Saturday, June 30, 2012

Composite Mars conjunct Pluto

There is a very forceful side to your relationship which can lead to your working your will on others and using force as a substitute for reason if you are not careful in the way you use it. Mar's energy and the extremity of Pluto don't take no for an answer and would prefer death to defeat, which is an internal trend which you may recognize. It's like having a battalion of berserkers lined up inside of you, ready to charge when the cause is right. You have the power and the willingness and capability of using it. The question is : 'Where, when, and why- and can you keep it under control in the meantime?' Professionally you have the financial hitman market sewed up, if that is what you want, because you can strike ruthlessly without restraint or remorse. Of course, that's only applicable in some areas of endeavor. Fundamentally, you have tremendous striking power, but it will be difficult to direct it out of conscience rather than fear and insecurity. Personally and sexually, this can lead to pushing yourselves to the wall to find out what the result of the ultimate test will be. It needs to be accomplished with open eyes and careful precautions. The limits you will seek are the limits of life itself- a dangerous but sometimes rewarding edge.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Mars conjunct Saturn

Composite Mars Conjunct Saturn (Wide Orb of 7 deg)

This can be a very troublesome or very useful position depending upon where you manifest it. Mars is your energy and Saturn is restriction, so in areas where you need to expend boundless amounts of energy quickly, this will be a poor match indeed. This aspect is bad for the 100 yard dash but good for cross-country treks. Where you need to have a carefully controlled flow, however, this is perfect. Doctors are known for this aspect- for them precision and perseverance are required, both to train and to practice. Since Mars is closely associated with the sex drive, don't expect mad, blind passion, but a cooler, longer-lasting form of sexual affection and perhaps even overtures of emotional or physical bondage. This will be a relationship where you take yourselves perhaps too seriously, feeling that you should be getting something important done, so it may at times be a good idea to try to lighten up a little. This doesn't detract from the impact of your mission, it just lets you have a little more fun along the way Nevertheless, if you give yourselves time, yours will be a union that carves out an important and indelible mark along your time line, because you are willing to deploy the energies to do just that. When others are flagging, you will still be in the fray, as long as you have not let contrary expectations take you off course or siphon off your needed energies to other projects or other relationships. This will be a demanding one, so be ready to go the distance.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Venus Trine Mars

If this is a love affair, you can ask for little better than this. Even if not, you will find a
special rhythm of give and take together that will smooth your path wherever you
venture. In a love affair, it is not the rhythm of tumultuous passion which so often
has the hidden edge of hostility that provides initial excitement and eventual
estrangement. Rather, it is a movement of give and take where each knows when
to respond to bring the other pleasure while at the same time receiving it. You
know to push far enough for excitement and satisfaction but not so much that it
hurts. In professional life, this gives you the ability to act with good timing on
getting what you want out of a situation. For many, and perhaps for you
individually, desire and the means to satisfy it seem to be too often at sixes and
sevens, largely because the cycle of giving and receiving never really gets
properly in sync. To receive, you've got to give, and there has to be a good sense
of when to do each. In your case, you will just know when to make the move and
when to stand back and draw in the receipts. It's a natural blessing with this
situation, but one which may fade if you don't figure out how you do it. The best
way to do that is to teach, share your talent so that you better understand it and
its benefits come back to you again and again.

Composite Sun conjunct Mercury

In a special way, your heads and hearts are in the same place in this relationship. You will naturally know what the other is talking about whether or not you say it out loud, but when you do put it into words, it will be well expressed as well as sincerely delivered. This is a talent that can be taken for granted. However, there can also be a tendency to assume you have said the right thing. You let your intentions take control over your expressions without seeing them through. On a moment to moment basis, this is not a problem, for as long as you're getting the message across to each other, it doesn't matter how it's done or how accurate or complete you are in what you say. When others become involved, however, you can find they misinterpret what you say because you didn't go to the distance in making it clear by addressing the other person's viewpoint. It's entirely a question of neglect, arising from applying assumptions you safely make between yourselves to others who don't share your background and information. Therefore you may have to go out of your way to remember to say it all when you address the outside world especially when you have to put it in writing. Your communication skills have to be different for each person you are dealing with, something that is entirely within your reach.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Sun square Moon

FT and MM's Composite Sun seisquiquadrate Composite Moon- Seisquiquadrate interpretation was unavailable. Seisquiquadrate mimics the Square Aspect but is less challenging than the Square.

