This is a difficult place for the Moon, and represents what can be an extreme challenge or a great burden , depending on how you approach it. The immediate reaction to emotional situations here will be to answer the question, 'Who is the boss?' That is a bad place to start, and might be well substituted with, 'How can we serve each other?' Since service tends to be such a one-way affair in our current society, it may be difficult to create satisfying equality out of a 'serve and be served' situation. It will require that you both examine the roles you play in respect to each other and be very specific about what is acceptable and what is not for both of you. The emotions of each must have free play from time to time, however you decide upon mutually accepted restrictions, and you may find that because of this it will be well to have another option to give yourselves individual growth separate from the relationship. This is a situation in which what will be asked of each of you may be the very thing you would least like to give up. It is your option to take this on or not. If you do, make plenty of space for it, because it will take up much more time and emotional effort than you may have estimated at the onset.
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
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