question because she has to keep alive the illusion that he is / was everything she needed.
If father disappointed her, she may have felt bitterly hurt and disillusioned. She may have come to terms with reality and forgiven him or she may have clung to her belief that he should have been perfect.
Father may be a strange and perhaps mysterious figure. He may be very withdrawn, either through inability to cope with the world or through a desire to simply be left to his own inner workings. He may have gone missing altogether, and the individual is left with only a fantasy figure, a father who exists only in his or her mind. The temptation is then to build up this fantasy father, to see him as bigger and better than anyone else. The individual may even have entertained notions about one day being rescued by him.
Father could also have manifested all that is unhappiest about Neptune: alcoholism, drug-addiction, chronic mental or physical illness, fatally weak character, or all of the above.
The flowing nature of Neptune can actually benefit greatly from the discipline and form offered by the tenth house. If the individual can accept these skills, Neptune's gifts are more easily translated into forms the world can understand and appreciate.
With Neptune in the tenth, the individual will profit greatly if she consciously examines her beliefs about the importance of her father in her life and about the nature of the world and reality. She may have fairy-tale attitudes about these, or a tendency to evade or avoid dealing with any of the issues. The same is true of career: she may expect far too much or deny its importance. With acceptance of the benefits of discipline, this individual could bring insight, compassion and inspiration into her chosen career. She will be able to throughtfully direct Neptunian creativity into productive areas, to accept and meet deadlines, and to channel Neptunian spirituality into practical expression.
by Haydn Paul:
The themes which are indicated by this position include social status and influence, careers and leadership. How Neptune will operate through you in terms of your public or community life can vary, and may be reflected by the nature of planetary aspects made to natal Neptune.
The more negative aspects include a lack of achievement, acknowledgement and status. This can be due to an inability to clarify the direction that you should travel, Neptunian confusion and indecisiveness, and teh work environment failing to satisfy for some reason. Perhaps through a lack of defined ambition or persistence in achieving aims, a lack of expressed talent or interest, your career life may be frustrated. You may lack practicality or just be erratic and unreliable in application, shifting with those fluctuating inner tides of Neptune and failing to be consistent at work or even in your relationships with professional colleagues. Attempts at manipulation or deciet may work against you, a transparent self-centredness may restrict opportunities coming to you, or scandals and whiffs of impropriety may circulate, tainting you by assocation or involvement.
Positive aspects can include a career of community service, where you become respected and appreciated for your efforts and social contribution, and this is an expression of a Neptunian social conscience seeking for that ideal utopian vision. You may become devoted to a cause, some type of idealistic social movement, and dedicate your time to its development. This can serve as a sacrifice to an inspiring ideal, where you offer yourself to be a channel for that 'something greater' which lies beyond the separate self. In this way, you may become a spokesperson for a visionary perception; spiritual, ecological, humanistic and altruistic in content. For some this occurs through embodying such concerns within artistic creations, artistic, musical, or literary, and so communicating them to others as an inspirational channel. The struggle may lie in finding the appropriate form which fits the message and the need for right livelihood, and discovering this can involve you in a transformatory path of its own.
Having social power and influence can be a challenging role to perform; and you may need to understand the dynamics of such a position and the concepts of personal empowerment to ensure that you do not abuse any influence that you may achieve. Remember that Neptune's influence can lead to distorted perceptions, and always keep that sword of discrimination ready to use.
This position can also indicate an inner resonance with the Mother figure, your own or as an archetypal image. Associated with this are the typical Neptune themes of sacrifice, victim and martyr; and it is possible that your mother had to relinquish many of her own personal desires in order to raise her family. Many adults are unconscious of the sacrifices and demands of parenthood until they become parents themselves, then the realisations begin to dawn, and a greater understanding and appreciation of their own parents is born. Some adjustment of this mother image and ideal is probably needed, especially in order to realise your own nurturing and protective instincts, and to harmonise your emotions more effectively. It can reflect a need to give birth (mother) to a new self that can emerge from within you, a self that is intimately connected with the well-being of a wider society and one which is connected to the impulse of the Aquarian Age which is now emerging.
by Stephanie Camilleri:
This is the ultimate Neptune location for politicians and performers. It is also excellent for ministers, counsellors, doctors, nurses, political scientists, philosophers, artists, and entrepreneurs of all sorts. It gives great powers of charm and charisma, though rarely as intense as they'd like - though, in certain cases, more than they can handle. They usually have good instincts for what will sell. As performers and politicians, they are usually very attractive and so tend to age gracefully, keeping their powers strong and maintaining a hearty image until late in life. As writers or artists, they generally leave behind a considerable body of work. As scientists, they tackle immense ideas.
