Relationship Potential Horoscope for "MM"
A few basic rules:
- Relationships according to Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are rather difficult to interpret. Also the subjects with these constellations tend to have rather complicated relationships to which their own complicated behavior contributes and it often leads to disappointment. The 5 remaining types of relationships (constellations with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) are much easier to manage.
- The smaller the number of the emphasized forms of relationship with 7 or more points, the clearer and less contradictory a person's ideas of a relationship – the easier for them to find a suitable partner. On the contrary, the bigger the number of the emphasized forms of relationships (with 7+ points), the more complicated emotional or love life. Such a person tends to have rather unclear, unrealistic or contradictory ideas about their significant other which makes it harder for them to be happy in a relationship.
- The points assigned to each of the forms of the relationship tells us about their intensity and importance. Of course, all of us have something of each of the ten types of relationships, but their tone and intensity differ from person to person – you can see it when you look at the points.
Love Relationship according to URANUS – An Unusual Relationship
CHARACTERISTICS: In this type of relationship the key role is played by freedom and liberty, while the constellation itself may manifest in various ways. In most cases, we may observe a typical example of the “hunter and the hunted one” syndrome. One is constantly struggling to catch the other person who starts to panic when forced into commitment or closed spaces. If they cannot get a walk (without a dog collar!!!) when they need to accumulate fresh oxygen into their cells, they begin to suffocate in their relationship. Eventually they may run or even dash away. Note that when the relationship comes to a point in which one begins to suffocate, the shock therapy becomes the only way to overcome it. There comes an earthquake, usually in the form of adultery. Since we are talking about the planet of unusual and unconventional acts (Uranus), the reason for this earthquake often includes something piquant. Either way, you should remember this constellation works bilaterally, so either of you may become the one who escapes. The ratio between genders seems to be equal (maybe men are more inclined to be the escaping ones and women more often try to catch them), so you may be the bearer of either of the options.
Tolerance happens to be a very important feature of your love relationship. The level of tolerance of your potential partner will be (in most cases) proportional to the duration of your relationship. It may be a ladykiller, it may be a person with completely different worldview or someone who is much more interested in their friends than in you, and the other way around. In general this constellation should lead its bearer towards more liberal attitudes to the society and the partner plays the role of a simulator in this process.
Under this configuration, innocent friendships often become strong bonds. Cohabitation in such a relationship tends to be much freer and full of understanding than in an ordinary one. In some cases, this person needs just a group of soulmates to be well off. They often keep their distance from deeper relationships or even find them repulsive. Such a lifestyle is an unconscious fulfillment of their inner need for freedom. There is another reason for this – the existential fear of stereotype which at some point comes in every relationship. If this person starts a relationship anyway, they need to compensate their decision by finding a partner with whom they never get bored. Or they need some space to spice up their life, usually by means of frequent parties with their friends or even erotic adventures. The partner should understand that if it comes to such a situation, adultery is caused not by the fact that this person no longer loves them, but rather because they are struggling to avoid stereotype and need to feel free. It is important for them to keep their distance from their feelings. Firstly, there are many unpredictable changes in their relationships and secondly, it is connected with their strong need for emotional freedom which may be mistaken with aloofness by a superficial observer.
The last but not least is this person's need for unconventionality concerning the social rules. It may manifest in various ways. Some may be attracted to the same sex, some are attracted to people of a different race or a different culture, some may be attracted to outsiders, weirdos, eccentric people, rebels or visionaries who are misunderstood and underestimated by everyone else. The driving force here is the urge to shock or at least to avoid the ordinary.
According to the traditional interpretations the bearer of this constellation inclines to frequent goodbyes and breaking-ups, yet this is only one of various possibilities, because the interruption of continuity in a relationship can be achieved in many different ways. For example, they find a lover whose lifestyle or occupation does not allow an actual cohabitation (e.g. steward/ess, traveler, night worker, etc.). This is how they trick the “fate”. A regular and monotonous relationship would eventually come to an end, because the bearer of this horoscope would have to deliberately act against their own nature. The cosmic rules would not allow them to do that for a long time.