Composite Sun square Moon- There can be a serious self-confidence problem in this relationship because it is difficult to pin-point your feelings. Because you can't get a handle on it, you never know when you might fail each other, so it will be difficult to lean on each other when it would be normal to do so. Because the Sun and the Moon are involved, it has to do with your fundamental action and reaction functions, which can get tangled up and subvert your intentions It is not that you fundamentally disagree about anything, rather that you approach life from different enough angles to get in each other's way. If you were at opposite ends of the spectrum you could agree to disagree, but you're close enough that you want to be united but far enough apart that you really don''t want to compromise your position either. This can at once be very attractive, yet drive you crazy. It can be attractive because a large element of passion is generated by unresolved tension, which this creates. The problem is however, that it tends to remain unresolved until you get on each other's nerves. In the long run, it will be learned compromise that will be the answer. Learn from your mistakes. Tolerance is what is most required, because it takes time to learn each other's rhythm. If you don't give yourselves the time and space, and if you insist on getting it right every time in order or this to work, it won't.

Composite North Node in the Fourth House

The axis of the Moon's North and South node is associated with the personal responsibilities your relationship must create and also the natural rewards that will come to you as a result of being together. The fourth house of private ties, family, and personal foundations is where you will create responsibilities together, and the lessons you seek to learn in building your lives together will be learned here, as long as you live up to the commitments you make here. The inner circles of your life- your friends and family will depend on you as much as you depend upon them. It is in the area of becoming a bulwark to those around you that the greatest lessons are to be learned. You will have less control and will look to the outside world to take care of you in the realm of your business lives and general professional dealings. Here you may find that both rewards and troubles arrive unasked for and possibly undeserved, so you will need to be ready for the unexpected. Although you may not be able to control initial events here, you can control your reactions, through which disaster can be contained and golden opportunities can be quickly pursued. How well you do on the responsibilities you have undertaken within will directly affect how well you do on the outside, even though there appears to be no connection between the two. Essentially, the better you operate within the more capable you will be of handling and exploiting what comes down from above.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Pluto in Eighth House

The effect of Pluto here is to simply reinforce itself, so it will not be as likely to dominate the rest of your relationship as it would in other places. If this is a sexual relationship, it will be that much more intense and allow you to transform sexuality into a conduit to the spiritual of the first order if you choose to pursue that course. If not, it will remain dormant and not get in the way. In a professional context, this will make the use of financial resources from outside the relationship a matter of some contention, and it would probably be a good idea to be careful before you put your eggs in someone else's basket because disputes over the control of them could easily prevent them from hatching. Where you have close genetic or social connections to the past, they will have a compelling influence on you and you may find that this relationship is the key to your inner past in the most profound manner. You may take care to not get too involved with what you believe to be your personal or cultural past because there can be great sensitivity here, and you can feel threatened by large imaginary issues. What seems to be associated with karma, reincarnation, racial past, and other root issues can be more of a personal power and insecurity trip than you may imagine, and you can cross swords with those who do not deserve the association you may attach to them.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Neptune in Tenth House

It may be safely said that nobody (except yourselves) knows what's really going on here, and everybody's version of who you  are and what you want is somewhat of an illusion. This can be alternatively troublesome and helpful. If you are in a professional situation where you need to create a clear and reliable image of yourselves, you're going to have a difficult time. Your intentions will be misinterpreted and your real achievements misconstrued or ignored. On the other hand, it will give you an innate camouflage and an ability to fool anyone you want to any time you desire just by spinning a reasonably believable yarn. It's a mix you will have to learn to deal with and manipulate with skill, or else you will be entirely awash when it comes to establishing and maintaining a professional presence. You will have to come to grips with another inclination here as well, and that is a propensity to believe that your public position- which is to say what people are saying about you and your social and business situation as a result- is something of a matter of principle and ideals to you, a yardstick by which you will judge your beliefs and their validity. This may not be a realistic approach and you can find yourselves demanding more of your surroundings and their reactions to you than can be reasonably expected. If you look at reputation as an illusion, you will more likely get tangible results than if you chase after a reputation that can continually escape your ability to stabilize. Follow what you think is right and let others sort it out according to their necessities.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Uranus in the Ninth House

