It will be a major motivation in your lives to have things work out the 'right way' and nothing less- not in a physical or material sense, necessarily, but in a sense of achieving overall fairness and balance, equality and sharing. Thus, beauty, presentation, image, justice, and all the things that please in life will have an attraction to you, that all times borders on the compulsive. To get things to work out right is to die for. Agreement as to just what this comprises will make you a dynamic duo working for peace and justice. When you disagree, however, you are liable to cross swords with determination, to the detriment of the rest of the relationship. What if you are faced with the ultimate Plutonian question, 'Would you die for it?' Would you? Seriously? If so, get it over with; if not make a compromise to get on with things. The order you would like to see in the world is imposed by you from within and can be changed from within. So often the defects you see will be ones of your own vision and not necessarily your partner's or the world's, at least as they see it. Inner communication despite differences and perceived shortcomings, is the real bottom line, and neither of you is ultimately as vulnerable because of your imperfections as you might believe. When you open yourself to what you may regard as potential harm, you may find yourself surprised that it brings a change for the better and a greater feeling of self-confidence and safety in the long run.
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
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