They like language and enjoy using it, sometimes getting very salty or slangy. Women with this can be very sharp-tongued and pointed in their speech. These people don't usually like to stay in one place for long. They are not stay-at-homes. Frequently, they will have ties in two or more places quite a distance from each other, which necessitates constant travelling back and forth. They usually enjoy boats and fishing as a sport for relaxation.
Instinctive healers, they have a strong inner knowledge of what will help another to health, happiness, and fulfilment. They are often willing to give a great deal of time to causes or individuals they believe in.
by Howard Sasportas:
Neptune has many different faces in the 10th house of career and standing before the public. One manifestation of Neptune here is in those who find themselves idealised and worshipped by the public in general. In some way, they capture the collective imagination or come to represent a movement or force sweeping through society.
Tenth house Neptunes may embody various other principles, anything from representing what is beautiful, stylish and glamorous to that of the outcast and public scandal. Besides politics and cinema, other Neptunian careers include social work, art, fashion, photography, music, dance, religious work and healing.
However, foggy Neptune in the 10th can indicate vagueness or confusion about which career to pursue. Some will be dissatisfied with the work if it is not felt as all-absorbing and inspirational. A few I have seen have worked very hard and devotedly in return for less recognition or remuneration than they deserved. One man with this placement worked for a large company which did many shady and corrupt deals, and yet he was the only one to be arrested and imprisoned for it. Some will feel that their salvation depends on finding the right work or serving the needs of others. In certain cases, they may be forced to give up their careers because of a greater influence over which they have no control. Again, Neptune nudges us along the path of spiritual growth and expansion in this way, as if we are redeemed and purfied by having to let go and sacrifice what we are overly attached to.
If we take the 10th house to represent the mother, then she will probably carry the Neptunian projection. She might have been seen as a martyr or victim, someone who gave up her own identity for the same of raising the family. In some cases I observed, the mother had artistic or creative potentials which were cut short for these reasons. The child nay be guilty about feeling happy if the mother is so frustrated, unfulfilled and miserable, or he / she could blame him- / herself for the mother's condition. Or the mother may be so over-sensitive and delicate that the child ends up having to mother the mother.
Although the desire to serve reflects a purpose in itself, those with Neptune in the tenth may find a connection between their choice of a service vocation later in life and experiences with the mother during childhood.
In other cases, the parent may be seen as the saviour or redeemer or someone so idealised that the child feels unworthy to live up to that image. Perhaps Neptune asked that the mother be let go of and sacrificed for any number of reasons. If the mother leaves, is ill, has to work many hours to make ends meet, or dies, then the child must 'give up' the mother, at least in her physical form. Later in life, the child may search for the lost idea mother, or feel somehow inadequate because he or she was deprived of one. More positively, the mother may represent grace and gentleness, acting as a model of softness and compassion for the child.
by Liz Greene:
The tenth house is complex, for it is not solely concerned with career, achievement and status in the world 'out there'. This last of the angular houses also reflects a very special dimension of mother, or the mother-archetype. It is mother as form-giver and mtoher as physical world. When an infant emerges into life, the mother's physical reality forms the parameters of the universe; physical mother and material world are the same thing. The boundaries of mother's body, and the confines of mother's laws, ultimately form what we perceive as the boundaries and confines of the mundane world we inhabit; and what we project into the world, we then engage with, attempting to give shape to it in the form of a 'career'. Every infant meets a particular archetypal component in the personal mother, apparently embodied by her. This component later colours the individual's perception of what is expected by the larger world, and how one must present oneself to get on in life. It is a kind of inheritance, but it is not an objective portrait of the mother. Rather, it is as portrait of something we experience first in the maternal relationship, and later in our efforts to establish ourselves as independent adults in a world full of limits and laws.The issues reflected by our 10th house planets shape our assumptions about our place in society, the contributions we can make, the social issues we champion or do battle with, and the persona we adopt. It is not the personal mother's behaviour, but rather, the mythic image she embodies for her child, which dominates our perceptions. The material goals we espouse are thus profoundly linked with our early perceptions of maternal limits and boundaries.
Neptune in the 10th may perceive the world as a prison camp for those who need redeeming. The mother in such cases usually appears to her child as a victim, unconditionally loving yet the undeserving bearer of life's unfairness and pain. This is the mater dolorosa whose tears cleanse the sins of humanity, and whose suffering demands devotion and lifelong recompense. If this image is later transferred onto the world, the world seems full of misery; hence Neptune in the 10th often gravitates toward the helping professions, as a means of giving shape to the archetypal pattern. But Neptune in the 10th may also perceive the mother as an hysteric - the gaping maw of the big fish, who, as Alexander the Great once put it, demands an exorbitant rent for nine months' lodging. The mother may appear to exhibit the characteristic psychological difficulties of Neptune, not yet emerged herself from the uterine waters. She may be ill-defined as an individual, trying to live for and through her child. Neptunian idealisation and longing for fision may exist in both mother and child; both may share a dream of perfect union, where no loneliness or conflict can destroy the timeless bliss of Eden. Fulfilling mother's needs, and, later, the world's needs, constitutes salvation. Boundaries are blurred, and the child may feel called upon to be not only redeemer, but also fish-food, to be borne, nurtured, and then swallowed up.