This is a very nice position for Uranus, because the ninth house has to do with opening up your consciousness to new and broader ways of thinking and Uranus is the ultimate, though sometimes troublesome, truth-bringer. This, this relationship will tend to help you unfold higher views on the s universe around you, but it will not do so in a regular or manageable way. Rather, you will rocket forward in leaps and bounds moving with rapid acceleration from one plateau to the next, then hang around for a while wondering what's next (sounds like fun). What you will want to avoid, however is carving your opinions in stone- they will be more like millstones around your necks when you find out tomorrow that things are quite the opposite from what you thought they were today. Just as this experience might be compared with having to take sudden, long trips without time to pack your luggage, such physical trips may literally be laid on you now and again, as far-off opportunities suddenly make themselves known. You have to rise to the occasion a a moment's notice. Always keep that spare toothbrush and change of clothes at hand. You never know when you might need them. Nevertheless, that's what keeps life interesting, and for this reason yours should be an interesting life together.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Saturn in Eighth House

This is a somewhat difficult position financially, particularly as credit becomes the dominant
force in economics. You may find it too difficult to come by when you need it or ignore the implications of how you handle it and therefore, not use it to your best advantage. Whether you think you need it or not it will be good to do what is necessary to maintain a reasonable credit rating if only to get along in the system as it stands. This inclination to simplify also extends to structures and processes of reality that have to do with time and the aging process. You can too easily take for granted the things are as they are because they have always been that way, a sort of 'in-the-now' timelessness that can leave you high and dry. This is not so much the result of devotion to living each moment for itself but a worry about what you might find out if you looked to deep or probed too far. Yet these very things which are so elusive are in a way, the bedrock on which you will come to rest in times of difficulty, so it will be well to chase after the unknown and plumb the depth of areas you are inclined to avoid so they do not sneak up on you. Reality is a continuum from which you arose and will return to, and your greatest defense may lie in increasing your knowledge of that fact.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Jupiter in the Ninth House

You are likely to have a wide-ranging and well-traveled relationship where developing broad concepts in life and profession will have a large place. You should be no stranger to philosophy and religion, not necessarily in the orthodox scholarly or churchgoing sense, but in their essence - the questions with which they struggle will be the ones that motivate your life search as well. On the personal level, this will tend to make you grow together as you mutually sort out your deeper goals and purposes in life and share a broad range of interests in the process. It can also become a motivating career factor as well. You will perhaps do best when developing far-reaching projects which involve widening your own horizons and that of others. This can be as physical as being in the travel industry, or as intellectual or spiritual as being in psychological development or counseling of some sort. In fact, you are not likely to want for areas of growth, but need to focus on choosing the best ones and developing them with care. It can sometimes be easy for your reach to exceed your grasp because of your eagerness to learn and grow, so measure yourself to the task before leaping in with both feet. You have a world of development ahead of you, but you also have a universe of time in which to sort it all out.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Mars in the Eighth House

This is likely to be a deep and very intense relationship, where there is a certain element of obsession and compulsion in the way you implement it. As a love affair, it will likely be intensely sexual with a very heavy emphasis on physical satisfaction even to the detriment of emotional understanding. If less intimate in nature, it will still be characterized by a need to chase after the seemingly unknown and inaccessible, which can either lead to disaster or to achievements no one could have dreamed were possible. The key is fascination with the unknown and the determination to make it your own, whatever the price. As long as you have something slightly ahead of you to chase down, you will have plenty of get up and go. When nothing is on the horizon, you are likely to be bored and irritable with each other, so keep a challenge ahead of you at all times. As long as you have something to feel intense about, your fires will be well fueled. On the purely professional level, this is a good position for handling other people's resources, and good credit can be a major factor in empowering you to get where you want to go.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Venus in the Twelfth House

