You will find that you have a broad field of self-discovery ahead of you with a lot of choices to make and a lot of ground to cover. Although you may find each other difficult to take at times, you are likely to be able to respect each other difficult to take at times, you are likely to be able to respect each other's special views and needs, especially because you will have a lot of choices and may not have to deal in depth with any one area to the extent that its worth fighting over it. However, it will also be easy to be tolerant without true understanding, which sort of defeats the purpose of tolerance, at least if that purpose is really to be a close-working unit in which you both know what to expect of each other. While you have the breadth to understand that the world is made up of many individual truths (here you will be a step ahead of many), your challenge lies in choosing the ones you want to get into in depth. This applies equally to dealing with complicated facets of your personalities and to grasping the core truth of the details you find in the world. Where possible, probe a level or two deeper until you hit solid ground, then proceed with confidence. Mistaking surface reality for the real thing will be your greatest hazard, encompassing all the facts of the matter will be your triumph.
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
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