SUMMARY: The bearer of this relationship needs a lot of freedom, liberty, tolerance and excitement in their relationship. Stereotype literally kills it. Their partner should behave as their close friend or a mate rather than a spouse-to-be, because this person's fate lies in the preference of free connections. This person should be tolerant to their partner, whose task is to become more liberal in relationships (and people in general) through this person, which is difficult anyway. Since their life is full of unexpected and sudden changes, they need to keep their distance from their feelings, yet it does not mean they are supposed to run away from them or to be scared of emotional closeness in general. Their partner should be understanding enough to accept if they sometimes seem aloof, emotionally cold or give the impression of independence. This unexpected emotional fluctuation may be connected with their unconcious fear of being deprived of freedom. Yet, this person should not run away (or cheat on their partner) everytime an emotional earthquake comes. They should just take a break until the earthquake is gone. Last but not least, this person has to accept (without being ashamed) they can feel love in an unusual way and that they like relationships which often contradict the social rules. Their task is to break these rules and to push the limits.
Love Relationship according to MOON – A Caregiver Relationship
CHARACTERISTICS: The key role in this relationship is played by the need to take care about another person. It resembles a relationship of a mother and her child – the bearer of this horoscope plays the role of a child which lets their partner feed them and take care of them so they can relax and feel safe in their relationship, without having to act like a parent. This person can hardly perceive their partner as someone equal. They will either act like a child – and therefore make it impossible to be taken seriously – or they will be forced to accept the responsibility for both of the couple. This attitude makes erotic and maternal love merge into one. The purpose of all this may be to develop one's empathy and caregiving ability or on the other hand, to help the partner to do so by letting them perceive the other person as a helpless, innocent or fragile being who needs attention and protection – to see the other person as their own counterpart. A reason for this may lie within the strong bond and inclination to a family model in which one unconsciously puts parental love on the same level as erotic love and tries to mix them up.
Such a person is looking for emotional safety and mental symbiosis which may manifest in their increased desire for confidentiality and emotional closeness. To know each other emotionally or to be able to instincitvely realise one's own mood is an important requirement, if we want this person to be capable of staying in a relationship. No one else needs to know their partner's soul better than this person. This helps them to achieve the feeling of emotional safety. When this person discovers the needs, emotions and moods of their partner, they become courageous enough to share their own colourful range of feelings. This person needs to share their complicated mental states without being perceived as a weakling, criticised or mocked – it works as a measure of satisfaction in their relationship.
The desire for tenderness and physical intimacy is strong, too. The bearer of this horoscope is extremely cuddly and playful. They sometimes resemble an incarnation of a Persian cat – they need someone huggable whom they can give their attention. Snuggling, tenderness, touching and various diminutives and interjections are how this person shows their affection. Such a sense of gentle lovetalk can be hardly found in people with different configurations in their horoscopes, which is quite unlucky because these people are very sensitive about the subtlest nuances of rejection or resistance.
This influence can be also characterised by emotional fluctuation. As the Moon phases overlap, the attraction to their partner fluctuates. The reason is oversensitivity to the subtlest changes in either one's own mood or in the mood of their loved one – the relationships of this person always resemble a swing, the emotions shared oscillate at various levels.
These people sometimes find it hard to put family love and passionate love together. Especially in the younger age they have difficulties in finding a significant other whom they could perceive both as a possible parent of their future children and as a lover at the same time. This sometimes leads to fragmented and contradictory desires regarding their love life, some individuals resolve it by starting two parallel relationships. In the books on Traditional Astrology we could learn that the process of emotional maturing of such individuals tends to be slightly slowed down, they often find their true love when they are older. The reason of this all may be the strong emotional dependences within one's own family. It may become an obstacle in the process of emotional maturing – it may result in shyness and makes it harder for this person to start a love relationship.
Another important manifestation of this constellation is the love for family life and home. Absolute majority of these people perceive their relationships as a gate to offspring (they usually love kids) and they are capable of neglecting all the other needs. In general, they can be very careful and understanding to their close ones, but when someone hurts them, they withdraw into an impenetrable shell. These people are unconsciously attracted to counterparts who have an inner child even in themselves even in the older age and their appearance or behaviour creates the impression of cuteness and innocence.
SUMMARY: A person with this constellation needs to find emotional safety and mental symbiosis in their relationship, in which caregiving plays the key role. They like to be pampered by their significant other and the other way around. The concepts of erotic and maternal love merge into one, and it has both its weaknesses and strongpoints. They either unconsciously perceive their partner as an immature child or as their parent. This person should learn to create harmony between these two attitudes and to tell between love and the maternal feelings (stop mixing up feminity and maternity), otherwise they could experience difficulties in feeling both these types of love for a single person. The process of emotional maturing may be slowed down. The concept of love learned in one's family strongly affects them and it is very hard for them to get rid of these past influences. They are attached to the past and tend to repeat the same mistakes and habits from the former relationships again and again. Their partner must learn to understand their fluctuating emotions and open their arms so this person can share their most intimate feelings without being perceived as a weakling. They also crave for tenderness, cuddling and physical intimacy, therefore they need a partner who is equally cat-like playful and able to respond to these needs. An important thing is not to mix up love and personal needs because it could lead to emotional dissatisfaction and insensitivity to other people. Regarding love relationships, this person should learn to trust their insticnts, mainly because their unconsciousness is tightly interconnected with the emotional aspect of their personality.