This is a difficult and challenging place for any planet, including benefic Venus. Since this is the house of difficulties and self-undoing, you have a taste for exploring those parts of the relationship and of reality that have the greatest social and emotional danger. The operative word here is 'observation.' If you keep your eyes open, there can be no more fertile ground for satisfaction, baring your inner secrets and making the changes necessary to grow together and in relationship to the outside world. Blink, and you may find your desires driving you over a precipice that can delay, frustrate, or even destroy the relationship. Here your desires entail special responsibilities as well as potential rewards, so you need to become mutually self-aware. That will not make this an easy relationship, but one that is born of open eyes, patience, and commitment in order to realize your desires. At the same time, if you do it well, you can find yourselves designated guides to the hidden and unconscious by those who see you navigating those waters with success. Navigate well, because when you bring others abroad, they will go down if you go down...but when you reach the other shore, you may have a loyal and thankful entourage.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Mercury in First House

With this position your relationship should be very good at communicating with each other and in dealing with others. It should also mean that you will get the first word in and may often lead with your head rather than your heart. Overall this is a good position, because it will allow you to get things across to each other despite potentially confusing language, and to defuse potential problems before they become too serious. You may even serve to put other's problems into words when they have difficulty. Having the first (and often the last) word is good in business in some situations, though it can cause you to overlook valuable things other people have to say because you were too busy expressing your own ideas. In the same vein, it can also make for bantering competition between the two of you that can actually prevent communication of a meaningful nature. So, watch that you don't become too embroiled with words and forget the inner thoughts you had really meant to express. Nevertheless, the relationship will tend to emphasize what is bright, witty, and expressive in each of you. Whatever blind alleys you may occasionally be led down, your ability to get it clear and get it out will be a major benefit for you, the relationship, and those with whom you are involved.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Moon in Sixth House

This is a difficult place for the Moon, and represents what can be an extreme challenge or a great burden , depending on how you approach it. The immediate reaction to emotional situations here will be to answer the question, 'Who is the boss?' That is a bad place to start, and might be well substituted with, 'How can we serve each other?' Since service tends to be such a one-way affair in our current society, it may be difficult to create satisfying equality out of a 'serve and be served' situation. It will require that you both examine the roles you play in respect to each other and be very specific about what is acceptable and what is not for both of you. The emotions of each must have free play from time to time, however you decide upon mutually accepted restrictions, and you may find that because of this it will be well to have another option to give yourselves individual growth separate from the relationship. This is a situation in which what will be asked of each of you may be the very thing you would least like to give up. It is your option to take this on or not. If you do, make plenty of space for it, because it will take up much more time and emotional effort than you may have estimated at the onset.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Sun in First House

This relationship is likely to be a forceful one in which the inner drive of both is brought to the surface. It will require a certain amount of compromise to make sure that one or the other is not dominated or swept away, either by the other partner or by the relationship itself. The relationship will tend to have a fairly high profile, especially in face to face situations. In business, this means the two of you working together can sell anybody anything with the minimum of effort, an inclination you may have to refrain from applying to each other. It will always mean that you tend to put your best foot forward as a unit and will tend to be quite indomitable because of this. If there is any caveat here, it is that you may forget to allow the input of others in your eagerness to make your mark Such an oversight can engender resentment and also cause you to miss valuable contributions from other sources that could help you achieve what you set out to accomplish. In personal life, this position makes the two of you act very much in concert, but also can make the relationship seem more important than  those involved because it provides such an energy boost. Remember where all that came from- the whole may be greater than the sum of its parts, as here, but the parts are the bottom line.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Friday, June 29, 2012

