Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Grand Cross

The Grand Cross is, indeed, a very rare and very powerful configuration in an individual's birth chart. It is an intense and potentially stressful concentration of energy which may involve more than the basic 4 luminaries/planets. The theory goes that the individual with such a configuration will be driven by the intense flow of energy to achieve remarkable success in life or that they will collapse under the pressure.

Having a Grand Cross configuration would be extremely difficult at times of heavy, malefic transits and progressions. If the aspects between the natal planets involved were particularly tight, then a huge amount of negative energy would be triggered all at once, affecting many areas of life and thus making life rather difficult to cope with for a time.


Grand square in the natal chart is the combination of feeling both continually frustrated at being boxed in with limited options combined with seething anger about the repetitive patterns, eventually fosters both self-growth and staying power.
you can either learn to benefit from it or you can just give up and swim against the stream


I've heard of a Cardinal Grand Cross person being discussed in Astrology Weekly forums, and the CGC's friend described this guy as extremely driven and focused on his ambitions--getting to the top of the world. Also listing some pretty unflattering traits, that he would habitually criticize everything...like every restaurant they'd go to. Has to mention at least once a week of his family's heritage, and his "grandiose" goals (the thread starter didn't specify), which he goes on to say he believes them unrealistic. Also this CGC guy hasn't done anything recreational, isn't social, "boring"...

I have a grand cross with an 8 degree orb among all placements, so depending on what you would consider an appropriate orb I may or may not have it. But it usually shows up on most online-generated charts. The placements are sun in libra, moon in aries, mars in cancer and both neptune and uranus in capricorn, so it actually involves three personal planets as well.

I'm glad to see a question about it on Y!A since it doesn't seem like there is that much information on it because of its rarity. I'd love to here someone else's experience with it too :)

Anyways, on to actually addressing the question lol. I feel like I have a lot of goals and aspirations and I have to learn I can't live up to all of them (at the same time anyways) and be more realistic in my expectations. I think one of my biggest personal problems is that I lack taking initiative or have trouble just simply starting projects or goals. Even though all these placements are in cardinal signs, maybe all the negative aspects sort of 'lock in' the cardinal-ness and make it difficult for me to tap in to. Even though I have ambitions, I feel like I am behind others at the same stage of life as me, although it may just be me critiquing myself too much, or the fact that I've always went to academic schools, so all my peers are super-intelligent and very driven as well. I can be very lazy unless there is extreme structure in my life, but this could just be my mars in cancer... 
I think I am finally beginning to 'find' myself or come to terms with who I am, since I'm not really the most sociable person and find it difficult to relate to people and put out my emotions there for everyone to see. This could just be my capricorn ascendant, too, but I've never really felt the energy, assertiveness or extroversion you'd expect from a Libra Sun and Aries Moon.

Also, just as a side note, Aries Moon and Cancer Mars seem to exhibit mutual reception, as in, they are in each others natural ruling signs. I wonder if that also affects the nature of my grand cross in any way...

Anyways, with all this being said, I don't really want to blame anything that happens in my life on being 'cursed' with the dead-end energy of a grand cross. Some say it can be a great source of stability and versatility, so you just have to know how to play the cards you're dealt, I guess.

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer them :)

Hmm interesting! Thanks for that! There definitely are similiarities between us, but I hope I don't come of as egotistical as the guy you described seems. I suppose the rest of our charts are probably different, which could account for other differences, but being very goal-driven and a bit, perhaps, anti-social seems to be the common denominator here...

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