Neptune's sensitivity to unspoken maternal cues may be expressed to the collective through that other favourite Neptunian calling, the world of stage and screen. In the participation mystique between performer and audience, Neptune in the 10th can recreate the state of primal fusion, drawing nourishment from a positive response, and experiencing deep feelings of loss, anxiety, and despair if the audience rejects the offering. The collective thus becomes the embodiment of the source, life-giving in its love and approval, life-threatening in its wrath. Neptune in the 10th reflects a deeply ambivalent relationship with the collective, as it does wit the personal mother. In becopming what 'they' want and need (which is teh same as what mother wants and needs), Neptune in the 10th people secure the illusion of unconditional love. Yet the 'beast with many heads', as every Roman emperor knew, is as liable to turn on its redeemers as it is to worship them. Shakespeare addressed many of his plays to this theme, in particular Coriolanus, Neptune in the 10th, through it's actor's gifts, may appear glamorous and mysterious to the public. But equally, it may incur victimisation, through an unconscious identificiation which unleashes the myth of the victim-redeemer in mundane life.
Ebertin mentions 'strange objectives', as well as 'the attainment of one's objectives by crooked means'. Because of Neptune's feelings of passivity and helplessness, one may feel that one's progress in life is not within one's own hands. An attitude of fatalism may accompany any effort to plan a future; and the individual may drift from one job to another, motivated not from within but by whatever help appears through the agency of others. Thus one becomes a small child, content to fulfil the mother's ambitions and expectations, eager to please, but experiencing not internal impetus to make an independent choice. For some with Neptune in the 10th, vocation is a necessity rather than a choice, dictated by unconscious compulsions which - whether interpreted as infantile, spiritual, or a combination of the two - will tolerate no other option. Others with Neptune in the 10th experience the world as too vast, confusing and overwhelming; and there is not enough 'I' to claim a place based on conscious volition. Neptune in the 10th may thus transform into society's victim, one of life's 'losers' - not through lack of ability, but through an obscure masochism which prefers maryrdom to a defined identity. In such cases one may consciously feel victimised by oppressive social forces (conservative government, patriarchal attitudes, capitalism, or other good hooks for Saturnian projections), and wait for the millennium when the wicked are overthrown and the meek inherit the Earth.
If one identifies with the victim-redeemer as outlaw (as most messiahs are in the context of their social milieu), then one may feel that deceit is necessary to achieve anything at all. There may be an urgent need not only to act subversively, but also to bf dount out; the individual may unconsciously architect the means of his or her own downfall through leaving clues of dishonest activity, or through becoming involved with a dishonest colleague or busines partner. There may also be an assumption of certain exemptions - one is 'above' the laws of the society in which one lives. Neptune in the 10th is sometimes associated with scandal.
Neptune in the 10th mamy be nobly inspired to serve the colelctive, or it may be diabolically inspired to cheat the collective. Or it may do a little of both. Neptune in the 10th never loses the gift of the hypocrites. One may not be particularly Neptunian in other respects, but the world will project Neptune onto the individual because the individual projects Neptune onto the world. There is usually an element of participation mystique in the individual's professional and public life, and an element of drama in the role he or she plays in the eyes of the world. This may not always be a big world - not everyone with Neptune in the 10th is 'famous' - but one tends to get noticed, because of a magical quality of mirroring which activiates the fantasies of those who do not know the person well. On closer contact, this mystery may vanish. It is those with Neptune in the 1st to 7th who remain elusive even in close relationships. But whether Neptune in the 10th attracts calumny or idolisation, it has enormous power to attract, because of its enormous intuitive insight into the inner workings of the collective. In the hands of a relatively conscious individual, self-aware enoguh not to identify with the mythic enactment played out on the public stage, this power to attract may be put in the service of great good to society, or, at the very least, great pleasure offered through the expression of creative talents. But the necessary ingredient of self-awareness can emerge only from an honest confrontation with the redemptive themes surrounding the relationship with the mother. Without this insight, Neptune in the 10th may become the victim of internal and external collective forces over which the individual truly has no control.
by Robert Pelletier:
Utilising your creative skills to help improve social conditions should be an integral part of your destiny. Although you may be disappointed in the beginning, you will eventually learn how to be effective. It makes little difference whether you work with individuals or with groups. for you can adapt to almost any job situation; your particular medium doesn't matter too much. What is important, though, is to get involved in a field that requires you to deal with people's problems. Your techniques may be unusual, but the results will justify the method. You are cautious in your financial affairs, because you don't want to take unnecessary risks that could put a strain on your resources. Your early religious training taught you not to take liberties with acceptable practices in your dealings. You should not make any investments without getting sound financial advice.