Composite Pluto in Libra

It will be a major motivation in your lives to have things work out the 'right way' and nothing less- not in a physical or material sense, necessarily, but in a sense of achieving overall fairness and balance, equality and sharing. Thus, beauty, presentation, image, justice, and all the things that please in life will have an attraction to you, that all times borders on the compulsive. To get things to work out right is to die for. Agreement as to just what this comprises will make you a dynamic duo working for peace and justice. When you disagree, however, you are liable to cross swords with determination, to the detriment of the rest of the relationship. What if you are faced with the ultimate Plutonian question, 'Would you die for it?' Would you? Seriously? If so, get it over with; if not make a compromise to get on with things. The order you would like to see in the world is imposed by you from within and can be changed from within. So often the defects you see will be ones of your own vision and not necessarily your partner's or the world's, at least as they see it. Inner communication despite differences and perceived shortcomings, is the real bottom line, and neither of you is ultimately as vulnerable because of your imperfections as you might believe. When you open yourself to what you may regard as potential harm, you may find yourself surprised that it brings a change for the better and a greater feeling of self-confidence and safety in the long run.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Neptune in Sagittarius

Together you have a breadth of imagination and hope that can encompass the whole world, and you inherently believe that there is little that you could dream of that would not be available to you. As long as you maintain this attitude, this can indeed be a self-fulfilling prophesy. You are likely to let disappointments go by because you know there is plenty else to go after and you're sure to be successful somewhere. Optimism and tolerance will likely to be very strong components of your joint style, especially where future expectations are concerned. The only drawback here might be a lack of focus and the ability to let something previously desired go by the boards too quickly without the struggle it deserves to make it come true. If you temper your freewheeling imagination with determination and go after one thing at a time before you rush on to the next you will find your expectations will more likely be met and the satisfaction you will get from them as the result of your effort will be proportionately greater. When you feel your hopes begin to cloy and your dreams run out of steam, hearken back to the feeling and enthusiasm you first had for them and fire yourself up once more to the task. When that becomes a habit, efforts bring results more easily, and the finest figments of your imagination become reality.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Uranus in Sagittarius

You will find that you have a broad field of self-discovery ahead of you with a lot of choices to make and a lot of ground to cover. Although you may find each other difficult to take at times, you are likely to be able to respect each other difficult to take at times, you are likely to be able to respect each other's special views and needs, especially because you will have a lot of choices and may not have to deal in depth with any one area to the extent that its worth fighting over it. However, it will also be easy to be tolerant without true understanding, which sort of defeats the purpose of tolerance, at least if that purpose is really to be a close-working unit in which you both know what to expect of each other. While you have the breadth to understand that the world is made up of many individual truths (here you will be a step ahead of many), your challenge lies in choosing the ones you want to get into in depth. This applies equally to dealing with complicated facets of your personalities and to grasping the core truth of the details you find in the world. Where possible, probe a level or two deeper until you hit solid ground, then proceed with confidence. Mistaking surface reality for the real thing will be your greatest hazard, encompassing all the facts of the matter will be your triumph.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Saturn in Scorpio

There is quite an abiding determination and a long memory in this relationship that give it a lot of potential power and stamina and at the same time, can lead to its undoing if you are not free to forgive and forget. It will be very easy to let real or imagined wrongs sink below the surface without resolving them, where they will gnaw at the underbelly of the relationship and undermine its stability and functionality. Part of the reason for this kind of hidden peril is that there is a certain imagined power in holding back injuries for revenge later, when in fact such behavior undermines any real power to achieve a healthy and functioning relationship. Endurance is beneficial only when it is in the interest of love and friendship- in a battle to the last man, no one really wins, particularly in a relationship, which must have two healthy partners.Use your individual generosity and forgiving instincts to prevail upon any negative tendencies the combination of the two of you may bring out, and transform this Saturnine energy into its positive aspects: stamina, unflagging loyalty, and devotion. Use this to face the world rather than focusing inward where you can get lost in your own cross currents, unless you have a safety line that reminds you where to surface.

