It may be safely said that nobody (except yourselves) knows what's really going on here, and everybody's version of who you are and what you want is somewhat of an illusion. This can be alternatively troublesome and helpful. If you are in a professional situation where you need to create a clear and reliable image of yourselves, you're going to have a difficult time. Your intentions will be misinterpreted and your real achievements misconstrued or ignored. On the other hand, it will give you an innate camouflage and an ability to fool anyone you want to any time you desire just by spinning a reasonably believable yarn. It's a mix you will have to learn to deal with and manipulate with skill, or else you will be entirely awash when it comes to establishing and maintaining a professional presence. You will have to come to grips with another inclination here as well, and that is a propensity to believe that your public position- which is to say what people are saying about you and your social and business situation as a result- is something of a matter of principle and ideals to you, a yardstick by which you will judge your beliefs and their validity. This may not be a realistic approach and you can find yourselves demanding more of your surroundings and their reactions to you than can be reasonably expected. If you look at reputation as an illusion, you will more likely get tangible results than if you chase after a reputation that can continually escape your ability to stabilize. Follow what you think is right and let others sort it out according to their necessities.
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
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