Love Relationship according to SATURN – A Remote Relationship
CHARACTERISTICS: In this type of relationship, the bearer of this horoscope feels a strong urge to keep some distance from their partner, possibly caused by emotional scars from the past. It could have been either a friend or some family events in their early childhood, usually some situations concerning leaving, which were not handled properly. Therefore this person always falls in love with someone who allows them to keep their distance. They often do not understand why they cannot ever let their feelings fully grow. Is it karma or a curse? The reason actually lies within their uncoscious fear of emotional closeness. Actually, it is some sort of a defense mechanism which protects them like a shell, so they avoid further emotional bleeding. In reality this constellation may manifest in various ways depending on every individual. Some start relationships with people who are several thousands light years away, some are always interested in people who are already taken. Some are attracted by hermits and some fall in love with workoholics completely useless in a real relationship.
The feeling of sureity and stability offered by the partner plays an important in this relationship. Thanks to the previous experience, this person is realistic. Their dream of an ideal love is long gone and they can finally concentrate on the practical aspects of the relationship. Some perceive material values as a guarantee of safety, some seek a strong and reliable character in their partner. Everything depends on the level of maturity of an individual.
As we already mentioned, a bearer of this constellation usually wears some kind of a shell which is hard to penetrate. It takes them long to take the shell off and let anyone come closer. Then they expect their partner to realise their need for the evidence of love. Just like doubting Thomas, they are not willing to believe until they see in their own eyes. This is the only way to inflame their frozen feelings, in return their love becomes strong and resistant to any outer attacks.
On the other hand they can easily fall in love with people who are either not interested or bring them more complications than happiness. If this person had to choose from 100 people out of which 99 want them, they would probably choose the one who is not interested, or a person with whom they know it will not be easy. It may be caused by the fear of emotional closeness which we already mentioned, but also by the fact that this person matures through their relationships. If they feel pushed aside or receive a slap from the love life, they are forced to think about themselves and to work on their own weaknesses. Some individuals simply choose mature, experienced and often also older partners. This way they play a trick on their fate, which would otherwise provide them with someone else who would serve as a lecturer in the process of their maturing.
The last but not least is the need to find a rigid form and structure of one's life in their relationship. They often seek presence of authoritative, ambitious and reliable people who can show them the way to greater discipline and performance. Solely thanks to such people, they can get into their top form. In addition, the fact that these people can help this person to take another step on the social ladder is impressive itself.
In general, the people with this constellation do not usually have easy relationships. People have to pay for the chance to mature, improve socially or get the feeling of safety. In the books on Traditional Astrology we can find that the bearers of this constellation often stay single, but this does not apply to all of them. If it happens, it is usually caused by the reluctance to self-improvement – being single is easier. The excessive self-criticism makes it harder for these people to find a partner, they keep constantly damaging their own self-confidence.
SUMMARY: The bearer of this horoscope needs to find the feeling of sureity and stability in their relationship and also needs the relationship to provide them with a rigid form and structure for their own life. Their partner has to understand their need to keep their distance, at least until they win their trust – which is not an easy process. They tend to think they are not worthy to be loved or that people love them not because of what they really are, but because of their appearance, talent, social status, money or their material merits. It is difficult for them to believe that love can be based on something else than physical reasons, therefore their partner should somehow prove their love is not superficial (which they would strongly despise). This person expects to get something in return for what they give out, which may lead to many disappointments and sometimes degrades the love merely to a trade. They should learn that through their relationships it is possible to mature, they can even become an example for other people if they are able to stand by their partner even in complicated situations. They just need to learn to tell where the borders are and avoid addiction to their relationship caused by their fear of being lonely. This person may be overly self-critical, therefore they should learn to treat themselves sometimes, even though they do not think they deserve it. Concerning making contacts, it would be great if they overcame their fear of refusal and pessimisn about love matters, so they do not miss the chance to find a suitable partner.