Composite Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter in it's own sign brings all its native glory and possibly perils to your relationship. You will find that you have access to unhindered growth in a wide variety of areas, and you can develop together at any pace you decide to set. If you don't circumstances will usually dictate you circumstances, and you can find yourselves running behind trying to catch up if you are not careful. You are likely to believe you can handle anything together as long as you are sincere and keep good company. This is true but also remember that anyone's capacity to absorb experiences is limited and the more you try to take in, the less you absorb or learn for later recall. Better to pace yourself and make sure you've really gotten all the benefit out of one stage before you move on to the next. The same goes for entering new fields of endeavor together: master one thing before you move on to the next, because the earlier serves as the foundation for the latter, down the road you can get in over your head if you haven't thoroughly taken care of business in earlier developments. Whatever the outcome, with this position the process will feel good and your general direction will tend to be upward.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Mars in Libra

You share a great talent to insert your energies into a variety of situations and can become an agent of change. You will likely find yourselves eager to improve other's projects, which in many cases you can achieve with success. It may be difficult to resist the urge to shift things around just to see how it will all turn out, so keep in mind that some situations are better left alone. The same applies to your attempts at self-improvement within the relationship, which itself will bee subject to a lot of self-induced change that may be appropriate or turn out to be superfluous and counterproductive. It's a judgement call, but take a second look before you rock the boat. Your ability to recognize the need for and implement change can make others view you as welcome healers or snooping meddlers, so walk with care, but don't hesitate to exercise your talents when they are obviously needed, especially when requested. When you can not only tell when things are right, but can cause them to become so, it is your duty to yourselves and others to follow through with your best effort. The same goes for individual problems which your joint action can go a long way towards bringing to light and providing solutions.

Composite Venus in Aquarius

A broad spectrum of taste will characterize this relationship. You will find a variety of roads to realize your goals and ambitions, as well as the patience to pick and choose the best ones as they manifest themselves. The real skill here is choice. There will always be a number of different ways of getting what you want. It will be up to you to choose the best, though more than one might suffice. Your eclectic vision of satisfaction, however requires that you do not focus on just one set of pleasures or situations in order to make the two of you happy, but rather spread out and provide yourselves with a wide variety from which to pick and choose, depending upon the moment. Noted for your ability to keep satisfactory control over many operations, you can manifest on three levels: physical, sexual, or financial. You want them all and with a little skill and practice, you can have them. The nature of this chase often will be that you spend a lot of time on a variety of pursuits that take a while to manifest but all come home to you at the same time. This can be overwhelming when it finally manifests, so it is a good idea to start things in succession, handling them all at their different stages of development simultaneously, and them enjoying them as they come to fruition one at a time.

Composite Mercury in Aries

Your relationship is characterized by a quickness and agility of mind that
makes you get your thoughts in first and can put you at the head of the line if you
check them for errors before delivery. In fact, you may find that together
you have a much more assertive and incisive gift for gab than either of
you do separately. There is something in the way you hand off remarks to each
other that speeds up and sharpens both of your thought processes. You must take
care with your quick repartee not to inadvertently hit the wrong target,
particularly when you are dealing with one another. A thoughtless word can do
more harm than nothing said at all, so sometimes the impulse to stick your oar in
must be resisted for the good of all. Nevertheless, a quick mind is a treasure that
should be kept sharp by continual use, not just in your own service but in the
service of others whose thoughts you may be able to more quickly articulate. The
only thing that may be somewhat lacking is a sustaining quality, the ability to
follow up on communications and projects that have inspired you, but in which
you may lose interest too quickly. Here, the ability to delegate authority and
relegate tasks to one or the other of you (or a third party) for completion will be
paramount, so that you don't let your best creations slip away from you.

Excerpt from "Composite Charts- The Astrology of Relationships" by John Townley

Composite Moon in Leo

It can be easy to have a good time with this relationship, both with each other and in the company of others. Your initial style, when given the choice, is fun-loving and inclusive and is inclined to be sociable. You shed light and warmth on your surroundings. Thus, you may find yourselves in social demand as other gravitate to you for cheer and a good time. In general, this is a prescription for happiness, though others may impinge on your privacy and communication with each other. If you reserve some special time together to sort out exactly how it is you feel about each other and the given situation and you will be able to maneuver more effectively without needlessly dispersing your energy. The problem here can be that there might be a tendency to be too all-encompassing and take in more emotional space than you can easily process, thus hampering your ability to understand and control what you are experiencing. In short, don't bite off more than you can chew and you won't get indigestion. With that caveat, almost anything you choose to let yourself get into will turn toward the positive and will reflect well on yourselves and those around you. It is a relationship you can both come to for a fresh, positive and more childlike view of your existence.