People can intimidate you fairly easily and make you believe that you owe them help with their problems. You are extremely sensitive and therefore more vulnerable to people's suggestions that you are obligated to help them. You feel that since you understand others' situations, you are more responsible to them. Secretly you doubt that you will ever achieve your goals in life. You tend to put other people's needs before your own, but this only delays satisfying your own needs. Don't be afraid to accept offers of help from friends who feel you need it. The chances arethat you are a friend to those in need yourself.
While you were growing up, conditions in your home made you feel uncertain about your ability to succeed in a competitive environment. Also you may feel that you have let your parents down by not living up to their expectations. If you avoid challenges, you won't learn how to face them in the future, and you delay the time when you will at last succeed. If you marry, it is important for your partner to understand this problem and give you enough time to achieve your objectives.
You feel it is a burden when someone asks you to demonstrate your creative skills, because you are so sure that your talents are less than adequate. If you work at them, however, you will learn that they are more valuable than you thought. You have to be given plenty of time to get your head together and make full use of your creative ideas. When you are deep in thought, people sometimes assume that you are daydreaming.
If you doubt the value of your ideas when you apply them, you will delay responding to life's challenges. Believe in yourself and start making a life for yourself. Probably the public considers you far more competent than you do. At first you could work in a field that brings you into contact with large groups of people, which will help hide your personal inadequacies. In time, you will become more self-confident about your abilities and can choose the career you want, whether it relates to individuals or to groups.
by Bill Herbst:
Collective responsibility: Your responsibilities are not concrete, but they bleed into every area of your life. There is no focus; your dharma is shown to you in every action, every situation, every life circumstance. Compassion is total and unqualified; there are not some settings where it's appropriate and others where it's not. However, this does not mean always providing comfort. Yours are not necessarily shoulders that should be offered to cry on. Try simple acceptance while letting others continue their struggle. True support is not a crutch, but an encouragement. True understanding is not an escape from responsibility, but an aid to its fulfilment. You don't need to have the answers; just have faith in the goodness of the universe. Your responsibility is to live in the flow of that faith.
Professional ambition: There is a gentle quality to your ambition; you are not likely to be competitive in your professioanl drive. You may be drawn to spiritual service, either traditionally, as in ministry, or through psychic or occult pursuits. Medicine and healing are fascinations, though you're not inclined to seek the high end of cultural stature, preferring the Mother Teresa approach. Anything involving images is good, such as graphic design. Performance art is attractive, as are music and acting. Even something as mundane as chemical engineering or pharmaceuticals is possible, since you're drawn to alchemy. This placement does incline toward things being not quite what they seem, which can result in unintentional confusion, deception, or even public scandal. But don't focus on those dubious possibilities; they're only the shadow aspect. Rather, keep your ambition focused on ideals, and learn to blend the pragmatic with the divine.
Missions and messages: In your living, we see that reality is not in contradiction with fantasy, for you exist in both worlds simultaneously. We discover that it is possible to experience a breadth of feeling beyond self-interest. We see that the circumstances of our lives do not bind us, for we rediscover the wonders of imagination, the power of dreams and ideals. Finally, we're reminded to develop compassion for our fellow human beings. We may learn this from your own gentle strength, the consistency of your kindness, or we may get in touch with it by seeing your delicacy crushed as your dreams are revealed to be illusions. Either way, you put us in touch with the mystery of intangible realms of existence.
'Outer-link' parent: Your father may have been drawn more to the spiritual than the material, a person of gentleness and compassion. If this is the case, then his idealism or artistry have left an indelible imprint on your life. However, he may have been a dreamer or an escapist who couldn't cope with the responsibilities of real life or real parenting. You may have grown up where alcoholism or other chemical abuse was present, in a family where someone was martyred. In either case, you may be somewhat confused by the lack of solidness in your early conditioning, as if there were no sure footing in the world for you.
Authority: Your adult approach to authority could be either reverent or mistrustful, or both. And your own authority is based on the subtle power of compassion and gentleness. Work diligently to be trustworthy and dependable in the execution of your responsibilities. You may win others' respect, but you're more likely to win their love. Authority must come from a higher level than the ego, so keep your nose clean and you'll do fine.
Neptune in the 10th house
Neptune in the Tenth House may indicate that your imaginative and spiritual potential will manifest through your chosen social position in the world. You possess a highly inspirational nature, capable of attaining honour or position through some unique achievement. Your professional life could be enclosed within a spiritual framework such as ministers, spiritual teachers and psychiatrists or within an institutional environment such as in hospitals, asylums or prisons. On occasion, you will tend to lose direction life and withdraw from work to seek seclusion and direction - possibly as prelude to a change of career.
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