Jupiter in it's own sign brings all its native glory and possibly perils to your relationship. You will find that you have access to unhindered growth in a wide variety of areas, and you can develop together at any pace you decide to set. If you don't circumstances will usually dictate you circumstances, and you can find yourselves running behind trying to catch up if you are not careful. You are likely to believe you can handle anything together as long as you are sincere and keep good company. This is true but also remember that anyone's capacity to absorb experiences is limited and the more you try to take in, the less you absorb or learn for later recall. Better to pace yourself and make sure you've really gotten all the benefit out of one stage before you move on to the next. The same goes for entering new fields of endeavor together: master one thing before you move on to the next, because the earlier serves as the foundation for the latter, down the road you can get in over your head if you haven't thoroughly taken care of business in earlier developments. Whatever the outcome, with this position the process will feel good and your general direction will tend to be upward.
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
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