Love Relationship according to PLUTO – Relationship as a Magical Pact
CHARACTERISTICS: In this type of relationship the strong desire to be loved deeply plays the key role. The bearer of this horoscope perceives love as something fatal, magical or ethereal and requires the same from their partner. They are attracted by potential complications in a relationship, because they need passion. They need to face the impossible and tend to make everything more complicated than it really is, yet they ideal is quite simple – the absolute fusion. If their significant other cannot return the feelings in the required extent, they try to force them to, using various sophisticated methods. Such a relationship may turn into a chess game between the mental powers of the couple dominated by an uncoscious need to control each other. The reason for this behaviour may be this person's urge to create an eternal bond between themselves and their partner (or at least a bond which will last until the next incarnation) or their wish to change their partner according to themselves. Using a hyperbole, here we can see a sadomasochistic game with an unconscious consent of both players. Surprisingly, the “masochist” has power over the “sadist” too, because the sadist is literally addicted to them. Sexuality often happens to be the tool to control the partner.
This person seeks perfection in their relationship and wants everything to work at 120%. No other constellation seems to be this demanding. Initially, the bearer of this horoscope always finds something wrong about their partner, because no one can actually meet their expectations. Extremely high demands about the partner are not expressed openly, this person merely behaves in a disgruntled and dissatisfied way, when they are unhappy about something. If they expressed their demands openly, they would have to admit their ideas about the partner's qualities are unrealistic. On the other hand, if their partner succeeds in meeting their expectations at the initial stage, they will admire them and put them on a pedestal, temporarily refusing to see their actual faults and later supressing the feeling of dissatisfaction into their uncosciousness. The monument they have built is being “polished” until they are eventually fed up and all the dissatisfaction pours out of their unconsciousness again. The partner is subsequently flushed away from the pedestal, without this person realising they never asked them to be put on one. Eventually the truth comes out – they loved rather an ideal than their actual partner.
This constellation makes its bearer see their partner either black or white, they either consider him a superhuman or a subhuman, they want them either as a whole or not at all. The most difficult thing for them is to stop putting the people they love into categories. It is hard for them to make compromises and find the golden measure (especially in the later stages of a relationship). From a different point of view, this person is predestined to face border situations. Their emotions can either rise into the ethereal heights or fall into the darkest depths. This configuration brings the biggest intensity of feelings. The feelings are triggered by various extreme relationship experience (e.g. death, violence, threatening, manipulation, passions which drag them into an abyss, or on the other hand asceticism, love beyond the grave, life with a morally pure person...).
This person is predestined to experience extreme situations which serve them as a catalyst for their personal transformation – they can change completely. This is why they attract the kind of people who can actually contribute to this radical change – the people who possess secular, spiritual or mental power or have already undergone some kind of purgatory on the Earth. They range from politicians and mafiosi to teachers, saints, gurus or handicapped people. Everything depends on the level of maturity of an individual. The powerful personal charm and the desire to cross the borders of the taboo attracts these people. Moreover, they hate peaceful atmosphere and unconsciously look for complicated relationships which would provide them with enough tension and passion. Otherwise they will provide it on their own. Since these people are capable of creating extremely strong bonds with their partners, the harder it is for them to break away – or for their partner. When it comes to a breaking-up, either of the couple may become dangerous or annoying because of their inability to accept a failure. The process of breaking-up is usually very complicated and often ends up in hatred.
Again, this person tends to reach extremes in love. Some can become passionate lovers or fanatic admirers, some can become ascetic Among these people we can find both explicitly passionate individuals (nymphomaniacs and satyres) or on the other hand, individuals who project their feelings into spiritual levels.
SUMMARY: The bearer of this horoscope needs to feel deep love. They perceive every relationship as something fatal and need to live in a passionate atmosphere. They wish to know everything about their partner, even sort of dissect them mentally – and offer the same in return. They cannot love partly and offer either whole soul or nothing at all. The relationship should not be allowed to turn into a chess game of mental powers, because it might bring this person to a mental breakdown. These people also should not force their partner to change, because it could destroy their love completely. This person is predestined to be involved in emotional extremes almost all the time, the point is to learn to control their feelings and senses. In a relationship they tend to supress the initial problems (either their own faults, or the faults of their partner), which they need to stop doing or the problems will come back at them later and totally destroy their relationship (possibly even their whole life). This person needs to realise that seeing a relationship in black and white only is wrong and the reality may be much more colourful – which is why they should avoid hurried judgements. The power of the emotional bond with their love is so vast that it makes their relationships serve as catalysts of personal transformations. Their flying high and landing hard depends on that. Breaking-up may be very difficult for either of the couple, because their love resembles a magical pact. The key is to realise that nothing lasts forever and everything eventually comes to an end, so the reality stops being such a powerful shock for them. The best would be if this person started a relationship only if they really mean it. Playing with other people's feelings may be very dangerous.
