Your relationship is characterized by a quickness and agility of mind that
makes you get your thoughts in first and can put you at the head of the line if you
check them for errors before delivery. In fact, you may find that together
you have a much more assertive and incisive gift for gab than either of
you do separately. There is something in the way you hand off remarks to each
other that speeds up and sharpens both of your thought processes. You must take
care with your quick repartee not to inadvertently hit the wrong target,
particularly when you are dealing with one another. A thoughtless word can do
more harm than nothing said at all, so sometimes the impulse to stick your oar in
must be resisted for the good of all. Nevertheless, a quick mind is a treasure that
should be kept sharp by continual use, not just in your own service but in the
service of others whose thoughts you may be able to more quickly articulate. The
only thing that may be somewhat lacking is a sustaining quality, the ability to
follow up on communications and projects that have inspired you, but in which
you may lose interest too quickly. Here, the ability to delegate authority and
relegate tasks to one or the other of you (or a third party) for completion will be
paramount, so that you don't let your best creations slip away from you.
Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley
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