Love Relationship according to NEPTUNE – A Relationship through the Rose Coloured Glasses
CHARACTERISTICS: In this type of relationship the main role is played by fantasy and dreams. It is hard to keep oneself grounded when it comes to love. Excessive idealisation of one's partner can be quite dangerous. In the beginning, these people always see their partner through the rose coloured glasses. We could compare it to a caricature of two drunks approaching each other thrilled by each other's newness. They cannot see each other's faults yet or they consider them minor (it comes all later, after sobering, there comes quite a hangover). They seek unbinding closeness and crave for personal conversations in which the participants perceive each other as spiritual beings rather than actual humans and share mutual understanding. These people are attracted by strange and unusual atmosphere in which they feel like a fish in water, but it gets worse if they come back to reality. Just like the fish, they cannot breathe and soon start to smell. It is quite easy to catch such a person , you just need a pink worm on a hook (the false promises this person likes so much). It is very important for them to get at least a little bit of ethereal love. They also need their partner to stop asking them stupid questions – on the contrary, they need space for their own secrets so they will not have to lie. On the other hand, they tend to have great and unrealistic expectations which may end up in many disappointments.
This person can achieve an ideal relationship with a romantic and nonstereotypical partner. This is why they tend to fall in love with someone they cannot have and perceive them as some kind of a dream image – this way the reality cannot destroy it. They are often attracted by people whom they can idealise, either based on their occupation or their way of life (e.g. a doctor, priest, artist...). The crack in the mask of their loved one through which they can see their human frailty powerfully attracts these people. Their strong need to self-sacrifice in their relationships causes them to fall in love with people who are in need and belong to the margins of the society – alcoholics, narcomaniacs, prostitutes and variously handicapped individuals. In such connections, they find a combination of closeness and unattainability (these low-class people usually live in quite different and incomprehensible dimensions) which fascinates them. They often believe in their own ability to make miracles with their love.
They posses the ability to love other people boundlessly, but in the less mature individuals it may manifest in their inability to stay with a single person for a longer time without being distracted by others who seem interesting. These people are able to fall in love with several people at the same time and are unable to comprehend that this constant oscillation from one to another person hurts them and brings terrible chaos into their emotional life. The more mature individuals are capable of loving several people at the same time too, but they can keep it platonical so they do not hurt anyone. Some even use this ability to self-actualise in the social area.
What they need to learn in their life is to develop their ability to love unselfishly. They can stand being in a relationship where they give more love than they get – they can and should learn to split their heart without expecting the same in return. If they realise this, they can avoid massive disappointments – they are great emotional transmitters, not receivers when compared to the others. No capitalistic theories will be adopted by these people. No one else is so full of love, but the others are actually incapable of returning it.
The desire to merge and to dissolve in the feelings also characterises these people – it helps them achieve mental states bordering on extasy. To love and to be loved is their drug, if they do not have it, they experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. In their search for love they are willing to cross the borders of the irrational. They may express their love for a deity (many strong believers and nuns are bearers of this constellation) or an idol.
The negative effects of this relationship can be supressed by completing the mission given by this aspect – transmitting love outside the relationship. For example, these people may work for a charity organisation, shelter, help link or in an occupation in which they play the role of a spiritual messenger and ease others' suffering (e.g. social area, healthcare).
SUMMARY: The bearer of this horoscope unconsciously needs to self-sacrifice in their relationship and needs to dissolve and give himself away. They wish to experience the ethereal love together with their partner which is quite impossible. Instead their partner should try to create an atmosphere of personal closeness and unattainability at the same time, or at least let this person's mind wander as often as possible. The tendency to fall in love with an illusion or a dream rather than with a real person often brings unrealistic expectations and leads to disappointments. Too much idealisation makes this person ignore faults of their loved one, it is important to learn to see the world in a critical way and to keep themselves grounded. Because of their over-developed sense of compassion and the ability to love boundlessly this person tends to start a relationship with people who give the impression of being in need of help or deep understanding. They must learn to tell who really needs and wants help, and who merely abuses them and sucks on their energy – this is their life mission. The naive belief that love can completely change someone who is not willing to change is completely mistaken. Since this person is very gullible when it comes to promises, they should at least learn to insist on other people to keep their promises. These people are more vulnerable than the others and should be careful about giving out their hearts spontaneously. Even if this person experiences lots of disappointment, they must not start lying and pretending out of the fear of being hurt and humiliated again. In a love relationship they must be careful not to let their heart cross the borders and touch different people, because they may hurt both themselves and all of the concerned.
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